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  1. This video I made 6 years ago Wow, I was silver once.
  2. I've always enjoyed the idea of faction locked gear. It gives the factions a little bit more life and variance. Apb as is though, doesn't have a lot of things that can be locked between factions aside from some cars. Obviously, weapons aren't a good idea because of balancing reasons, but if for some reason the weapons get reworked, or new weapons come out, I'd be okay with seeing some kind of faction specific gear, within reason of course. I just feel like a little bit of variety and flair for each faction could help give them the credance towards their inherent differences. I.E. more neat tacitcal cop stuff for cops and more neat jerry-rigged crim stuff for crims. Or something along those lines.
  3. Would be swell to see a version of this in the future. I've wanted to buy friends stuff, and sometimes even strangers stuff to give myself a false sense of charity because its the only thing keeping me even remotely breathing at this point... *Ahem* Nah, I just wanna buy people things.
  4. Whoa, we can say fuck now? FUCK YEA!
  5. I'm dead, what's your excuse?

  6. I swear by my JD. It's a pretty reliable weapon once you get the feel for it, and it's got style-points to boot. It also sounds pretty vicious too.
  7. Well sure, I was just adding to your statement. we wan servr goode plz
  8. They don't even have to be fantastic servers, just ones that run reliably, have a decent tick-rate, and aren't vulnerable to interference. Apb players don't need much to be impressed at this point.
  9. Glad to see APB still hanging on tight Also, where be my old forum account. Granpda Raptros is still behind the times --- Nevermind, I'm just a dingus
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