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Everything posted by Sang

  1. I'm in.. even logged out and back again without issue
  2. I've a pretty high threshold for the trashiest of trashtalk, perhaps that is part of the reason why it made me so terribly sad instead of angry, but then i'm still recovering from my first Mothers day without mine, so I was already there. I know how old this dinosaur is (because I'm a fossil) and that it's nothing short of a miracle that it still in existence. All I can feel right now is glad I can still log into the wastelands today because there can never be the promise of tomorrow.
  3. Not sure I could blame Matt if he just pulled the damn plug at this point.
  4. Character screen has been empty for about 5 minutes now.
  5. I'm also willing to any testing if needed, I was there for Alpha and closed/open beta so definitely have the patience for it.
  6. While I am heartbroken about missing the wastelands I am very relieved we are lucky enough to have someone that keeps us in the loop and works so diligently on bringing it back.
  7. Still waiting to see someone show up in character selection ......
  8. The best compensation I can ask for... Don't give up on rescuing Our Fallen Earth. Honestly... it's all I want.
  9. Respects to the APB players in their forums. I am a very long time tester/player of Fallen Earth and a Wastelander down to my bones. For 11 years I have looked for something that has the same.. soul that Fallen Earth has and sadly, it doesn't exist yet. Some things are worth saving. For instance, like the California Condor was just a handful of chicks from extinction. A bird I can well imaging gliding across the Plateau, perhaps near Pass Chris. ((Hint hint)) I believe some were even relocated to the Grand Canyon. I know numbers are not great but take in consideration that not everyone uses steam for FE because it can cause issues for some players (like me). New and old players have increasingly been logging in and I am quite free with my Fallen Earth links. Brought up to date, stabilized and marketed, I think it could do quite well since so many playstyles can be enjoyed there and well .. its the Apocalypse. The wastelands can get lonely because because its vast, gritty and unforgiving and there are so very many ways to die and places to watch a stunning sunset. This makes us a bit inclined to welcome new players and give them a hand now and then. It's a really big world with so many options they are bound to find something that will lure them up a sandy hill on a dunebuggy they built themselves, a controlled territory or team up to battle a giant, mutated tarantula. Or you can walk into a tavern with some friends, play music, drink talk and dance. Thank you Matt and the all the rest of the LO team that recognized something so very special and like us, know it would be a tragedy for this place to not exist anymore. We really are grateful.
  10. You are right .. I am being extremely petty... just angry about yet more downtime... and burned fingers from making lunch. Sorry
  11. *angry redhead rant edit* Glad they took the game down again so there will be no further loss of gameplay concerns for anyone
  12. Logging in via steam has always caused me issues.
  13. Losing game-play time and gains is a non-issue for me. I lost no real money so for me, there isn't anything worth more downtime for. I got my wastelands back and that's all that matters.
  14. What a wonderful thing to read while having my first cuppa. Thank you so much L.O. Im probably the only one hoping I lost levels on my latest character.
  15. Makes sense,....it wouldn't be the first time.
  16. Much appreciated Matt. I don't care about downtime compensation, just want my wastelands back.
  17. Damn the endless abyss I call storage .. this is probably my fault
  18. I had no idea that they were doing something so extensive with our apocalyptic dinosaur. No wonder we are having some major downtime.
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