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Posts posted by Nitronik

  1. 13 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    My issue is this was the only reason I chose the Obir over other weapons. Not the end of the world, but I worry that taking the fun out of fun weapons as opposed to making less fun weapons more fun, is the wrong way to balance. (what even is English?)

    If you're using the gun to abuse what amounts to an exploit I have some bad news for you

    Starting a CQC fight at half health with no real counterplay is the antithesis of fun. This is a perfectly fine way to balance.



  2. 1 hour ago, Uhtdred said:

    today I faced a r12 bronze and a r9 trainee in SILVER DISTRICT (i'm a gold veteran from 2011, always been), the r9 trainee probably played his first match in APB (he didnt even know how to SPRINT). That trainee finished 1/7 (he killed my gold teammate) and inmediately after mission finished, he became SILVER!!


    So he just started the game, after his first match in APB he became silver and now he's going to play against silver/gold and some of them veterans. Don't you think this has to change?



    PD: mission was 2 golds against a trainee and a bronze. Probably they didn't know how to call backup.


    This cannot change. There's simply not enough people to put them up against right now.

  3. 13 hours ago, ZoriaDunne said:

    I love the Alig, with how slow it shoots, must be the only weapon that is worth using with Extended Magazine 3.

    97 rounds of pure pain.

    Pretty sure it's the same sound as the SHAW

    16 hours ago, SacheM said:

    Yes example look joker cr5 sound very bad but dmr av sound incredibly

    @MattScott some weapons sound redesign?

    Unpopular opinion : I dislike the sound of the DMR-AV

    The bass/boom at the start sounds like an overpowered NL-9 (it very much does sound like an overpressurized LTL weapon at a distance) , and the mechanical sounds don't really help it much

  4. 1 hour ago, GhosT said:

    Weapon sounds in APB are weird.

    You can clearly tell multiple sound designers worked on that game.


    Some weapons sound like super low effort, some are fine, and then theres some that sound incredibly awesome.

    RTW had a whole team of SFX engineers on it
    G1 had Farfletched who had both highs and lows
    I don't know what the fuck happened after the edinburgh team was dismantled

  5. On 8/24/2019 at 11:47 AM, Revoluzzer said:

    Rate of fire and burst interval are the same, I wager. I'm not entirely opposed to make it 10 hits to kill at 30 rounds per mag and 120 capacity. But overall TTK wasn't the issue with the gun, so adding another burst to deliver the minimum damage for a kill should come with a shorter downtime between bursts. I wouldn't increase the speed of a burst itself for accuracy reasons and because it's very short already. If the gun feels more like this at the end they did a decent job.


    I'm surprised the TTK was nerfed in Test-B actually. I'd like to see it returned to a 3 burst kill, albeit with less overdamage

    The reduced overall damage greatly affects its effectiveness both close up and at range

  6. 4 hours ago, crusade said:

    As other people have mentioned, I think grenades are fine except for low-yields.


    The ONLY downside to low-yields is the 175 less soft damage and 132.3 less hard damage compared to regular frags. Which is made up for by having 50% more grenades.

    And higher travel speed
    And a flatter travel arc
    And faster cooking speed


  7. 18 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    That's wild. It even sounds better in that game, more weight to it...

    APB's seems to be pitched up just a bit with some extra echo. If you get wounded badly (HVR tag) you'll notice the pitch stats matching better

    Also, unrelated to this specific sound, but the conversion to WWise has actually caused many sounds to change a slight bit  (FBW wasn't as clicky in marksman as it is now, the Tommygun sounds a bit more washed out, etc...)

  8. 4 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    I do as well, it's one of the better reports in the game currently. Not the best though.


    I was just pointing out that from what I've been understanding, it was the origin of the meme as it was the actual literal case.

    Oh - I totally misinterpreted your post lol. They definitely have a bit of a stock library mix in there - for instance the STAR 556's sound is found in other games and media, such as Team 17's Army Men : Major Malfunction


  9. Just now, Solamente said:

    this is a nice reminder that weapon sounds in apb suck, thanks

    The sound in this game is so weird.

    The RTW era guns and some exceptions (N-SSW) are pretty nice, most others are passable, the late G1 sounds are pretty bad (e.g. AMG 556, Curse)

    Some weapons also sound completely different when someone else is shooting them (compared to shooting them yourself) such as the OCA

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