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Posts posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. 3 hours ago, JudgeAnderson said:

    I main light machine guns and have done so beyond my entry into the forums.

    No its an anti vehicle gun, it needs a weekness, if it was more competitive against other guns why would you use a shaw. I would love a hard damage buff to shaw but that would be op, as you can mince up cars as it is.


    Anyway OP doesnt even give a reason, just states Buff X and Nerf Y. Thats a statement not an argument.

    More weakness than slow movement, having to not move + crouch to have a "decent" accuracy?

  2. 1 hour ago, MartisLTU said:

    Almost every step i get Mini freezes in any dist. (except social) and alot of time i losing hitreg when im facing opponent with hight fire rate weapon like CJ oca , shaw, medusa or hazardous. Now from my end PC, internet speed, connenction, ping nothing changed since 2017 ,but yeat somehow everything seems worst than it was before 3-4 months.

    Sorry, but its frustrating. So plz. LO do something about it.

    You can notice it way more with slow firerate guns, where every shoot counts, and you end up missing half of them.
    • Like 1

  3. On 9/29/2018 at 6:21 PM, MartinPL said:

    Arguably, if you can manage to pull off successful arrests with how gimped the LTL guns are compared to their lethal counterparts, you probably deserve them (and deserve the subsequent power to massively slow down the Criminal side's momentum). However, I can understand why this could be frustrating to Criminals.

    No strong opinion one way or the other from me.

    Most people just use 1 PIG hit + Perc to stun, while carrying a good primary like Ntec.

  4. Anyone has noticed that, since shotguns reload shell by shell, having a mod that increases or reduces your ammo amount, and also touch your reload speed animation, breaks it a little?

    Extended Magazine 3 on JG: Increases your shells by 2, which means in your reload animation you have now to reload 10 shells, which is already slower than reloading 8, but, it also makes your reload animation slower, taking way longer to reload every shell. In result it takes way too long to reload the shotgun.

    In the other hand we have the opposite:

    Magazine Pull 3 on JG: Decreases your shells by 2, and makes your reload animation really fast, making you reload in literally 1 second.

    Shouldn't they tweak this mods function in Shotguns?
    Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

  5. IMO there shouldn't be Civillians taking walks around and doing normal life in a city that has criminals and enforcers shooting around, blowing up cars, everyone should be moving away from San Paro, or just hiding in their houses. It totally kills the immersion for me to be literally blowing up the entire street and some NPCs are just taking a walk like nothing around.

    6 hours ago, Adawon said:
    6 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Yeah, seems like you just want GTA. Just go play GTA.

    You missed the point so much. I am using GTA as an example that shows AI isn't that demanding or hard to make. In the case of pedestrians suggested actions, that's implemented in GTA San Andreas, it's 2004 technology that even a PS2 can handle, so the point is how demanding it is to add the AI. Also improving AI =\= copying GTA.
    Don't waste your time, players around don't want this game to be upgraded at all, they always come up with "Too much work" or something like that, like working on a game isn't the Devs work.
    • Like 1

  6. Nothing worse than ppl defending a system that works so bad, instead of asking for upgrades.
    I agree with you, I'm tired of cars killing me without even touching me, that my player dies in ragdoll with no external force moving it.

    • Like 2

  7. 12 hours ago, neophobia said:
    got em

    just speaking out of my experience. maybe yours was different.

    (didn't even downvote you lul)
    No problem, IMO the downvote system in this forum just makes this community more toxic.

  8. 18 hours ago, neophobia said:

    the apb discord is a good place to find people to play with - i'm on phone so no link but you can find it after a quick search in the forums.

    No it's not, they just ignore you while trashtalking about nonsense stuff.

  9. On 9/2/2018 at 9:51 PM, nikitos5 said:

    Well, if you need cover against snipers you could use mobile shield (that yellow activatable thing) and in other situations other grenades are just better

    The problem about usables is that you run out of them so fast and you don't get them back in several weeks of playing. The only usables I get a lot are Boomboxes, Adenalynes and Satchel charges.
    9 hours ago, TheMessiah said:

    smoke nades can also bring new char. mods like somethin to see throu smoke

    That'd be cool, but I'd rather make it a weapon with termic vision or something like that.
    *Or even a new weapon mod, like a hunting sigh but that can see through smoke.
    Also we could have Smoke grenades that damage enemies per second in smoke, that way we could have a Green Char. Mod called Gas Mask, that way you could avoid smoke damage or, see through it.
    Could be a good way to break the domination in green mods by Clothing Agent.

  10. Are you tired of getting snipped because there's no cover in 100 m around?
    Do you need something to cover your retreat?
    Do you want to lag your enemies because the game is optimized like a potatoe?
    Then we need Smoke grenades.

    • Like 1

  11. 4 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    19 minutes ago, TheKeanuReeves said:
    IMO that would make Kevlar even less used as is it now.
    It's already a pain to use Flak Jacket to have "Explosive" damaged reduction, and 1 single Conc nade + 1 shoot still takes you down. and carrying 1 less nade sucks.
    Imagine having no grenades, no secondary, only your primary just to have some extra health or damage reduction, totally not worth.
    what about a -50% stored ammo?
    I mean, why would it have to touch anything out of health properties? Clothing agent only makes you reg slower and start regenerating faster.
    Kevlar should give you damage reduction/extra health, and just regenerate slower or start regenerating with more seconds.
    If you make a health mod touch something else, like flak jacket, removing 1 nade, or the actual kevlar, making you slower, ppl just don't use it.

  12. On 8/24/2018 at 7:59 AM, SML said:

    how about changing negative effects of kevlar too instead of slowing character down. I have another idea.

    kevlar 1 - you can’t carry secondary weapons.
    kevlar 2 - you can’t carry secondary weapons + grenades
    kevlar 3 - you can’t carry secondary weapons + grenades + (-1 total primary weapon magazine or 5% slowing down or something else)

    IMO that would make Kevlar even less used as is it now.
    It's already a pain to use Flak Jacket to have "Explosive" damaged reduction, and 1 single Conc nade + 1 shoot still takes you down. and carrying 1 less nade sucks.
    Imagine having no grenades, no secondary, only your primary just to have some extra health or damage reduction, totally not worth.
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