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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. 1 minute ago, Tobii said:

    You're the one attacking people with personal insults, so I don't think I need to cool off, just saying.

    And you're once again talking about something no one brought up or asked about.


    I am saying that Goat modifies and spoof packets, why drag the Tiggs incident in to that?

    Tiggs handing over her password has nothing to do with that.


    You're the best person on this forum to somehow miss the point, and then make it about you.. I am not sure how you do it though. Guess you forgot your glasses at Time Warner. /shrug

    Sorry but your english isn't the best, perhaps we should create a sub forum for you. He doesn't decode packets, most hacks work by manipulating a games hex codes or brute forcing the admin password.


    You know that saying about horses and water? Probably best to shoot a horse if it won't drink. Anyways bye-bye.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tobii said:

    Going personal instead of just answering and leaving it at that.


    Goat was doing more than that, but since you said he wasn't I guess he wasn't aware himself what he was actually doing. oh well.

    No I'm just advising you not to hurt yourself by thinking too hard about it. These forums are not very secure and with tiggs running the show he could have used the oldest hacker trick in the book, which is calling her on the phone and pretending to be the repair man. We don't know, but I do know google can't teach you how to be mature. This is my last comment, I hope you cool off by the time we meet again.

  3. Just now, Ketog said:

    Now im genuinely confused , is puffdragon sarcastic or actually serious .


    whatever , him working at tech support at HP probably means i could get a free job there incase i need to


    a VPN routes your internet trough a company's server that are located in another country , so you are able to get an IP adress from that specific country wherever you are in the world.


    depending on how the company works , they can indeed change / encrypt your data , but it's usually another layer of protection so your data can't be used by adware companies , every VPN works differently .



    as for "your way" of making a VPN , there you're just changing your local ip , your public ip adress will be the same and , will show everyone where you live and what provider you  use , or maybe you're doing something else , i would expect anything from you at that point .


    and as for IT people , of course they don't learn that , they learn usually much more advanced stuff , i don't say they are all geniuses , there' of course passionates , and people that are IT only because they want a high grade while they have no real intrest on what they're learning  , i personally learned how a VPN works around the age of 11 and now im 19 , and what im learning now is way beyond something like "how a vpn works" .


    Sincerely , i really hope you were sarcastic .

    I am not being sarcastic when I didn't read that. You don't need a program to login to a private business network or otherwise. Only the login and password, plus the i.p.


    Shuuushhhh it's ok little baby. I am one of the good lizard men.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    I believe BE bans if 3rd party software reads packets/decrypt or the like. Not sure exactly what caused the ban.

    This was a huge issue in PUBG since people could read the packets and make a radar that wasn't possible to detect.


    though I doubt dropping packets would do this, since APB has a tendency to drop quite a few at times.

    Why is this dumb? A packet is like a zip file containing 1's and 0's, lots of them, to decode them and re-assemble them would be highly improbable. Secondly, they could only decode the server packets sent and recieved, not player packets. Now children, I am very busy, I am creating a website from scratch, not some guild portal, clanwars prebuilt garbage, so I can collect even more apb rep, cat girls, trannies, and minions. Excuse me.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    Read what he said, then read what I said.

    Then get back to me.

    He is talking about the new anticheat banning due to lag, I am saying yes, it would because it might think he is speed hacking. You are talking about packet sniffers...

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tobii said:

    I believe BE bans if 3rd party software reads packets/decrypt or the like. Not sure exactly what caused the ban.

    This was a huge issue in PUBG since people could read the packets and make a radar that wasn't possible to detect.


    though I doubt dropping packets would do this, since APB has a tendency to drop quite a few at times.

    Not trying to antagonize you but what does esp have to do with lag switiching and speed hacking? You speedhack by lag switching or with older games over clocking your cpu. Lol. Oh tobii, we are going to be great friends.

  7. 1 minute ago, RunicDeath said:

    I know that, I'm using VPN at the moment. 

    But my question was *ehhmm* from the start is: Can I use VPN when BattEye will come out for APB? 


    I'm not even sure what's up with ya? 

    I was just asking if I can use VPN or not. That's it.

    This is not for raging on each other and showing who got bigger b*lls.


    And Tobii you too, you helped to understand a bit better this VPN stuff, thanks for that.

    Stop raging on each other. 


    Even tho you're telling you both ain't raging. 

    You are right, my advice is to create a vpn connection in your network connections, to use it, just disable or renable it. As for tobii, I don't even know the guy, apparently he streams, never heard of him lol.

  8. 6 minutes ago, RunicDeath said:

    No, I'm just using NordVPN. It's changing IP address to other countries.


    Don't use it, creating your own vpn connection is easy, just go to network settings and do a quick google tutorial. That program is probably spying on you.

  9. Just now, Ketog said:



    i can say you definetly have no clue what you're talking about .

    I love making people look stupid.


    Yes that's how you create a private network, in your network settings. Durrrdy durrr.


    I was a tech for time warner, road runner, hp. Good thread, I hope it takes you less then 5 posts to realize I'm right.

  10. 16 minutes ago, RunicDeath said:

    Hey all, 


    Just wanted to make clear for myself and probably others. 

    After the new patch (with BattEye), can we use VPN programs or not? 

    I just haven't played games with BattEye in it with VPN, so I don't know for 100%.

    Because somewhere in ToU there's a section telling that you can't give your account to other people or something like that. And I don't want to lose my account, 'cause of this... 

    Thanks in advance.


    *NOTE* VPN programs changing your IP address. "For these who don't know what is VPN"

    There is no such thing as a vpn program, there is such a thing as bloatware that edit's your ethernet settings.


    All you need to do to vpn is create a new connection in control panel, punch in vpn ip and password.


    That vpn program is spyware designed for old people.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Tigrix said:

    It's a bit in-accurate because I was using the computer for other things the first 30 minutes while it was rendering, which slows down the process, but roughly i'd say it took on average 1.5 - 2 hours for 12 minutes of video.
    For this i'm running an i7 6700k, gtx1070, 16gb ram with m.2 drives. (i render using available cuda as well)

    Vegas Pro is an excellent program imo, very intuitively easy to use, feel free to PM any questions if you got more :classic_smile:

    It's a very good video and it is cut together quite well, you are very kind for sharing your tools and techniques with us as well. Thank you.

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  12. 1 hour ago, sidezz said:

    I keep bringing this up but never get a straight answer, from what I remember battleye on arma just kicked you for having 'invalid client file' or something like that?

    I'm gonna be real cheesed if I can't use colorblind translation files anymore but I reckon it's for a greater cause


    just to elaborate on that:


    Yes or other things, maybe you only have access to a low res monitor because you are travelling, many reasons to edit the config.

  13. 2 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    DDoS methods are very complex to properly combat there all; epically if it starts costing money. But it's been way better then before when G1 still was in control, the ingame latency doesn't seem to suffer that much lately.

    Anybody can ddos, what matters is the botnet behind it. If the system is a crappy system, it will be easy to ddos, what do I know though.

  14. 4 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    Exactly. Also I wanted to add to better server hardware also allows the district to have higher player counts where it helps with getting more matchs for people.

    I'm sure tobii will disagree with me when I say that the reason the ddos is so bad is BECAUSE of the server hardware.

  15. I am too lazy to draw this meme but I am here to supervise.


    Virgin Silver

    -Plays on max graphics

    -Afraid of cqc and explosions

    -Covers himself in rainbows and bright colors

    -Doesn't make montage videos of himself pwning noobs

    -Forum avatar is cropped from some silly vocaloid / kids cartoon


    Chad Gold

    -Uses advanced launcher, plays on potato graphics

    -Charges head first into battle with flack jacket and kevlar 3

    -Paints himself all white, covers himself with pentagrams, has no eyes

    -Makes montage videos weekly, all the trannies and ladies love him.

    -Forum pic is cropped photo of hentai / adult comic but is safe for work, while at the same time completely unique due to his amazing photoshop skills.


    Edit: also requesting the epicgoat edit.

  16. 215141-69acd80c-1087-11e4-9633-5d2eb5bc9

    This is the flag the pro russian side of used in the ukrainian war, there was no slaves there. The reports of neo-nazis actually were to do with pro e.u. forces backed by the nato alliance.



    This is the russian navel flag, it's also the flag of scotland, as well as various scottish clans.


    Get the picture yet?


    Edit: but what does it mean, it's called the st. andrews cross it's not racist. Back to history class.


    " According to legend, the Christian apostle and martyr Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on an X-shaped cross.[6] Use of the familiar iconography of his martyrdom, showing the apostle bound to an X-shaped cross, first appears in the Kingdom of Scotland in 1180 during the reign of William I. It was again depicted on seals used during the late 13th century, including on one used by the Guardians of Scotland, dated 1286.[6] "

  17. 1 minute ago, Mikarity said:

    It would be so nice, if they'd actually implement Nvidia Freesyle to APB. 

    Yes I am hopeful, apb maybe dated but there is tons of potential, and since it has an arcadey feel graphics don't really need to be top priorty. I am sure we will see a nice trickle of features soon. Just be patient with mattscott, he is kind of noob to the game so he is feeling it out. I think this new company is going in the right direction though.

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