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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 1 hour ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    The issue is that you bought it in a bundle for far cheaper than a standalone character version would be.

    The upgrade however calculates with that price so you can't just pay the usual difference since that would essentially leave room for exploits.

    Honestly even if you bought the aces rifle from a pack. It should still be an option to upgrade that aces rifle to accountbound. look at the aces rifle as characterbound. It wont be 2000. Maybe 1750? 1400 with the 50% off idk. So if u ask me you didnt buy the characterbound aces rifle for "that cheap" if u do the math... But maybe its just me lol

    • Like 1

  2. 14 minutes ago, Letter said:

    Game freeze and stutter if you re-log on multiple toons (or accounts). I just restart it after each toon. Also connection troubles sometimes look like hardware lag.

    without switching character  i relogged to make sure and it wasnt that. been happening ever since the last patch 😞 

  3. 7 hours ago, Seedy said:

    I rebuilt my PC when APB first came out just for APB (dont tell my wife though I told her it was for photoshop and dreamweaver 😛 )


    My spec is:

    i7 4790 4 ghz processor

    500gig SSD

    16 gig ddr3 ram

    GTX680 4gig


    I have no issues with APB running. At the very start of APB when RTW had it, I did but I replaced my hard drive with a SSD and the stuttering stopped right away.

    i own a 144hz monitor.... so u know my struggle

  4. So for years we've been talking about DDoS this DDoS that but i've been thinking so much lately that i would want to talk about what was on my mind for these days.



    1) Servers are lagging because we are getting DDoS, lets turn on mitigation

    2) i'm getting 30ms more because of mitigation but we are still lagging

    3) Ever since 2014 they were trying to fix this "lag" issue(even tho G1 played ping pong everyday while tiggs put on sales and manual ban other people in game before LO took over)

    4) Server restarts wouldnt help if you have a static IP, why would a restart actually stop a DDoS?

    -- If you have 2 pc's in your house, give 1 of them a static ip, ping that pc via your second pc with -t at the end so it will never stop pinging and restart the machine, see what happens in the CMD/terminal once the pc turns of and on again.


    5) When they restart the APB servers (usually takes like 5minutes?) the game works perfectly fine for an hour ish before the lag starts again(sometimes it takes longer for the lag to start).

    -- So whoever having all dem bots sending traffic to the server to cause a DDoS, should continue DDoS'ing as soon as the servers are back up but thats not the case

    6) The servers are real hardware(are they hosted internally at the office?)


    7) Instead of fixing the "lag" why not get a better server with better network configuration and better DDoS Protection?


    8: I have never heard of csgo, league R6Siege, PUBG, Fortnite, Dota getting DDoS(They do have more money tho) but hell even GTA where it's easy for anyone to hack the server, still doesn't lag or teleport or fps drop.


    9) What if they really do know whats actually causing the lag but doesn't want to tell us because it might be something they can't fix and don't want to lose the playerbase that believes in LO right now?


    10) Why do people put pineapples on pizza?


    11) What if their ISP is f'ing them up but they don't know, or can't change ISP because they are under contract?


    12) What should i eat for lunch later?


    13) What if UE3.5 would give us the posibility to run 144fps(144hz monitors) and actually USE all my pc juice for better performance and be 64bit instead of 32bit, but instead still runs like trash or even worse than what it is now?


    14) What if LO can make a deal with valve to let them host the APB Servers for them? And they get like 20% on what APB earns each month. I aint seeing csgo getting DDoS so i fail to believe we will have network issue then.


    15) Does MattScott ever sleep? He seem to be awake 24/7 working on the game it makes me feel a bit worried

  5. 11 hours ago, Sergsininia said:

    the new need for speed (payback if any of yall don't know) is the Battlefront 2 of racing games. Worst. Racing. Game. Ever.


    The 2015 installment was better than Payback, and that's saying something.

    if any of you wanna 1v1 race me I got that PS4. Otherwise, just really APB.

    Alright lets do.... *reads PS4*  ...


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