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Posts posted by Puffdragon

  1. 2 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    well I was there thinking that's where they would be, there was no indication they were going to fc until later. n as far as facing the pros n making things for all players, I could turn around what you said. saying they excluded the mass majority n only went to visit the pros. its not really about that, just bummed I couldn't meet them

    Bronzes and silvers can go anywhere, golds can't.



  2. 6 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    It was only their first time doing this. 

    FC and OC were good ideas since there are no threat restrictions on who can join. 


    Im sure in the future they will also play in bronze districts, if for no other reason than they are pretty bad at APB. 





    lmao, 1 touhou tranny waifu deposited into your account.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Luminesca said:

    If someone gets offended over words said on internet, maybe they should not be using said internet. 


    13 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    IKR? And when people get offended irl, they should just suicide. EZ PZ


    Back to the game though, you dont own it and neither do I.

    You dont like not being able to say certain words? Well tough titties my dood.

    Buy or create your own game, make it a paradise of slurs. You can do it, I believe in you.

    I don't think anybody is offended, infact I think we are all used to it, to the point that it's mundane. Not sure why it needs to be discussed. From a legal standpoint, yes they can ban us for any reason, from a civilizational stand-point they have to uphold our basic human rights, otherwise "this" community will crumble. It's a tough call, I'm going to go with, probably shouldn't of submitted a ticket and not virtue signaling to 4chumbler.


    Pssssst... even my mom goes there.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Salem said:

    Hey @Puffdragon - I am not a hacker at all - never was, never will be.


    However, I am trying to recover my account simply because it said my password has expired.


    Unfortunately, I do not have access to the e-mail I used to create the account. Thus, the problem.


    It's really frustrating, man.



    Oh I was totally banned, in your case your ticket should have been answered by now. Not sure. I hope admins will see this and help you.


    Edit: I was banned for being sassy not hacking.

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