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Posts posted by JunoSuzuki

  1. @ReaperTheButcher Just a small reminder that Asylum was made for close range weapons such as SMGs and Shotguns but also has aspects where mid-long has a chance. 


    But not for mobile heavy artillery in closed rooms with lots of ammo capacity, mobility and less predictability for both team mates and opponents forcing them to stay back A LOT especially at bottleneck areas. If you would've read my larger posts you wouldn't say that my standpoint is as dull as a smooth rock.


    Otherwise i could just go with "blah blah blah this is what a total OPGL fanboy would say your argument is invalid."


    Think about it. 

  2. Then we lose the sweet variety of missions that Asylum has. You have missions where people are spread all across the map and item hold missions that make people concentrate around a certain area. The problems are not the missions. The problem is that we have a weapon that has a large damage range, can deal a huge amount of damage, can be fired around corners, etc. OPGL in it's design doesnt fit into asylum. Why would you use heavy artillery in a closed building while you and your team mates are in it?


    And as i said. Every other explosive weapon is okay in my opinion and i explained why. I left out the EOL grenade launchers but they are also fine.

    Rocket launchers are very limited, EOLs arent such stomping tools of doom like OPGL but can be used in a similiar manner to force people out of certain corners.

  3. @SkrotN you dork i was about to post that 😢 Was planning that for so long god dammit!


    To be honest my only grudge here goes towards OPGL in asylum. OSMAW and Volcano can be annoying but they are very limited. You are very stationary, slow and dont have much options to protect yourself in close range which... asylum is basicaly about. I had lots of fights against Rocketmen and if you directly go to their places you'll be able to easily kill them. They have to relocate themselfs again which takes time and not every corner is effective.


    OPGL on the other hand is a different thing. It is basicaly very mobile heavy artillery than can be used in every corner. You can make it's nades bounce of walls and fire around corners effectively trapping your opponents and making it very hard to predict or escape due to its explosion range. And no matter if enemy or team mate it forces your entire team to play different if you have such guys around. When i try to ambush people and jump from one level of the building down to another one to suprise them but a OPGL player already fired his nade all controll left which is also a different point.


    Compared to OSMAW/Volcano, OPGL has nothing that indicates anything. You hear a Rocketlauncher and have time to prepare yourself, no matter if its coming from enemy or team mate. You can either try to run them out or prepare yourself so your teammate won't hit you.

    OPGL on the other hand just has that "FUMP!" noise an thats it. The nades fly rather quickly, they are small and not so easy to predict. 


    Comparing them directly



    + They are very heavy and stationary explosives

    + They don't have that much ammo capacity

    + You have to relocate yourself everytime you get killed

    + There is controll of loud noises and limited slow flying

    projectiles (1~2 shots per mag)


    - They can also backfire due to Asylums nature of people

    mostly running around constantly moving




    + Effective in rushing closed areas ... which are everywhere in Asylum containing emenies and Teammates


    - No indicator of when you fire it

    - Once you fire it the controll is completely off and hard to predict for others

    - For it's very hard hitting (Or onehitting) potential it is very mobile

    and you can easily relocate yourself, firing from somewhere else

    - There is constant pressure on both enemy and teammates in a very close range area


    Yes that might seem a little bit obvious that i am against OPGL and list more - than + but there is almost no positive aspect that explains why OPGL should stay in Asylum. I was thinking about a way to nerf the weapon like turning it into it's christmas brother the HoHoHo PGL giving it a windup time and when you hold it down you fire all 4 shots after each other. That means if you interrupt firing your weapon you have to windup again for each shot but i rather avoid "Nerfs".

    It only annoys me and a lot of other players in Asylum except of those who are hovering through this map like literal gods and be able to dodge that somehow.

    I could add some screenshots of lots of people complaining in the chat but i think thats not neccessary.

    • Like 2

  4. I THINK this SHOULD'VE never been MENTIONED anywhere. I slightly DISAGREE with people going full HAM on Little ORBIT for not taking care of such unimportant DETAIL but i agree with REMOVING them if it causes unnecessary OUTRAGES. No one WOULD say anything about the NIXON mask being removed and since the CURRENT president is such a deviding PERSON that might be the BEST idea to leave real life PERSONALITIES out of this game completely and go with FICTIONAL stuff.

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  5. 51 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Yet another thread blaming problems that aren't the real reason. Yes APB has problems that affect population, but that was more of a factor in the earlier years. These later years the population drop is almost purely because the game is just so old now,

    I dont think that's a reason. There are lots of old games still being played like Guild Wars 2 that i still play myself sometimes and i see they have a solid Community. Mitne isn't wrong with this assumption. APB is pure PvP and i know lots of people being fed up getting matched against people that are by far better than them. I also tried to help out new players a lot but most of them don't last long. 


    And why not opening threads about this games problems and make LO aware of it? At least this is not another "THE END OF APB IS NEAR" thread.

    • Like 1

  6. There's lots of things i'd like to see and kind of trying to create ingame like this crop top 



    Or those free hanging trouser straps



    What i'd like to see are texture adjustments for clothes as well. Also for already existing clothes, like matte or glossy/shiny surfaces. I have some armor pieces look glossy but i'd like to have them with a matte surface where certain symbols just look better.

    • Like 1

  7. I don't know. When i report people they disappear depending on what they did. Went from people telling others to end their lifes, to hackerman and people selling ingame money/items for real $$$, or people running around in outfits with nazi symbolism. So they definitely do enforce their rules you just have to report people with solid evidence. Just saying "This guy did this and that please get him the bän my bröther" won't do anything.


    But ay, that's just my experience. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  8. On 8/7/2020 at 5:34 AM, Selali said:

    Hey all, 


    There is a lot to unpack in this thread but I wanted to directly address the issue with death themes. This is one of those things that is hard to police from our side so in the interest of trying to help combat this type of griefing we are going to be looking into adding an option in the game to just globally mute them all. Hopefully this will help out with that specific issue.




    @SelaliDeath themes are a part of this game and people actually enjoy them and want their themes to be heard. Wouldn't it be better to add something that lowers their volume so they can still be heard? Something like a quiet-mode for themes would be much better than just globaly mute all themes, make them less valuable and punish a lot of people because some dorks decide its funny to earrape people and actually hurt some.

  9. I know that people dethreated to play with friends who are low ranked or not good enough for silver district. I used to do that 4~5 years ago because i had lots of friends there. We also dethreated in a own group of friends. It's not as bad as people going into solo missions and play bad ruining the fun for people who seriously play but today i think it is a dumb thing anyway. As a high rank/max rank you don't belong on a district with beginners. Also, you're just as good as the people you play against and of course if you stay on bronze district 23/7 on purpose you'll be on the same skill level as others playing there. So if you wanna get gud, get together with gud people and get your cheeks clopped til you figure out and stand your ground there.


    LO knows about that match making problem but what about a ranked locked district system? T~100 is bronze, 101~194 is silver and 195~255 Gold district.

    Not sure how that would affect the player population on each of those districts but i've seen that in another game and it worked pretty well.

  10. Today when AncientMew was in social it turned out to be an issue when someone started to spam around to sell his 600k EOL. Mew and other people told him to use /yell and he went silent after a while but he wasn't really aware of bothering people even when a GM was around. This is what i mean when i say it's not an issue that can just be ignored if everyone looks away. There was also someone asking for a slow mode of 10 seconds for a while. Not sure if that could be a thing in future when a GM is around answering questions... not for 10 seconds. That might be a little bit too long.

  11. 1 minute ago, AlishaAzure said:

    /ignore or disable the yell function from the char, or chat put it inside a 2nd channel.

    I do agree with you through and i wish we can have a better Chat Spamfilter, but you know.. this game need so many changes, we need to wait, is impossible to pretend LO to do somethign about 3500 different things.

    I am actually talking about the /d channel. My Chat is seperated into /district /help /yell /group and /clan so it is well balanced. And for the /ignore issue, there are a lot of people with full ignore lists and the more people just get ignored the more people you have who would do the same -> more people double/triple posting that have to be ignored -> You not being able to /ignore them all. And if that ends in ignoring hundrets of players i don't think it should stay like that.


    I also know that engine update > all and i know how important that is right now but i also want to know if a better regulation of the chat could be considered afterwards.

  12. As title says. I opened a suggestion about that one year ago and nothing changed. -> 





    If they get told to stop they act rude or don't even understand you and keep doing this. They also don't give a damn if theres a conversation going on or a GM is around like i've seen recently. They're posting even more to get noticed since there's traffic in the chat. Others get encouraged by this behavior to do the same and we get more people doing this. I am not the only one bothered by this, maybe the most triggered if i see it when i'm online and i know a lot more with full block lists complaining about them.

    Suggestions went from giving them a trade channel, banning WTS/WTT/WTB/or any other word that implies trade from /d so they move to /yell where trade should belong to or/and putting a time limit of posting. 


    I'd like to know what people think today and if there would be a good solution for this or if this is a case for after-engine-update time.

    For me /d is a chat section that should be for social interaction, conversations or helping people and not to get spammed by traders 24/7 with double/triple posts every 20-30 seconds. Today i still believe just /ignore isn't a solution. You just let the marketplace screamer scream in public and just put in your ear plugs yet he's still screaming and others might join him because it seems to be effective. Some might join him because they really wanna sell their stuff and doesn't deserve to get blocked by everyone. There's also a limit on the blocklist and i'd keep those places for people who really want to annoy and make me angry. These people just need a place where they can do this without bothering others and a little limitation like slow mode or something similiar. If i want to buy something i take a look at the seperated tab i created for trades. That is /yell atm and people use it but a lot of them come over to /district and do it there as well. So what about a /trade?


    That's what i had to say about it, what do you guys think?

    • Like 1

  13. 17 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi there,


    I can't speak to your specific issue, but we are well past December 15th.

    The team is running ~18-21 days right now.


    You may want to log back into the Support portal and check the status.

    Often players miss our response, and after a couple unanswered replies, we close the ticket.


    If you find no response came from Support, then PM your ticket # and I'll take a look.



    Will there be any change to make it go faster? I have the feeling that every person i report has enough time to prepare for a ban til that account gets banned. I know that's easy to say but i'm just worried 

  14. Does someone else has the same problem? Since the last server downtime i have a ping of around 90ms and packet loss. Before that, when Citadel was back on EU servers again it was at 30 ~ 60ms. Now my ping can bounce up to 150+ ms sometimes. 

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