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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. Well I think it is more akin to a relationship. Like if you didn't like Chris Pratt in JP, then do you really deserve him in guardians?
  2. No nerf found, what the fuck are you talking about. Shotguns get a mild buff.
  3. If you wont stand with us in our bad times then you don't deserve us in our good times.
  4. So you want an even easier way to take away the counter side of the ramraiding?
  5. Is isn't the definition of is, is is the definition of is... except when it is it.
  6. Because you want free money even easier than it is now. It is already a far far stronger mechanic than anything enforcer have. This isnt your SSD checks brah
  7. So what ever gave you the idea that it is not under martial law? Bonus what do you think the enforcer has to balance out the crims having ramraiding?
  8. Well its a self given handicap. Sorta like playing with a gun that you are bad at. But it also shows, yet again, how bad ltl is compared to lethal.
  9. So is this game free to play? Because you seem to be saying that since it costs you time to play it that it is not free to play. You are playing a criminal that is going to a downtown area and bashing a vehicle into storefronts for hours and hours, so yes not being conscious of the fact that you are a wanted felon is a failure on your part. Keep trying to spin this sh1t O'riley maybe it will be a good episode for you.
  10. It costs a crim nothing, not bullets not nades, just time to get that money. That is the definition of FREE MONEY. If by some luck a crim was stupid enough to get caught and then the enf actually kills them, thus spending money and time, they get the reward for that crims failure. NOT FREE You can take your version of Free Money that only costs you a small fee to Fox news or some sh1t.
  11. BlueArmyGamer and Jennii are both semi gold players. They def should not be in bronze but That is how it is atm. You know that is work and at best results in nothing happening.
  12. Thanks for your input, it shows as you stated that you know nothing about the other side and only want more free money.
  13. I can do so though. So where is the problem? Also are you making this just to b1tch about LO practices or are you wanting help. Because we do not care about b1tching and we can not help you here.
  14. having to prove in some way that you own an account? yeah that is crazy, we should be able to just claim what ever account we want as our own
  15. True Ogre and Yukon get nerfed next week! See you then! @MattScott For real they need to be on the list. But this is a great start.
  16. I really like this gun as well. Wasn't it a reward for a Christmas event as well?
  17. Very much truth here. Shotguns are getting basically a buff for when you fail aim and people are for some reason thinking it is a nerf.
  18. False you got your answer so you should move on. Because you are the only one who doesn't agree with the changes.
  19. There was a time when shotguns really were op, sorta missed that, but lets hope for a middle ground like what this is going to be.
  20. Wait so minecraft doesn't need more gpus?
  21. That shield was never updated. It does not represent when you are actually witnessable. It should stay as it is now really, with the shield fixed of course. When matchmaking is addressed, and things like green and gold servers are gone, ramraiding will be balanced to witnessing somewhat... Ramraiding will always be the stronger of the two.
  22. But then they will buy them and make rage posts about the gun sucking and wanting money back. That's the problem with that rabbit hole.
  23. Skipping all the post except for Cookies i guess cause its right there.... Customized skins would be cool i think. Apply symbols and what not to them same as vehicles. Always want more things, unless they are bad things.
  24. I carefully explained the balance update to you 3 times and you are saying you still do not understand it? Guess I did not accomplish much.
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