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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. Just now, Nite said:
    1 minute ago, Puffdragon said:

    Lol.. I have a couple purple and blue guns, they are better than gold right?


    Ahh ok, yes I think I have a purple shotgun or something kicking around. I would honestly quit this game but I spent waaaay too much on armas, so I feel obligated to hang around.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Painburger said:

    Car Surfer doesn't need a nerf or a new drawback. The fact you're completely exposed is enough of a negative.

    I think most of the above suggested changes are dumb. I think we should build on what we have, and tweak it slowly. I'm not sure why nerfing low yeilds is a good thing, they are already nerfed, that's why we get 3, the blast radius is smaller, but yes they do the same damage. The whole point is that you have to aim with them.

  3. That is nice, I appreciate the thought, but I have bought most of the armas weapons I need, and then some. I don't want to sound ungrateful, and quite honestly I am amazed I'm not dead or banned after what I have been through. But is there any chance we could get some more weapons added to the loyalty rewards?

    And yes my question mark key is busted.

    Edit: found another keyboard in my junk pile.

  4. Just now, AsgerLund said:
    5 minutes ago, Puffdragon said:

    I was going to comment, but lixil is here so I am going to slip back into the shadows.

    Come on... I dare ya!
    Well with all due respect, every country practiced a form of eugenics back then. Even canada well up into the 70's. We also had "work camps" for japanese, my comp sci teacher in school was japanese, and his parents died in the canadian camps, but he was a solid canadian and loved teaching us.

    I think it's better to understand that everyone was "far out" back then. Luckily we have "grown up".

  5. 3 minutes ago, AsgerLund said:

    A forum is all about opinions. And some of the opinions about weapons and mods have been voiced by people who did extensive testing and feedbacking in OTW, so they more than deserve the right to voice their (mostly) informed opinions.

    Not to mention, this is the first major patch including weapon/mod changes for years, so off course it's going to result in a lot of chatter and opinions.

    That's so wonderful, I'm glad they could test their weapons on each other, on the "open test world" or whatever they call IT these days.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Killer Rabbit said:

    Doesn't it TTK go way up, making it worse in close range? I thought this is what everyone was whining about.
    If you're happy with tap firing at 60 meters, what is the problem? That you can't both 0.7 ttk at short range AND snipe at the same time?

    Still not seeing what the big deal is, let them finish with the interface changes, they can always fix the guns at a later date. I'm not going to scream and cry and resort to personal attacks because they broke my favourite gun. I find several people in this thread to be acting immature. I would never cuss out LO, they are worlds apart better than G1. For my sake please, mind your manners.
    • Like 1

  7. Just now, Tobii said:
    2 minutes ago, Killer Rabbit said:
    Here's the thing about that... The vast majority of the playerbase is really bad at this game.
    I'd rather LO listened to the top 1% of players who know and understand the game.
    That's what we all want.. What they did was listen to one guy and ignore the rest. Even the 1%.
    Where is the proof and evidence of that ⌐⌐

  8. 1 minute ago, Kewlin said:

    Not sure what gun you're even referring to, so no? Plus, I don't use any guns that shine really.

    If you haven't tested any of these changes why do you even think you're part of the discussion?
    I am going to test them right now, why don't you two go hug and kiss in the corner, and stop abusing players and admins.

  9. Just now, Tobii said:

    As much as I appreciate what they've done and changed, this test hasn't been long enough. AT ALL.
    So I wouldn't call this "hard work".
    Although I have been absent, I have been watching, their recent updates are far and above anything g1 has attempted. It gives me a lot of hope for the game, as it seems to me they are actually fixing it.

    Why are you so angry, sounds like you got some pressure building up, might I suggest some surgery.
    • Like 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Kewlin said:

    Change is not good, it's not bad, it just is. . . but this change is questionable at best and was made in less than a week of testing.

    I didn't want to come across as less cross, LO did a bad job, they deserve any scorn they get ATM.

    IDGAF what you think of my English usage.
    For someone who doesn't seem to care, you sure seem to care a lot.
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