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Everything posted by RoseTheGoat

  1. 1. Zakiro 2. Crim 3. Night in The Woods Gang 4. United States 5. NFAS "True Ogre" 6. Male
  2. I believe that we should have better restrictions when it comes to threats as well as making it much harder to dethreat. bronze can only play on bronze, silver can only play on silver, and gold can only play on gold servers. and add in some more "open conflict" servers. people players are able to go to different threat servers it kinda defeats the point of open conflict. with as many people coming back there should be plenty of people to still play with. in theory it should cut the population to all servers having 10-20 players each instead of like 2 servers have full 80 players. just kinda my two-cents on the situation.
  3. I agree, btw I have also submitted a ticket to Battle eye themselves about the issue. If you haven't then you should. the more of us to report this issue, the faster it will bring attention to battle eye.
  4. hopefully they will whitelist the dll's, if it isn't a problem for other games that use battle-eye, shouldn't be a problem for apb either. I will go ahead a create a ticket too. the more of us who reports the issue, the more LO see's that it is an issue to address. but yeah I have the same exact problem, and I am not about to kill all of my laptop's LEDs lmao.
  5. Hopefully, the devs will actually fix this instead of counting this as a fixed issue. I don't know about anyone else, but messing around and deleting Alienware core system files to play a game is not ideal. I love APB don't get me wrong, but it is not quite worth voiding warranty sorre lol. that fix doesn't even fix all the players being blocked from starting the game, I have the same error that Strog above has shown and the "fixes" above does not work for mine. Surely it isn't hard to implement file exceptions to these commonly blocked files on battle-eye? I doubt anyone is using Alienware Light FXs to cheat in apb lmao.
  6. Summary: Decal customization is suddenly more limited then it used to be Description: Today I have decided to play APB once more, so I decided to make a car themed on one of my favorite games. well after I worked hard on all the decals that I was going to add on the vehicle of my choice, I noticed something off. as I placed the 5th decal, it said that my design was too complex and a couldn't place no more. strange enough, the counter said 6/50 was filled as it should be. is the counter starting to count the amount of shapes used in one decals into the max the car can have? in the past I was able to make much more complex decals than this and have more on my vehicles. P.S. I do have premium on my account still, so that isn't the issue. Steps taken: 1. Making sure game recognizes premium account 2. Restarting game 3. trying different symbols and vehicles to see if the limit is the same (it isn't) Results: The editor likes to say the designs are too complex but is inconsistent with how it judges it (ex. it will allow 5-6 moderately complex on one side of the car like the hood but it doesn't like it if it has decals on multiple sides like the driver and passengers door) Expected Results: It should allow the designs to save, especially on accounts where premium is present and the decal limit should be greatly increased
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