Some days ago, I think about buying some new perm gun and few skins, and go again in FC raids every evening, like in old times. But this mad devs from LO roll they frankinstain weapon patch. And now I dont want play in a FC anymore, cose everybody kill each other from shotguns from any distance for half sec, lol and its start to be real boring and annoying.
This game is not GTA, there is no other content except pvp, the balance of weapons is sacred, why they start manipulate it, I do not understand.
Of course, I will not leave the game at once, I do not want to drop a character, the level and the money spent, I'll just hang around the social dist and scratch my balls. Well, the new players who came and looked at this mess all turn around and leave immediately, what the developers think are rolling out such hardcore patches. This why people will be leave. The game has more important problems, or is not ?
Sorry for my super english.)