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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. Even if OP can be a D*** i do agree with him that some players doesnt care when u are LTL'ing. Back when i used to try leveling up most teamates kill them before i get the chance to arrest them.

    Now there are 4 things u can do

    1: change your gun and let it go for now
    2: Continue LTL'ing and maybe let them blame you for losing the mission for them since u were the only one LTL'ing
    3: Force a teamkill so they can kick you
    4: Get teamkilled and rage at them(Prop what OP did)

  2. 1 minute ago, Vnight said:

    ok... at this point i would wonder, did u ppl ever sell products that you customized? I mean the first thing you do is make a copy of an item you customized, so that you can sell the copy, not the original.
    Which wil help you design it once, and not every time you want to resell the same item.

    I used to live in social selling theme's / songs and symbols... i guess thats easy money 🤔

  3. 12 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Allow people to do what they will with their time and money. It is not for us to decide what they do.

    I know... the game is already free... if they have a PC and internet is because someone is paying the bills for them, or they are old enough to pay for their own stuff. And you can't afford atleast 10dollars g1c a month if u want to buy stuffs ingame?

    Also, another reason why they prob ended it is because i've seen other people sell their service helping others who couldnt do surveys to get g1c's for them for a cheaper price on 3rd party sites. So it's kinda good that they cut this out. 
    Take out your credit card and buy g1c's if u want ingame armas items

  4. 42 minutes ago, Abby said:

    Could be a number of reasons. 

    1. Contracts between the parties. Any agreements may have been nullified once LO acquired G1. 
    2. LO has an interesting and successful history in addressing, rectifying and preventing credit card fraud in gaming.
    3. The now-removed payment types may not have been up to par with LO - whether for payment issues or just terrible quality to begin with. 
    4. LO may simply just not wish to operate with those payment options. There may be hidden costs or terms in the background that we don't know about or understand. 
    5. With the new currency conversion ($1-100G1C, I think?) these payment options may not be compatible at this time. 

    Lastly, patience is a virtue. 


    honestly.. i guess steamwallet, paypal or visacard is more than enough

  5. 3 hours ago, Sergsininia said:

    It doesn't run on my PC, and at the time, GPU prices were insane to even consider upgrading... I was gifted a PS4 for Christmas, so I've used it. Makes a great Netflix box.


    And analog controls are superior to keyboard mouse when it comes to racing 🙂


    (I do have the 2015 installment PC version, just runs like doodoo on 1GB VRAM)

    well in that case.... but come on if your console runs the game on 15fps...how bad can it be on your pc? 😕

  6. 3 hours ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    But you can't just look at this one case. You would set a precedence which could vary very much from future cases.

    It's just how bundles work. Having said that it has been requested in the past to add account lifetime for bundles - could be one compromise.

    i remember this.. we were crying to tiggs for this for ages but nope characterbound keeps the cash flowing for them i guess...

  7. 2 minutes ago, Triksterism said:

    What does a special graphics config have to do with hit-reg? Are you mixing FPS and network-related things like lag into the same thing? That's a common misconception.


    I disagree on the hit-reg being worse. Any bad hit-reg days I endure feel like they always have in the past. That's anecdotal and maybe you're having a unique issue though. One thing I suggest if you're having bad hit registration: Aim 'behind' the person you're fighting. If someone is moving and you're shooting at where you see their character, shoot where they were a millisecond ago.

    Sorry to disagree with you here. Hitreg issue is still a thing. Its not as bad as before but its still not that great now still. The obir still shoots 3 bullets per burst on my pc but lets say a shotgun as example. You can go watch your reply a hundred times looking at your shotgun(i usually use csg or tasz20stock) close 2 close combat fully landing my shots while after i die and my friend cleans the kill i see +30 on my screen. Sometimes happen to my carbine as well. i see the hitmarker showing up like 8 times but i get like +20 (midrange examle 50 range)

    TLDR: Hitreg is not that great but it was way worse

    1 minute ago, MartinPL said:

    "Seeing is believing" except when there is a specific purpose why ban statistics are not being shown.

    If you are refering to ffbans. Honestly leave it off. The toxicity there was so high...

  8. 2 hours ago, Ignas / qsn said:

    Are kids actually aware that forum exists?

    Bet there are kids with nudity symbols spraying in financial right now that never visit the forums...

    1 hour ago, MartinPL said:

    There are multiple issues with this topic and a simple poll on a forum does not properly grasp the subject at hand. Allow me to explain:


    1) Age rating varies depending on country.

    Different countries rate media products in a different manner. Very often there are various backgrounds as to why a video game or any other piece of media receives a specific rating in one country and a different rating in the other. Australian government decided to ban Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number altogether, while pretty much all other countries can play the game. (The HM2 ban itself is a rather absurd situation and I'd much rather just mention it and move on.) You can't just assign a universal content rating that applies everywhere. That doesn't work. Never did and never will.


    2) Content classifying organizations don't classify online components.

    Ever noticed that one part of game boxes (if you still remember the plastic cases that game discs came in >:) ) close to the age rating box? In case of ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) ratings, it usually says something like "Online content not classified by ESRB". You know why? It's because you simply cannot foresee what will happen in multiplayer. These are live players in a non-laboratory environment let loose on the game servers, with an open mind and a downright scary imagination. And unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your outlook), APB Reloaded is exclusively a multiplayer game. You may run into trainee clothed newcomers, while a veteran friend of yours might run into missions against female characters in B-movie stripper outfits, and yet another friend of yours may get threats sent to them through whispers for some reason (though I hope it never happens to you). Everyone's experience will be different. You can never tell.


    3) Age restriction enforcement is... wonky.

    Perhaps the greatest issue: how do you even enforce the rating? Sure, some countries restrict the sale of games depending on their rating compared to the age of the client trying to buy them - but that is not the case everywhere. The Wikipedia page for Video game content rating system lists the legal situation in different countries. For example, some countries in Europe use PEGI (Pan European Game Information) ratings as law, while others use it as a suggestion of whom the game is intended for.


    4) It's impossible to control every player on their age.

    There's also the fact that you cannot control every single player's age, since you pretty much can't have an age check system that doesn't infringe on the user's right to privacy. Free-to-play games struggle with that issue more than their paid equivalents. There is a cubic fuckton of underage people (we're talking <18, which is the most common definition of maturity) who will play free games, even if just for the sheer fact that they didn't have to ask their mom/dad for cash to buy "yet another of those video james". Plus, content ratings for F2P games are often skimmed over or ignored altogether (hands up, who can remember Team Fortress 2's ESRB age classification without looking it up?), so there's pretty much no point in assigning one such rating to APB Reloaded.


    So yeah. That's a no from me. I'm not going to vote in the poll because my opinion about assigning APB isn't any of those provided.

    While i do agree with your points, i do wonder how GTA can have almost everything and still be seen and respected as an "adult" game even when u got kids paying it. The only difference is u can get gta v for like 15bucks while APB is free BUT items arnt that cheap on armas.
    I am not comparing APB to GTA, i'm just a bit confused that some games can managed to be played almost everywhere in the world with like PG17+ or w.e. his ratings are while APB has a pg13 forums while its fine to have nudity ingame. It'sconfusing. Also i dont know much about the ratings which is why i sound a bit smart and misinformed lol. I do get your points tho


    55 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Before LO took over you would have been banned for something like this, i mean for real how dare you speak out against any decision G1 makes.

    We really do NOT want to use the pre LO g1 as a guide for how we want to do anything.... ever.



    Also the poll is stupid because it just asks if APB should be pg13. Which is a fucking no. Forums are not apb.

    I think most people got banned because of the Tiggs jokes tbh... There were people with nudity profile pictures and never got banned


    31 minutes ago, Triksterism said:

    Do kids even use forums these days? I'm 32 and everyone seems to just use social media instead of forums these days. (I have fond, dorky memories of being part of many different forums when I was growing up).

    I mean if they ever played APB is because they saw it featured in a game news and decided to try it out....some say they still don't know that the forums exist..

  9. 2 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    It has always been like that due to the forums being a public facing portion of gamersfirst rather than the game in particular.

    hm...well if that's so then i can just say that LO is taking the rules serious?
    Because i am 100% sure for years i have seen nudity over forums time after time before LO took over 🤔

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