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Everything posted by vsb

  1. orbit has already explained that they’re attempting to make it seamless
  2. ngl it looks like some “ultra realism” mod for arma or something, and they tacked on shitty br mechanics in an attempt to appeal to the masses
  3. i don’t think i’ve experienced this, spawn protection seems to last for 5 seconds or until a player performs an offensive action (shooting, throwing grenade, etc)
  4. afaik this has bug has existed since the character kiosks were coded in, it’s super annoying when you’re in and out of the kiosk checking the affects of ingame shaders
  5. 8 / 10 always enjoyed trance, nice vocals prefer prog tho
  6. obir/fbw combo will always be my go-to pioneer because theres no point driving anything else
  7. i’m fine with the map getting more detailed i think the radar should stay pretty much as is, having it be more detailed would make it a little too easy to see exactly where pings and radar tower tags are
  8. fairfight was very deniable, orbit has already made it very clear that it was running improperly there was an abundance of bans with no documentation - if orbit had no idea who did what and when, on top of an incorrectly running anticheat/ban system, what exactly are they supposed to do? (keep in mind, requiring people to send in unban request support tickets would have been even more of a horrible mess than support currently is right now) seeing as it wasnt a "tiny minority" and little orbit felt justified unbanning thousands of accounts, i think its safe to assume some combination of problems affected a fairly large majority
  9. criticism is criticism, regardless of whether its possible to speed up or not there will be people who arent willing to "wait it out" their opinion is no less valid than yours which is why they still have posting privileges
  10. thanks man ill be here all week signing autographs in all reality the trade lock is for 7 days, afaik its caused by someone logging into your account from an unrecognized pc - which means almost everyone got hit with it when it was introduced because everyone's pc was unrecognized the first time they logged in ive also heard that some windows updates can re-trigger it for another 7 days, dunno if thats resolved yet
  11. the alig is geared specifically towards vehicles, imo if it was too much more accurate it would risk edging out the "hyrbid" LMGs like the nssw and the swarm (although to be fair the swarm is now fairly nice mobile LMG)
  12. what else would they have done? seems rather counterintuitive to have a weapon balancer on staff only to pay him to just sit on his hands plus im willing to bet the few months of weapon balancing - during which there would have been a lot of seeming inactivity if not for weapon balancing - would have been enough for the community to stir itself into a nice little paranoia
  13. nssw/vas sw2 are meant as antipersonnel weapons that are serviceable as antivehicle, they aren’t supposed to do both equally well the guns already have nearly no recoil, an effect that can be enhanced further by adding heavy barrel alternatively you can use them stock (65m) or with improved rifling (77m) as a long range ntec, which is their intended purpose
  14. i’d be fine with less bloom and recoil on alig i guess nssw and reskins def do not need a buff shaw is fine atac is fine ntec losing hard damage is a largely useless change
  15. that’s only one benefit, and one that will possibly go away depending on how orbit listens to the community jericho has maybe 5-7 hours of peak playtime for golds, before and after that districts start to empty out or become too unbalanced towards one faction
  16. as far as i’m aware mitigation “checks” every packet sent to the servers in an attempt to stop the tons of garbage traffic a ddos causes - this obviously takes more time than just letting all the packets through
  17. from what clips ive seen he just seems like a complainer, but he also seemed to genuinely want to play apb which is more than could be said about a lot of other "big" streamers regardless, i just used summit as an example of why promoting the game in its current state would be a laughable waste of money at best
  18. VAS R-2 'Scepter' really just proves my point, theres obviously no balance reasons for the scoped ntec not to have open slots since theres already a reskin of it with open slots
  19. why should it not be changed? its the same nerf it received years ago (its just like g1 to "forget") that took it from overpowered to slightly underpowered i think the range buff is enough to keep it a viable secondary, especially since a sprintfire nerf wouldnt be able to complete negate its cqc ability
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