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Posts posted by cowhorseman

  1. can we remove the gold silver etc from NA during this. or at least till engine upgrade. i gotta find and swap accounts and dt just to play on NA half the time and it isnt fun might make the game feel a tiny bit more alive then playing on a server of 12 and getting an opp of the same 3 each match. only so long you can play the same guys until your sick of that little shit

    • Like 1

  2. i say screw rushing for a date this year. honestly your trying to take like 7-8 years of work and cram it into one run. don't need this engine upgrade to be a total buggy fuck up or it's gonna be a major waste of money and time and leading to people being pissed on both sides

  3. 4 hours ago, StevenDeckard said:

    @FirstCommander - Very nice work on the Safety Car (funny as Fox also thought about doing one for the CCC races) and the very fitting, totally badass outfit! We sure could have used it yesterday to subdue that extremely annoying griefer during the races.


    @ViolaDeWynter - Thank you kindly for clearing up what the poster above meant, as I am afraid none of us had any clue what he was getting at.


    @cowhorseman - Since ViolaDeWynter was kind enough to explain what was the issue, I can assure you that you will certainly not encounter any of that with the LAPD Squad - it is not that kind of RP we do (as described in the first posting of this thread). That said if any of our members does something inappropriate, please go ahead and file a report with either myself, Officer Foxtail or Officer FirstCommander, so appropriate measures can be taken. Thanks!

    well thank you for that one. once i feel like playing again i'll keep an eye out. if you have read the thigns i have read from ERPers you too would have iamges burned into your mind that no man should ever think of

  4. checked on your pc hard ware? checked your files? are you using adv or standard? any thing running in the back ground that might cause an issue with the game and/or battle eye?


  5. seeing the world rp and apb gives me a twitch in the eye. not because i hate rpers no it's because of the random ERP sessions i would encounter in fallen earth. please don't let me come across you guys doing that

  6. 2 hours ago, 404 said:




    the gun just naturally fires fast, it has a min ttk of less than a second (.84s)



    yea you see that less then 1 ttk? when you do what im talking about you hit the guns max rate of fire which is stupidly high so you do get a laser beam of death that you basically can not avoid. it's even worse with cj3 on it. you might act like i'm stupid but i sure as fuck seen and know what I'm talking about

  7. On 9/17/2020 at 8:24 PM, Thanatosofone said:

    If you wanna hang out with me any time soon, you better come play other games.

    what game you playing? maybe if marry crawls out of her hidey hole i can bring her along. it would be like standing on embry pod

  8. 15 hours ago, 404 said:

    i have serious doubts that you've ever actually used this gun

    i have, and i'll put this here too. due to certain things you can do ingame that isn't counted as cheating you can make the gun fire like a god dam smg. trust me I've done I've seen it and it makes the gun stupid op in cqc or long range. why am i not telling you what it is before you ask. so that way it doesn't become more of an issue then it is 

  9. you remember that stupid "recommend a friend" thingy g1 did then removed because HOLY SHIT what a shocker people exploited.

    can we get those items / guns in the joker store. i would very much like the have the temptress for sale, as well as the famas looking thing ffa? I don't remember not the bull shark added because i know it was removed after tiggs did that thing she did that would be cool plus give us like 2 guns and some other missing stuff. and don't you come to this page bitching "wah wah my rare items wont be rare" I don't wanna fucking hear it

  10. vip missions go like this

    1 your vip is stupid runs the whole match and dies forcing a loss then he spends the time after the match saying how useless his team was

    2 your vip has no idea he is vip

    3 your vip is really good and it's a fun final match

    4 the opp lasers your vip and targets him the whole time and makes the fight a hard one

    or 5the vip doesnt want to do the mission kills himselfs/refuses to play


    rarely fun mostly in low rank matchs 2v2s 3v3s etc. vip needs to be more of a 5v5 

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  11. 9 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Without condemning or condoning your rant, I agree with the sentiment.


    They are fixing it, but they want to just get this engine update rolled out so they can start overhauling other systems in the game first.

    i tent to get angry for reason at all and go off like a fire bomb in a fire works factory. atleast you didn't tell me i was a smart and/or i should kill myself

  12. number 2 is stupid. S1 is made for a understanding of the basic game function. no one pvped in s1 due to g1 changing it so that no factions gave no dt due to an exploit 

    number 4 is just why

    number 9 we have stage 3. ever made one? no it takes pvping hours of faction farming a shit ton of mat farming and hours of hours of crafting. cheaper to go for GT suit after a volatile hex/mesa suit 

    number 11 your asking for trouble too many low levels would accidentally run into or get cuirois and die 

    number 12. it;s like that expect the keeps come open at any time. you gotta take the risk of alerting a faction to that zone. in say 2014 dump pvp attacking one of those keeps you would draw atleast 5 players to the zone that would attack you. as of 2018 that died out 

    number 10 out post isnt really worth the time keep it in so people will travel beyond the wall, and further more lower how awful the difficulty is so single players can do the ends with ease. like scaling to team or players in the event zone


    is your point to make the game harder for new comers? thats what i got off this list

  13. im sure game is dying not because of LOs nature or anything they got access to all the data and they play it them selfs (co ive been told) and try to adjust the play for more people. the issue is what i see every fucking time i log in. you go to silver theirs 20 people. what happens? the same match for 5 matchs in a row its a 2v2 same two opp same people you can not kill because 1 there better then you or 2 there cheating. and this gos on for hours minutes how ever long you play. then you get a new one same shit and it's because of the fact your fighting the same 6 people with the same six guns that it gets stale boring as fuck frustrating. so all that is happening is a dying game is dying because it's the same thing with no new matchs each time. i swear if they add a coll down so you can't face off the same shitty pre-made that can pin point your spawns each time not allowing you to play it would help a tiny bit. BUT AW FUCK WHO AM I KIDDING THERE JUST GONNA NERF MORE GUNS AND ADD PRESET CLOTHES TO ARMAS RIGHT?


    no seriously LO fix this matching with the same people when you can't fucking kill them no matter how hard you try how many times you change your gun shit. it's not fun to play this dull patootie game when it's the same each time i log in. stale = game death. look what happen to fallen earth 1 sector open in my time  and it wasn't worth it, and it didn't draw back people for long

  14. AND YET you didn't touch the stupid fucking cr762. not a dam bit thats lovely. i sure still do enjoy getting killed in 4 shots by people who spam click the shit out of it and being that it works well in cqc and long range it's gonna stay broken woot. oh and can you fix the r2? it's still a worthless rsa/fbw mix with the ammo reserve of "maybe you want to kill two people" becuase it takes 4 shots min and max to kill with 7 in the gun and like 32 ammo or something

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