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Everything posted by Shimmer

  1. How about fix the game, and issues it has before partnering with anyone... why would anyone want that anyway? Thats the same starter car with a paint job any noob could do better at...lmao
  2. GM's should never be "random players". Or they are not REAL GM's. The GM's we used to have would come into district, and insta ban anyone that was hacking, harassing etc. THAT is whats needed, not some random people with debatable "powers". The report system is a joke. I literally just got three response emails from tickets I submitted in September. SEPTEMBER. Its great that you are trying...but if you cant get through the ticket system efficiently what is the point of it? I've been here since the start. I come, I go. Its always my go to game for a fun time. Most of the time playing on bronze it is legitimately fun and very much hack free. I know a hack when I see one, and it makes me angry to no end that we cant summon GM's anymore to take care of these guys WHEN IT COUNTS. 4-5 months later is ridiculous and does absolutely nothing to solve any problems. I applaud you for coming in and trying to breathe some fresh air and save this game I do love from dying, but from what I've witnessed, its only been getting worse and worse which is truly sad. Also, you need to come up with a different name for these "GM's" that are rando players with no powers. It is a misrepresentation of what they truly are, glorified moderators and reporters.
  3. lol Literally nothing has changed since LO took over other than some new employees.
  4. He's not wrong. Sure they're adding fancy new reskins, making some new clothes. Thats nice peanut. But what about addressing the real problem? Another company turning their back on the problem and just skirting it under the rug. Like who honestly thought it would be a good idea to unban everyone and start from scratch? Lmao! Its like someone saying "Lets just let all the mass murderers out of prison and see if they've learned their lesson!"
  5. Get off the forums and go make me some money so I can steal it!
  6. meant four lol might as well be three with how fast it is
  7. If you're looking for a good ranged weapon (you posed a NHVR and Anubus) try the Dog Ear. Its a really good versatile gun and much better than those two guns. Three shot kill, fast, and it does MASSIVE vehicle damage, so its like a ALIG with sniping abilities. I know you said "i dont need any other advice" but those guns are pretty terrible.
  8. It is quite literally a OBIR III reskin that doesnt expire. Thats the only reason I bought it because I hated re purchasing it over and over lol. Its not worth it.
  9. The fact that they were tradeable, and obtainable in game kept them from really being pay 2 win. Now it really WILL be pay 2 win as you wont be able to get them on the auction.
  10. Thats all I was asking for lol! Thank you ma'am! :)
  11. ? Not a dude first off. Second Im aware of what is going on in the company, like i said its my first visit to the forums in a long time. Was curious. And it hasn't been upwards of a month, its been two weeks rofl.
  12. Im really not. I mean I get the new staff from the takeover etc. But it would be nice to have a staff post on here of who everyone is, and what they do, as they kinda just came in and destroyed the forums and brought us new ones with new staff. Really just curious but I found the answer in a Massively OP article. Im not usually a APB forum dweller and only occasionally pop in and came in and saw all the new things. So if it was posted in the old forums before they were destroyed I didn't see it.
  13. Did this happen on twich? Does anyone have a link?
  14. You work for them? I mean how do you know I see no official posting from anyone introducing themselves on here....just talk of some broadcast i dont even see posted.
  15. I dont know if anyone else is a song maker like me but Ive run out of locker space and while trying to sell them, only having a 24 widow makes it almost impossible to re list them quickly. You have to go to the mail, pick up the item - go back to the kiosk - sell it - go back to mail 20 times or so all because your locker is full and there is no relist option I would love for the auction to store the items that have expired, and have a button to press that just relists it instead of having to run to the mailbox etc everytime your listings expire. OR simply allow us to have longer auctions then 24 hours.
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