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Everything posted by Dreadarm

  1. And by the way, this is an Ad hominem fallacy. You cant win your argument or make a point with legitimate information or a stance, let alone a conversation so you personally attack people. Great. We know your mentally 12 now. Cool story bro. Thats 3 fallacies in one argument... how many more can you make? You are accusing me of using Macro's I never said that I did, YOU ASSUMED that because I made an argument for them to exist that I do. So there is No answer to be made here. There is no valid question even being asked you are just trash talking. And how exactly was I "hiding" facts. Are you seriously this challenged over the fact that there are legitimate reasons to allow macro's to exist?
  2. Now we can all see your true colors, you are simply crying and playing the blame game. I don't need to macro. I don't Macro, I was simply making an argument that Macro's exist for a reason and should be left alone. But since you are such a cry baby, go cry more and call more people trash instead of having an adult conversation. It is people like you who earn those titles based on your own actions.
  3. This argument has two Fallacies. 1) Weak analogy 2) Slippery Slope. 1) you are comparing apples to oranges. Macros are not the same thing as game hacks, though they are related to trigger bots. Game hacks/cheats use ridiculously complex programming to achieve their goals of full automation. Macros can be recorded simply by pressing record and saving that key stroke. So technically you are still doing the work... 2) You are claiming slippery Slope. Just because Macro's would be allowed to exist, doesn't mean everyone will immediately go out and buy hacks and cheats. First of all, I have been playing this game for over 7 years breh... and I would destroy you in a match. I have been and always will be a legit gold, and I do not even use weapons that can be macro'd. Now that I'm done fluffing my peacock feathers at you Stop trying to win an argument by pointing at me and saying I'm some piece of trash and look at the actual points being made.
  4. Sorry, I already beat you to this punch line in a previous post. Like I said, where is the line drawn. I am neither arguing for or against Macro's I am just stating that there are reasons to have them. Full Automation and game hacks are a lot different than using a key repeat or a hotkey because you cant move your hand in the proper way a normal person would be capable of doing.
  5. Maybe that is your opinion. But the fact still remains that its a standard feature on gaming hardware and EVERYONE has access to it for FREE. And no one is making a "victim" argument. In order to be a Victim you would have to be the subject to harm. You are just trying to twist this conversation because you don't want to be wrong, or acknowledge that there are people who use Macro's for legit reasons.
  6. It's not a poor argument at all, its totally true that people with disabilities play these games. And its not my fault that the game mechanics are designed around twitch reflexes and not actual strategy and skill. Therefor Macro users can take advantage of this of course. The solution is to make each gun as intended and let those who want to macro macro and those who don't don't. I actually am speaking from personal experience playing with a really good friend of mine who lived his entire life in a wheel chair. We wrote him special macros to allow him to control certain games similar to this in college like AVP and Halo. And he was very good at the game with the use of one hand and extremely limited use of his other hand. There is a Legitimate need for Macro's for people, so the solution is, allow them and get the fuck over it. If you want them use them, if not don't. Simple as that. when using a Macro, you still have to "do the work" Drawing the line would be around advanced programs that utilize "automation" such as trigger bots, and memory cheats that "do the work for you". There is no reason to be so against macro's. EVERY single PC with windows comes with macro software as part of the OS. EVERYONE can purchase gaming hardware with "standard" macro features to enable hotkey, and key repeats.
  7. No bro, this is not an opinion. People have been using macros since games hit the market. You just think you are special and live in a box. Get over it dude. And everything I said is a fact, do even half a second of googling and you will find details on EVERYTHING I said in my post. Quit complaining and get your own shit setup. I am not trying to argue Macro's are legit game tactics, but really, yeah they should be. Think of people who are handicapped and only have use of specific limbs or digits, they utilize macro's to play games like this. Just because you are too lazy or too stupid to figure out how to equal the playing grounds doesn't mean everyone else who needs them or uses them should be chastised simply because your an entitled little snowflake. Of course then this argument opens up another can of worms talking about fair and unfair advantages. And then it becomes where do we draw the line. In addition to this, I just realized your wheelchair comment, and it is extremely uncalled for. Talking shit about people with legit disabilities is BS and you should feel ashamed.
  8. I'm sorry but I've already been banned/un-banned from this game once for smashing Blackbeard in a match. I'd really hate to make the new owner, and GM's hate me so soon... XD
  9. I remember a time when the Threat actually worked like this. and it was great. I would slaughter nubs by the dozens. But in the end you would always get overwhelmed by numbers. And the issue with going back to this would be the new "spawn" system G1 added to the game. People either spawn entirely too close or half way across the map. So either A you will have 12 scrubs spawning constantly 50m from the objective and it will be endless or you will spawn 300m out from the objective and NEVER be able to win. Lol.
  10. Yes I was just thinking exactly the same thing, I would totally fire up a VPN personally and just buy everything for a fraction of the price. And that's just being honest, many people would. And they would be right to do so really. IRL you cant ask your employer to pay you 1:1 USD instead of your national currency so why the heck should you get special pricing? If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Plain and simple, it hurt's, its insulting, but you're not entitled to it just because your economic situation is bad. Same goes for everything else in life really. I can't afford a jumbo jet and a 10k PC, should they sell it to me cheaper just because I have less money than some rich dude? No...
  11. Na you were awesome and I really didn't expect the topic to be fixed. So thanks to you all. The topic name is fine.
  12. This is where my thread started, and I cant tell where it stopped really since it was merged and I don't feel like going through every post and linking them.
  13. I haven't replied since she did... so I haven't asked for more...
  14. Why was my post about Battle eye merged with someone name and shaming and then locked. My post was legitimate research about Battle Eye and Pub cheats, that guy was just crying about being bad at the game... Is this all that you are going to do with Legitimate posts is merge them and lock them randomly without actually reading them? I wont even waste my time helping out in this community if that's the case.
  15. Anyone remember old school lag-switching? This was the chetz of the day 10 years ago.
  16. Thank you for keeping the spirit of this post and blocking the source of the cheat. And thanks for adding to the list.
  17. Also on this note, one of the things people have seemed to have forgotten is that there is terrible sync issues with APB, the server, and your client. What you see is not what the server sees and in turn is not what your OP sees. This leads to a lot of WTF moments in game such as getting run over when you are no where near a car... or dying 15 ft behind a wall after taking cover. also dying after the other guy appears to be a bullet sponge.
  18. Like I said, there will always be people who don't care about getting banned and will hack anyway and re-roll. Those people are not going to pay attention to the detected status of their cheats anyway. Also more likely is that the cheats are being allowed to roll right now as detected to gather statistics for FF and BE. This is common practice. If you go do some research on BE you will find a video where they discuss this as a strategy, there is more information in observation than just outright banning the player right away. They can use BE to gather data on the cheats to help prevent future cheats. Once they are satisfied with the data they initiate a ban wave. Its really that simple. We wont see a huge decrease in blatant cheaters right away. Give it a week.
  19. This is not true, AHK Scripts are only one way to create macro's. There are hundreds of ways and languages to make macros in. There really is no sense in attempting to go for macros anyway. 90% of new game oriented peripherals have macro features built in. Therefor, its no longer an advantage... That would be like saying, I have a better video card, ram and internet than you so I'm cheating because you cant afford the better equipment. If you can't afford it go play console where everything is designed to be even across the board. With that said, I don't care for Macro users either, but its a part of gaming, and has been since day 1 of any shooter game ever made. And honestly, why the hell its not just part of the games by now is beyond me. Accept it and move on.
  20. So I like you wanted to know if Battle Eye was really having an effect on the current Cheater Population. I would say currently yes it is. There are still people who have free accounts and don't care about re-rolling and using a new HWID every time they re-roll. Those people will never be gone from the game whether they get banned every week or everyday. They will just re-roll and do what they do. As far as the more casual pub cheats, I have included snippets below from some of the most widely known cheat sites, without naming them, here are the comments and status's of cheats as of today.
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