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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. On 8/20/2018 at 6:23 AM, ItsHooli said:

    FE has a little bit of everything. After you finish your Lifenet quest in your starter town, the possibilities are endless. Crafting, questing/leveling, exploration, pvp, RP, etc. There's roughly 5k sq km of explorable area, and many hidden things off the beaten path.

    If you ever need any help feel free to shoot me a PM/Mail ingame, /help chat is also a wonderful resource, don't be hesitant to ask questions! Best of luck in your adventures!

    Thank you I appreciate that, I'll be busy the next week or two but I'll try to pop on. My name is Puffdragon in-game... Big surprise I know. Add me up if you like.

  2. 1 hour ago, StubbyClaps said:

    It's a bit outdated, but has a really deep leveling and crafting system. Huge world to explore with lots of pve content and potential pvp combat as well.

    Mmmm yes, it reminds me of neocron and other old school mmo's. I'm definitely enjoying it.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Stunny said:

    if you're blue screening it could be all sorts of things
    my first stop would be memtest, blue screens are often memory related
    if memtest runs fine (about 10 passes) then i'd check the voltages, undervolting can also cause. the 3, 5 and 12 rails. there should be a screen in BIOS for you check them, if not then HWmonitor
    blue screens can sometimes be caused by conflicting or faulty drivers. so might be worth uninstalling your chipset and all drivers and doing clean installs of them.


    Do what he said, make sure you have installed any major windows 7 updates. Most of the time when this happens to me, it's a hard-drive or heat issue. You never really know. The error code says soemthing about thread handling, but I don't think that is the problem, and I'm going to take a wild guess and say your ram is fine.

  4. 5 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    You've done well with the friend/ignore list, /who changes, etc. It's time to extend that to themes as well. Add a toggle (ideally in audio options) that disables themes from anyone not on your friend list, in your clan, etc. These abusive themes cause actual physical damage to players who use headphones or earbuds, and are exceptionally grating even for those who use normal speakers. Take action and give us players the tools to deal with it proactively.


    I find your use of the term "earrape" offensive, please use the term "forced ear intercourse" in the future.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Kiida said:
    Can't really compare the console ports to the proper PC EU though, they had to remove a LOT of content to even get it working, including the day/night cycle. And it still runs like patootie. Just shows that APB was never built for consoles, even if RTW might have intended it to be at some point.

    The Asylum render test footage showed better looking graphics and though textures weren't really changed, they did feel more real, less washed out.

    2 and a half years later FeelsBadMan
    yes ofcourse you are correct. It's good to see you again btw.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Lokislav said:

    The migration to 3.5 version of UE should actually improve the performance CPU-wise, probably (but I am doubtful) even GPU-load-wise, however the game will get a graphical upgrade when it comes to shaders and shadows, so there might be more post-processing computations involved. Then, UE4 migration will kill off the 'old PC' players, UE4 is a heck of an engine and dualcore CPUs under 2.5 GHz will have a problem. If devs want to make the game more future-proof, they'll be adding stuff in as well, which ultimately means you're going to have to future-proof your PC if you want to keep playing.

    Perhaps, I think I might throw the 3.5 engine on my xbox just for kicks. The textures don't look THAT more intensive, but then again, what do I know.

  7. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    The time changes. 
    Even this week joker displays were as much as 6 hours different. 
    Also, when I used to buy them a lot, had to set an alarm for the middle of the night to snatch em. 
    This week was anywhere from 11am to 5pm. 

    Odd, I have never noticed the time changing, it's been broken for me for 5 years.

  8. Just now, NotZombieBiscuit said:
    4 minutes ago, Puffdragon said:

    Forums are not letting me directly reply to you for some reason, probably because we have too much fun.

    Sometimes my state of mind isn't the best, so it would be nice if it actually told me how much time was left on the market, instead of just saying >8 for 7 days.

    But you can just look at your current time and the time that it always ends at to determine how long it has.
    Too hard, I don't have time for that.

  9. 5 minutes ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    Consumables should not be consumables, but permament mods instead. It rly never happened to me to be actualy out of any mod. It just annoying with my 1700 mails. Who know what else is laying there somewhere? Guess I will never find out.

    I agree with the permanent part. Consumables are redundant if you get them after every mission. They should have added them to a new contact and increased the max rank.

    Edit: fixed my spelling.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Seraphie said:

    I back game now
    I now download game APB is long is not play but i like play again
    I hoping Rising Phoenix still kicking o(^_^o)

    Welcome back, I came front awhile ago, new company unbanned me. Lord help us.
    • Like 1

  11. 1 minute ago, Mightyena said:

    Or an option to just automatically collect all permanent things in your mailbox.

    Better yet, anything bought from ARMAS should be automatically put in your inventory when you got to a Joker Ammo vendor, and all of the mission rewards should be given the next time you visit a contact instead of clogging up the mailbox like the pages upon pages of 3 day lease items from JMBs


    Just now, SpeedyCat said:

    Yes, ots really painfull... same here 1400+ Mails actually 😕
    It's ok, just going to take a break and punch a wall while crying..
    • Like 1

  12. I am getting quite upset trying to sort the 60 some odd pages of symbols and "mission rewards"... Is there a possibility we can make it so that we are able to select multiple attachments to retrieve. It's a bit painful sitting here for hours trying to sort my 6-7 year old mailbox.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  13. 14 hours ago, Percocet said:
    Payoff imo non monetary gains in terms of pr from succesfully rescuing multiple communities loyal to games that have had virgin hug the fucking wall at parties to avoid saying anything to the community devs when its so rampant atm would be most valuable.
    Uh yes, ok.
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