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Posts posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. 11 minutes ago, Skullwar said:

    I love the new glows and everything thing.

    Butt.... 2 things

    Why doesn't the symbol glow, and why doesn't Ursus have one!!!!





    "Legendary" weapons can't have custom skins, which is nonsense Imo.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  2. 13 minutes ago, HardStyler3 said:


    if you would have a brain you would understand it literally after some minutes of playing and watching other people do stuff also when you join the event look at the loading screen there are tips there already 

    No one said I didn't get how to play it after some minutes, but that's not an excuse to be lazy developer.

  3. 0 explanation of what do you have to do with the excuse of "Look at the forums". You shouldn't have to look at the forums to know how to play a game.
    Pedrestrians walking around the infected city like nothing happens, so it just kills all the feeling.

  4. 1 hour ago, Stunny said:

    Why can't I buy the ignore list extender again? With so many toxic people I need to put on ignore I'm at my maximum capacity. It wouldn't be so bad if the ignore list was organized into oldest -> newest ignored so then i could clear out older ones but it doesn't work like that. Please let us buy multiple ignore extenders.

    Remove old ppl from ignore list to add new one, and repeat.
    Is not like the old ones are going to PM you in the instant you unblock them 😄

  5. 5 hours ago, MartisLTU said:

    Like in old days we hade those fast missions at empty dist. without any opponent with low rewards 300$ and 300exp. It would be nice cuz some times no one plays at my contact dist. Even tho its 12:00 day time saturday. Atleast we could lvl up and get roles before opponents shows up.

    Wish they could add AI Opposition when servers are that empty.

    • Like 2

  6. Give Crims an Exclusive grenade "Molotov" since it makes sense that crims would improsive weapons.

    2 hours ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:

    It's not OP, it's just super boring when a player manages to stun you. You just sit there, and wait. If you could move while handcuffed at least you wouldn't be bored.

    That's true, could be a good mechanic to be able to move if the enforcers are not around you for x seconds to control you. That way enforcers could not leave the arrested crims alone.
    Meaning that wouldn't be as OP as it is now, while the can arrest you and leave you, making your respawn 2 or 3 times longer.

  7. 1 hour ago, Ketog said:

    Triggerbotters usually walk around and fire accidental shots at random things , or they accidentally shot at you when they don't want to (when you take them by surprise , and they shoot before even realising you're there )

    I have seen some of those guys that shoot you before they can even realize you're there, it's so damn annoying.
    Or while fighting on a point with 5 doors, the whole team is hunting you no matter which door you coming from, I mean, they're not defending every entrance, only the one you are in.

    • Like 1

  8. 3 hours ago, Kansior said:

    There is one problem, no matter what game I play now in each game is the option to change the sex form, so why can not they enter it here?


    They'll give you the "too much work" excuse for anything you ask, like working on a game isn't the developers job.

  9. 22 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Just like the title says, I've made the decision to revert the IR3 downside changes with the Halloween patch.


    For the record, I still feel like the IR3 changes were better -- in most cases.


    I still feel like the original IR3 implementation ends up with little to no downside. The mod uses set values and not percentages, so players can use that mod to force weapons out of their intended category by extending their range. Changing the mod to be percentage based allowed us to scale the upside/downsides properly.


    However, "most cases" isn't good enough. Since the changes went live, the design team and I have been trying to solve IR3 on pre-modded Legendaries that players paid for. We toyed with a bunch of scenarios, but all of them create more complexity / variations of the same mod and muddy up understanding how the game works.

    Hindsight is 20/20. We should have immediately reverted this months ago when players raised the various issues, and then gone back to the drawing board. Instead, each week it appeared like we had a new solution, so I let the changes stand while we explored each new implementation.


    My apologies to all the players who were affected.

    We'll do better in the future.



    Can we get a rework on Green player mods?
    Make Kevlar reduce damage instead of the 30% extra HP

  10. 1 hour ago, Sadira said:

    The engine upgrade is on console, so....... yeah.


    And they stated in the blog that it was mostly done, just needed some tuning and such. They said that they're hoping to have it done by the end of the year, but things can happen along the way.


    Edit: G1 had also posted a video of their progress of the engine upgrade a while back as well. Forgot about that.


    Hmmm I see, I wonder why they never released it.

  11. Hey guys, I was thinking about one thing. Over the spawn of 5 years G1 promised a new Engine, and now, seeing how much work Little Orbit is putting into the game, I wonder:
    Did G1 really even start working on that engine upgrade? Is LO doing it where they left it or starting from 0?
    Have a nice day and let's hope for this game to raise up!

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