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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. 35 minutes ago, ScottDaniels said:

    Its simple, unless they update textures and poly count the game will look mostly the same.  You can see some changes due to new features, better use of them, but its not gonna turn teh old art into amazing 4k super realistic craziness.

    Nope, it's super hard and complex basically have to rewrite all the code because we can't copy and paste it. And we lost the old shaders.


    Oh boy, I am having too much fun.


    Edit: Just re-hire burt / jobs at least he was competent.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    It's hard to do anything when you're out of money.

    There is a reason people had to pay for the entire KTTC incident.

    And the event abusing as well.


    1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    orbit has already said that you’re wrong though

    The words tiggs typed to me before she banned me the first time when I questioned the new engine were "we will see puff". Those words are burned into my brain, glowing like fire. So I say the same to you, we will see.


    And we will see if I can survive this third ban.

  3. 30 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    it’s okay i already know i’m loved 


    31 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    let me upvote you already! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

    I would love to be proven wrong, but the devs have had ample time and money to do something, but so far all I can recall is the out of bounds zones, which were a very good addition to the game, and prevented 70% of the exploits. But they stopped doing seasonal events, like easter I heard, which is a huge mistake because the holiday events draw everyone back to the game to get the new / rare content. I'm sorry if I seem rude and obnoxious but I love this game and it's been neglected.

  4. Just now, BXNNXD said:

    i mean orbit has even said that g1 basically has the 3.5 code except for 2 core systems, one of which is the completely custom-made customization code

    The 3.5 engine, I don't have an xbox, but just call my psychic when I say that it's broken and there is no new content.


  5. Just now, Tobii said:

    You're not the forum, are you? The forum made me double post, hence "forum is being a jerk".

    I know you want everything to be about you but calm down there.


    Just now, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Pretty sure he is talking about forum double posting.

    I'm sorry I misread, either case g1 mislead you tobii, that is what I am saying.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    Okay? Going off topic here but okay..

    Guess we're done here.


    1 minute ago, Tobii said:

    Forum is being a jerk.

    I'm not a jerk just because you chose to look stupid.


    1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    you are aware that these games are specifically tailored to accept things like this and to allow them to be made in the first place?


    i don’t know for sure but i’d say that none of these games rely on custom, created-from-scratch programming for their customization - nor is that customization anywhere near as complex as apb’s


    this is a bit like saying the local police force is basically the same as the local neighborhood watch

    I will never believe the old g1 lie, I have worked with enough games to know what I am talking about, it may not be easy, but anyone can do it. G1 had 8 years and 2 magical devs and still came up with nothing. What do you want me to say? Lol.

  7. 19 minutes ago, ninetenduh said:

    That's an Obvious Threat to my life and racist. 

    uhh I simply meant you should be happy not that you aren't white, I apologize.


    Edit: as I said before I think the swastika is only ok if it's part of a roleplay situation. If you are making it just to spam then it's not ok. Yes words and pictures hurt simple minded people, don't torture them.

  8. Just now, ninetenduh said:


    You are so far off the point what was said in this thread that you must have discovered a new planet outside our sun system. If you don't understand or if you are not able to follow the conversation, then don't join in.

    You don't own the thread and your posts are an incoherent mess, if you had two braincells to rub together you would see I was agreeing with you.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Skjaeg said:

    This is the opinion i tend to agree with the most, and to make myself understandable i did a quick google search and got the examples i wanted.


    Stuff like this, that is depending on a person making either a historical uniform, or an original character with some depth and backstory to them, not just to offend and be pricks i think is fine.

    Meanwhile stuff like this following below, that is obviously just meant to troll and be a prick and make people angry, this i disagree with. and as such i think this has to be on a case by case basis, but in the end its up to LO, i just hope they don't choose to favour any certain ideologies.



    It's all about being classy, be a classy racist... just kidding. I think nazi uniforms are ok because they remind us of a tragic part of human history that shouldn't be forgotten.

  10. 13 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:


    Okay ... So lets meet in middle and agree that Swastika on Indian traditional outfit is good and swastika on german uniform is not..















    1 minute ago, ninetenduh said:

    Okay, this Forum is making sick, I have written this 3 times now, I give you the short version now. It is how you present yourself wearing a Wehrmacht or SS uniform, you can wear it because you like the design without being Racist, even with a Swastika. I have seen Artists draw a canvas with naked Children on it, not because they like naked children but because the scenery and so was from an artists standpoint great. These artists would never touch a child in an inappropriate way. It's how you use it. The Swastika has been used before, even the exact same one Hitler decided to use, that man was design wise as original as watching paint dry. I don't see a single reason to ever forbid anything surrounding the Swastika just because it is connected to what it is. It's 2018, the Laws for that are all Antiquated, in need of revision and what not.

    I don't think edgy racism is funny or that politics is needed when it's being beamed into my brain from every electronic device already. I think nazi uniforms are fine, I think the swastika on them is fine. I think spamming swastikas is dumb, you may think it's funny but it isn't. This game has users from every where so you need to be considerate of them as well.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    LO stated the same.

    And the people working on 3.5 under G1 still work on it for LO.

    So there is no difference there.

    You can't just copy and paste it.

    Oh really, who are their coders? What are their names? Modsquad maybe?

  12. 34 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    APB is more than 50% custom code and plugins made just for APB.

    You can't just copy paste stuff over, that won't work.

    They've said that before, even porting to 3.5 is a HUGE task.

    Gamersfirst was incompetent though, so let's help LO fix the game.

  13. 1 minute ago, ninetenduh said:

     No they are not, stop taking just the convenient approach.


    This is a Hindu Temple. Looks mighty fucking the same to me.



    And there are hundreds of picture across the bloody internet that will show you that they look the exact same. Stop taking the picture that are the most convenient for you.

    I am not offended by swastikas since I am old and salty, but I don't see the point as others have said, if you want to make a very good accurate, tasteful ss officer in game, I think that's ok. But spamming swastikas and genitals is just no, and you don't need to be mature to realize that, you know it is.


    Also if you argue for political imagery you are also arguing for stuff like green energy, and gay pride. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it goes both ways. All politics should be pushed out of the gaming industry, haven't we learned yet?

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