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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 2 hours ago, Sergsininia said:

    Back on topic, it might be nice for special occasions, but some people might abuse this to get more than one character per account.

    I think it should only apply to the the people who have been unbanned, and now have a couple accounts.

    true, but ofcourse if you do it via support, support can see if its actually needed and worth it to go through all the trouble to merge your 2 accounts. for example i have over $1000 spend on my current account and $450 on my old account, i got 4maxed char and 8char slot on my old and 6chars on my new with 2 maxed
    I got tons(TONS) of music, theme's and symbols made on my old account(living in social making things) while on the new one not so much since i was triggered losing everything i worked for due to a manual GM ban for no reason(ish). So i'm sure even if its currently posible to merge but i got to pay a fee(small or big) i'd be down to pay so i can have everything in 1 account instead of having to switch between 2 accounts

  2. 13 minutes ago, Sadira said:


    still doesnt answer the question tho :v

    11 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    They are scam artists. I don't believe a thing they say. They can choke on their burger king cards.

    They don't have an once of respect for the players and have absolutely no customer service skills. what makes you believe they are working on it

    i'll believe when i see... lol
    But aye so far they did allot give them time

  3. 23 hours ago, Cuve said:

    Why always when EU on Xboner Uno is actually playable (population-wise ) The servers get fluffy unicorned and then we're back to a dead server after it came back on.... 

    so what you are saying is... xbox one playable when its dead?

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