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Everything posted by BeastInTheBeauty

  1. I heard it will be down for 4 hours, now I belive its true.
  2. Well, u are not the only one.. Some ppl in Citadel told me that they cant buy or sell on MP too. Same 7 days cd..
  3. + 1 here.. Didnt get 50, 150 and 200 JT from both FC... I hope u will fix this and the game - FC dont work, MarketPlace dont work for some ppl here / cant buy or put items on sale, 7 days cooldown, etc..
  4. Are we gonna get our missing JT from FC, when u fix servers?
  5. "Shut down the game, fix it, and relaunch. Expecting us to play like this is criminal."
  6. It's just weird they didn't say anything about this..
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