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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. 1 minute ago, Deathshow99 said:

    I'm not talking about the problem you had Shini, im talking about how we behave to new staff. Some people are very rude to them and point all fingers at them without even giving themselves a minut to think about it. It hurts ti be welcomed like that in the first month being here.

    I can only speak for myself but after being banned 4 times for harmless banter and question gms, I am a bit traumatized. So I feel like a whipped dog most of the time.

  2. Just to clarify, I was never banned during the weekend, I got wasted and my computer bugged out and thought I was trying to log into my main account I'm guessing. I am very sorry for any hysteria I may have caused, and it was most likely do to the lag and booze.


    Edit: Oh apparently there was a rogue gm or hacker or something, apparently I'm not an alcoholic moron.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Majiik said:

    I'm not really sure as it has been years since the client integration was done. If someone wants to confirm one way or another, I can amend my instructions.

    I'm guessing if it's linked it will work either way, but if not it won't work with steam. I'm just going from my experience on my reroll.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ChellyBean said:

    It hasnt even been a month since they announced the sale and you guys are already hoping for them to fail and shutdown the game?



    It's just zombiebiscuit being a senile cat lady, old people are allowed to get a little crazy now and then.

  5. 4 minutes ago, AsgerLund said:

    What does the Magna Carta say about in-game tiddies?

    Says here all the animu tiddies were guarded buy this huge dragon that ate irish people or something.


    Edit: That wasn't a typo, sell me animu tiddies.

  6. 1 minute ago, MrChan said:

    To be perfectly honest, probably never. They've inherited a flaming dumpster fire full of screaming wasps. They'd have to do something monumentally stupid to be culpable for making it worse, imo. If it dies, it'll be a case that LO couldn't save it rather than LO killed it. Given the state it's in, I can't really bash them if they can't save it.


    Of course, I had reached the point of apathy and acceptance with G1 and was fully expecting the game to be wound up in the next year. So I'm not mentally invested in the game in the way I used to.

    The fate of the game is controlled by the community, if you put the community in a steel trap the game will die simple as that. Let's try to follow our common laws and constitutions, they have guided us for almost 1000 years if you count the magna carta. Stop ban hammering people like crazy. There is no invisible enemy here, we are just normal people. (most of us). Some members of the community are not too bright so you have to be gentle with them.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hey! said:

    Let's be honest, LO has invested in and inherited a MESS.  Setting up an affordable and workable PLAN has not got to be easy.  My guess is APB won't be profitable for a little while.  But it does have a chance at being a great long-term investment and quite profitable if they invest in it properly and have the resources to fix what horrible mismanagement has created.  There's simply no way any company could buy this game and have it fixed to "walk through big gates" anytime soon.  It's like an Indie crowdfunded alpha right now.  Nothing BUT hope and promise.  It's going to take the investment and staff that LO has working with devs and designers to accomplish anything... and all this while the psychotic poops keep ddosing the servers... as usual.

    They are a company which just acquired a diamond in a turd.  Right now it's a turd. Tomorrow it's a turd.  Next week, month it's a turd.  Get the picture?  But behind the scenes is a company which has a chance to repair the turdiness and polish the diamond. So moderate your expectations to align with reality, imo.

    I think with better hardware we will see a huge difference, the ddos mitigation in place before was likely insufficient. As well the server is likely overloaded. We may even need to unmerge servers. It's amazing that everyone came back when they heard the game was sold. It speaks volumes about the company, it literally scared away it's own customers.


    That coupled with the lack of new armas content, and holiday events made it stale.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    How many months until you all turn on Little Orbit?


    1 Month?


    3 Months?


    6 Months?


    Will it take a whole year maybe?


    When 3.5 comes out and kills the game before 4.0 even has a chance?

    It depends, will I get banned for calling my gay friend gay on the mic or other nonesense? If not then I will probably be fine since I get all the "ladies" and guns anyway.

  9. On 6/3/2018 at 6:13 PM, Salem said:

    Good evening guys,


    Does anyone else have an issue where the launcher always starts by saying Installing DirectX, no matter how many times you've launched the games (and you've already installed DirectX)?


    Takes like 3-4 minutes for this to go through it's process every time I try to launch the game.


    Any ideas?




    Hello brother, you can avoid the delay by running the apbprogram straight from the binaries folder. Just navigate there and create a shortcut and plop it on the taskbar. Cuts load time way down.


    Word filter won't let me say E X E

  10. On 6/4/2018 at 9:17 AM, 3D_fobia said:

    I just returned from my nearly a year without (somewhat) beloved APB. And the only reason for this is this hype around the new 'second chance' for APB.

    And the very first day I arrived I saw dozens of people doing nothing except aimboting, wallhacking and even speadhacking.

    Doing it explicitly and without any shame. Like there is nothing wrong with it and this game we are playing was created to be played that way.

    Some of them even advertized resources on which they took their soft on.

    Is that a new reality of APB right now? Like, what can players do about it if creators do not care that much? (yet?)


    I do have screenshots of this nonsence but I miserably fail to figure out how to attach pictures at this high-tech forum :C

    You have to be patient, the new admins are literally green. Gamersfirst left the house with the water running and they are trying to clean up. If you would be more patient and read, you would realize that the anti-cheat is under heavy maintenance right now. Anyways see you tomorrow.

    • Like 1

  11. I am a very old member of the community, thus I have seen just about every juicy tid bit of drama. I can say without a doubt in my mind there were false bans, I witnessed them myself. I'm not going to talk about reasons why or bans at all, and if I remember correctly, the admin told us not to discuss them as well.


    My honest opinion as a semi sober individual is that the amount of false bans were enough to contaminate the banning system. Tos violators should be in one list, and hackers should be in the other. But somewhere down the line those lists were mixed.


    Anyways ya, probably should stop talking about bans now. Even if they unban everyone, the new system will be even tougher to crack than the last one.

  12. I guess it's a good time to apologize to the community for my intoxication problem. Sorry I'm just very excited to play again ill try to be less dumb in the future, and stop spamming stale may mays.

  13. 8 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    this will have no bearing on whether i unban you or not

    I'll stop drinking and just stick to weed, I'm sorry. My new mouse is still in the mail 😞

  14. 3 hours ago, KyoukiDotExe said:


    This helps, also I rock an i7 2600k @ 4.5 Ghz and it rocks a solid 120fps across the board ( with tweaked APBCompat.ini however. )


    You can change the garbagecollection functionality in here: APB Reloaded\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini on line 88 and 89:






    Up this value to have less stutters each X secs (60 = default, so every 60 seconds it will clear the memory for a bit), but you still need this command as else the game will crash after several minutes of playing. Upping this value will also result in it happening less frequent.

    I've set mine to 120 so every 2 minutes it will start doing a little cleanup, most noticeable when you just joined a district.


    How much it can store up and when it should start cleaning itself.

    For 8GB system memory use 4,

    For 16GB system memory use  8,

    For 32GB system memory use 16,


    And the rest you can pretty much calculate by yourself.

    Hmmm if this works I will buy you some joke boxes.


    So I will keep you guys posted on my progress.


    Step 1. I have deleted the suggested configs and installed new video card drivers, I made sure to do a fresh install.... Will let you know... Also disabled cuda

    ^that didn't fix the problem, also not sure why my rerolls said they were banned but now they aren't.


    Step 2. Trying the garbage collection fonfig tweak.

    Hmm the garbage collection tweak seems promising, it definitely seems better. I set the cache size to 7.5, it was set to 9.9, I then set the cycle rate to 120 like you said. I may indeed owe you some joker boxes. Set configs to read only


    Step 3. Deleted my apb log folder, running apb on default gfx, with fps limit off. Staying around 101 fps with dips to 70, still stutter but it's defintely a lot less.

  15. 1 hour ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:

    It looks like you used the advanced launcher and set a bunch of things low. I would try resetting the ini files. Even if you didn't use it they might of been corrupted. I would also try doing a fresh install of your garphics drivers.


    - Go to APB's install directory. Then go into "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config."

    - Delete APBCompat.ini, APBEngine.ini, and APBMachineOptions.ini. This will reset all of your graphics settings in game.


    I'm playing on a CPU that was END OF LIFE in 2011. Still get 110+ fps on average. I do get the slight stutter every minute due to the garbage collection, but otherwise it runs fine.

    Yes I'll try that, I think the stutter is hard-drive related. I will tinker with it and let you know if I fix it.


    I made this video on the same computer years ago, and I had no stutter and almost constant 60 fps. Now it's just garbage. This is a troll video btw, I know it's shit lol.


    Edit: This was actually captured with a 660 card, so I had an even worse video card at the time. Disabling cuda seemed to help if I remember with the newer geforce cards, you can do that in the geforce menu, I'm not saying that's a fix, but it is a possible one.

  16. Just now, Xnetexe said:

    Programming doesn't progress linearly. You can finish 90% of a program's code in 10% of the time span it takes to make a finished product. You can have the core coding done, but you would still need quality assurance testing, which can lead to further changes being needed in the code.

    Stop trolling, that isn't how you code.




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