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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nijavid said:

    "If everyone can do it then it's not breaking the game"

    That is the most no thing i've ever heard

    And no not everyone can do it only defenders can and it becomes really annoying to do when you can't do anything about it 

    You didn't read what I said properly, read it again.


    Edit: How does it break the game, and why can't attackers do it?



  2. 19 minutes ago, Freewind said:

    If you require visual examples of crouchspamming:





    it seems dumb, especially in apb because there are no headshots, just aim a typewriter at their feet and let the recoil fill them full of more breathing holes.


    Edit: yea this is stupid, and doesn't need to be fixed, I don't think crouching fast while chambering a round is an exploit. The game needs better servers and maintenance. And more armas to get the cash flowing again. Little fixes that nobody asked for are interesting, but shouldn't even be bothered with right now.

  3. 1 minute ago, PGAW67 said:

    This is not an application thread as far I am aware, but you should include all that in the application form once the official GM/community moderators announcement thread is posted. 

    I highly doubt I would be selected since most of the player base hates me, then again perhaps that is a positive. I honestly think you, yourself should definitely be an admin. I always found you pleasant.

  4. I can do it, I have a squeaky clean criminal record, I have seen the previous corruption take place so I am wise to it, and I have prior work experience. Most of my jobs only take 4 hours so I have tons of free time. I don't know why we are making begging threads though.


    But yea if you want some one who is competent and who has integrity and who passes interpol checks, then I'm your guy.

  5. Apb isn't about good graphics, realistic physics, or intriguing gun play. Apb is about pretending to be cool, and making people think you are cool so you can pretend that you actually think you are cool. Then you stand in social and banter on the mic, until everyone gets sleepy, then all the clans go to there separate spots and draw with crayons.


    This journalist clearly has no clue.

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  6. 14 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    aside from a few poor examples (cisco lol garbage) and the slight server verification lag, i find the vehicles in apb to drive pretty normally


    i wouldnt say realistic, given some of the physics, but they have a fairly accurate sense of weight and handling

    The cisco really does handle like a popcan with a rock in it.

    • Like 1

  7. 6 minutes ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    I actually liked that idea. Bringing real-world consequences into the game is enough to scare most would-be hackers/exploiters/abusers.

    Yes but she chose who to pick for garbage duty, just like she chose who to ban and unban. Let's not start this again. I agree with it I suppose, but most people will just pay a kid 5 bucks to do it lol. I would.

  8. 9 hours ago, jarko said:



    Referring to this spoiler i'd like to ask a few question to clarify the confusion of certain persons.

    @MattScott @Lixil


      Reveal hidden contents



    I think that right now the community is very fragmented and certainly with respect to Han, that is a low population world server. We are absolutely looking at trying to help them, if only for the moment. I think Gamersfirst needs to take the bullet on mishandeling where those servers went and slowly killing that population. In the near future, now it’s not going to be the next thirty days, but hopefully in the near future we’re going to give all of the Han players the ability to migrate to Jericho and play with other players. The russian server is a bit of a challenge because there’s some unique things those players have so we have to balance that but I would love to see in the future an open sort of character transfer system, that maybe you can’t use it all the time or it has limits around it. But I would love to see players be able to congregate and have a great experience. It cannot be any fun playing on Han right now, where you’re playing the same 25, 26 people over and over and over.





    1. Where is Jericho actually located now? * It was never clarified as to where it was actually located *


    2. If a person from HAN isn't having the appropriate  latency he should have.. obviously the major response would be " He needs to verify the stability of his internet via his internet service provider. "


    The question is : Can we troubleshoot on our end to verify if the stability of the server is stable for us individually? If not is there a way of verifying this somehow through support & if yes what do we have to share with you to simplify the ticket. 


    3. Could we have more details on our latency that would be relevant to some usual issues that peoples are having? 


    * I remember that /fpsdetails was disabled due to the fact that the devs didn't see any benefit.* Correct me if i'm wrong but i think we also had /latencytest. I can't remember especially what the usage of it was in the beginning but i think that we possess the tools but they are just either disabled or useless for now.


    That's all for now



    You made a great point that only vet's would remember, they modified the /fps to hide certain details, I don't even use it because it lies most of the time. Apparently I get 25 ping in texas, neat, didn't know I was in a sub-space rift.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Kat said:

    Hello conservative "omg everything isoffensive to somebody" snowflakes,

    it is 2018 and it is not that hard to not be racist

    if the question pops into your mind "is this racist?" instead ask yourself "why did I even need to ask that question in the first place?" and then don't use the thing.


    very ez to understand, now move along

    I'm neither right nor left, I just understand history, symbols do not represent something racist just because they are used by racist people. Is the skull and cross bones banned because ss officers use it? Only a fool falls for right-vs-left politics. We are all government property at the end of the day.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    Missing the point once again. Are you trying to go off topic on purpose? Or do you just not care..

    Why do you bring anything password related in to this.


    I know you want to come across as a know-it-all, but there is more to goats shenanigans than just reading memory.


    My English has nothing to do with this, you just refuse to read what people say.

    I bet you understand Rick and Morty really well, don't you?


    What is your point? That he uses dll injection to manipulate the hex codes before the packs are set? I don't care. Bye.

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