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Everything posted by ticcitobygaming1

  1. imaginr having fomo over a gun thats basically a reskin
  2. i like making outfits with 10-15 clothes at a time and with 6 slots for an outfit each that adds up quick and im not able to buy any more or add onto them at a later date. Same with symbols i have to move symbols around on my accounts in order to have space. What if we increased the clothes and symbol limit to 100 same with the themes and songs in the game.
  3. If we say re add match making theres 2 types of silvers long time vets like me and the fresh meat / the lower silvers. They would still get stomped on by higher level and more skilled silvers who will eventually turn gold then get knocked back down to silver after getting stomped by golds
  4. ticcitobygaming1


    A buff idea for the oblivion give it 25 more hp damage and very slightly lower the speed give it some 3 shot potential its such a cool sniper but never used just for the fact that it takes 4 shots to kill
  5. Tbh im fine with the botters in jericho its a good challenge for me
  6. yo hear me out what if, screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot
  7. yes cause i had to screenshot my screenshot cause i couldnt post it directly to the forums i had to post it to imgur
  8. https://imgur.com/gallery/dqPPNiU funny haha ntec
  9. use the pr2 and you get the good close to mid use i use it at every range and it works good
  10. when you can pull down just as fast on both it doest matter the recoil
  11. thats called recoil not bloom lol They are 2 entirely different parts of gunplay
  12. Aces go Brrrrt Merged. The Difference in bloom
  13. its not really its pretty similar the only difference is the unsilenced one has fixed mods and more hard damage Merged. Just throw cj3 and hs3 on the dmr sd pr2 and you get the same stats only thing different is the hard damage its the same in practice Merged. it do go THUD THUD THUD and STHENO go RATATATTAATATTATAT
  14. the guns fireable again when the bloom is almost back to normal so dont know why yall say the bloom is so bad and yeah i do play ive been playing for years and using the dmr sd and av since i first started
  15. faster fire rate lets you shoot someone quicker givin you a bigger chance of killing them before they get to cover, along with that itll let you gun down their car quicker as well sometimes crippling them where a second too late theydve gotten away with the item or vehicle to stop ect. plus what does range matter when it does higher damage the farther away starting at 80 m capping out at 94 for a 2 shot and continuing past 100m
  16. funny haha dmr av PR2 go DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH DOSH
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