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  1. Threat merge killed this game from me. Can't even learn from any of my encounters it's just die repeat and become fodder for the golds until i call it quits. Not sure if it was the right decision to merge the district to save one region when newbies or returning players can't even get breathing room to know the mechanics.
  2. Will this give people who don't have the appropriate weapons to chase down car surfing rocket launcher's, volcano , alig e.t.c in objective missions?
  3. you know you can press the interactive menu and navigate to inventory to buy ammo anywhere you are right ?
  4. my teammate got pissed i was "stealing his kills" killed me and the ss speak the tale
  5. idk tbh i thought i could just share this
  6. In my opinion people should just buy premium when the 15+ level contacts are unlocked easier to max out the others if you play consistently
  7. cheating doesn't seem fun at all i don't know why people take joy in cheating
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