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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 1 hour ago, Letter said:

    If you think the trade system will reduce amount of scams - check EVE: it has 3 trade systems yet scams are so common that devs had to acknowledge them as a part of gameplay.

    check steam trading system...if you get scammed by that..then something is wrong with the trader lol

  2. On 7/17/2018 at 8:27 PM, NIKIZ said:
    Car detonator
    Why is this in the game i have no clue nobody asked for it and it was just put in the game okay. It just makes the game-play less enjoyable and it's just a cheap way of killing someone and the way you can activate it again the cool down is a joke. You can also activate it after you died that makes no sense.

    In my opinion this one is just plain broken. It gives the enemies literary Wall-hack for a long period of time and the worst of all you don't know if you are spotted or not. This is very overpowerd if you are having a "corner" fight or someone that runs back in but tries to juke by peaking again but hey you already know he is coming back and just prefire him down. This is very overpowered when playing in a team. It's just a temporary wall hack lets call it that.

    Radar Tower
    To disable a car with radar it takes mostly 2 nades and a mag or 2 depends what gun. Well since everyone that uses radar has a 4 slot super tank Vegas or a Pioneer super tank most of the time. It's just "insert sickness' to deal with.

    This is my thought about these mods they just ruin the game play IMO. 
    car detonator kinda does make it stupid, because u can use it continuously every 5seconds i think...hit the brick and detonate someone infront of u, with high explosive in the car.... The other mods are good the way they are

    other things that ruin the game are the espacio's and pioneers. They got speed and supertanky. And those car can even deny you from dropping up items, or do certain objectives. And while you wasting your time and nades to blow them up the enemy already spawned 50m near and kill you before you do the objective 🤔

  3. Honestly, my opinion about this.
    They unbanned everyone that got fairfighted, some cheated some did not. And i think that if they want to give the ones that DID CHEAT a second chance, i think the other ones that were banned for scamming/PowerAbusive GM's/etc... Kinda also deserves a second chance. Same way the max rank cheater learned their lessons(or didnt and will do it again and get banned again) it can apply for the others aswell.

    if LO gave everyone a chance the support system wouldnt of not been this slow right with all those tickets now.
    I've been waiting for 25days just to ask why certain items from 1 of my characters are missing(accountbound clothing) and still no answer. Patiently waiting because i know they got tons of tickets to handle. But just that they could of done something to prevent this from happening

  4. 15 hours ago, Salvick said:


    There's another vpn for gaming called like 'zapper'-something, can't recall but google it and give it a try if you really need it. It allowed me to play APB when I was in a place with a proxy that was blocking me from login in the game and this vpn bypassed it so I can say it works, not sure now with LO since didn't need it again luckily.

    Well now that we have battlEye i don't want to trigger any ban for a vpn, WTFast is 1 of the most famous vpn's out there that gamers use, and u cant use it on APB so there has to be a reason 🤔 I'll check that zapper thing in a bit tho.... it hasnt done it in more than a month so i'll prob forget when i get home from work xD

  5. I main the ntec but the carbine is my second main. It depends how you feel like playing. If i use my ntec, my fbw will be my carbine.
    The ntec is perfectly balanced. closerange a good oca/pmg user will outplay it VERY quick.
    Midrange a carbine user can outplay an ntec if he is good. 
    Don't forget that sometimes the bullet doesnt register
    Most importantly..its not p2w :)

    tldr: ntec is fine, anyone with great skills on certain weapons/combo can outplay any other

  6. well idk i keep it simple, if someone ask me to trade and he is a lowrank without any armas item on his body, i aint going first. You go first or go find someone else
     other than that i go first if someone maxrank with armas items on them, and i know have been playing this game for a long time then maybe i will go first, but i never ask someone to trade...thats why i never go first lol

  7. i sometimes have that..i go from 90 to 180 but back then i used to use WTFast(some type of vpn) to get a straight connection to the server instead of bouncing all the way before getting there. Sadly now u can't connect to any servers now if u use those software and if that ever happens again, i prob just have to wait a week till its fixed again

  8. On 7/14/2018 at 8:05 PM, Darkzero3802 said:
    On 7/14/2018 at 7:55 PM, INSECURITY said:

    DDoS attacks are punishable by law?

    Instead of spending a lot of money on anti-ddos protections.
    Why they dont spend money to find who is behind those attacks?
    And put them in jail.

    Agreed. There comes a time where you gota go to the next step. Obv preventing the attacks isnt working so the next step must be taken.
    what if it's not exactly DDoS? *plottwist*
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