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Everything posted by CatInTuxedo

  1. My acc was banned by punkbuster way back in 2011/12/13... Cant really remember. Till this day I have no idea what I was banned for.
  2. Exactly "when they hoped to be done" so what even is the point of posting those roadmaps when anythyng will never be done when they want it to be. And even Matt said that he hoped to release the engine upgrade till the end of last year. Like yeah thats what I am saying I dont expect roadmaps to be 100% accurate, however when they hoped to release something till the end of last year and right now is mid may next year and it still aint in game. What am I supposed to think about them?
  3. I dont like LOs useless roadmap. Because anything was late. Lets take engine upgrade for example. According to roadmap it was supposed to be on OTW in february. It is mid may now and we havent seen any screenshots or any videos. Yeah roadmap doesnt give exact dates/times, however 3,5 months later and still nothing? Or RIOT mode was supposed to come out in END MARCH 1,5 months later it was only on OTW.
  4. Yeah whenevr i login it shows run out of memmory exiting now
  5. "3 more hours". Im probably gona start using this meme instead of "Coming Soon TM"
  6. LUL Just admit that the game is dead and dont waste our time with this "Oh sorry another 3 hours are needed".
  7. It is pointless to set a timer.... Cause it is most likely not gona be done when timer finishes.
  8. We will need really good compensation cuz this is like 3d or 4th time we cant login.
  9. As always... When the servers are back on you have to play as much as you can. Cause servers will be down soon again.
  10. That means RIOT will be postponed again. Like when the game was down for 15 hours so they decided to delay it 1 week. Now the game is down again so it will porbably be delayed to 17th May. Cool.
  11. Maybe the game decided to make a suicide itself. (Just kidding)
  12. So people can stream it on friday?
  13. In account settings on forums there is a signature and it is showing that you can use some images. I tried to put an image URL in there but it keeps showing link (as you can see). How do i make an image appear?
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