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  1. Hi, im trying for the past days to log into EU and it won't connect to login servers? Are they still down or smth? Cant find any updated info on the forums Thank you
  2. are the login servers down again? i cannot log in..
  3. a very very situational gun.. there are a very few scenarios when this gun is decent, in rest, its just bad.. jg and even csg are far better
  4. Sorry, but are the login servers still down? I cannot login in EU
  5. original post says servers will be back on friday.. - which friday though?
  6. worth using over fbw? bruh how many pro players have u seen using fbw over .45 i think .45 is clearly the go to choice and is clearly op, this should've even be a debate imo.
  7. honestly since the latest update with new content (which on it own was a great one), there are so many hardcore players now, that im finding it hard to believe they are all legit... In fact a few of them are certainly not, and sadly these are R245 and higher so i dunno.. the 2nd chance is good when u have faith in those who get it or at least u have a good system in place to detect the wrong doings.. but in our case i think we have none.. Anyway dunno whats the experience of others during these days, but me honestly dont enjoy playing it as much.. some of these players are ruining the game experience, and im not talking about players who get kills collectively due good teamplay, im talking about people who are soloing yet constantly getting x3 x4 times more kills than any other from that match) I understand that not much (if anything) can be done about it, and my post will not change anything.. but still i felt i had to leave this comment.
  8. Hi. Are you guys able to connect to the district servers? Im trying for the 4th time to join social or waterfront and the game gets stuck at the "connecting to district" load screen.. and its loading forever.. Is it only me with this issue? Thank you
  9. 3 pages to discuss a nonsense. The GM told u to remove it, u remove it and move on.
  10. im on windows and game is running fine on my end, but i just had to like OP msg for its effort and contribution (my contribution to this thread is useless, but i still had to write this msg :D)
  11. Hi LO, Seems smth is wrong when launching the game. After i log-in, the characters won't load up. (i see the list of names, but they all shows 0hours played) Could you please look into it. Thank you
  12. Hi guys, i see no post about it, but looks like login server is down? Is there some thread about it, or this is just on my end? Thanks
  13. i will actually take another opportunity to thanks LO for keeping the game alive. Bad or good, but we can still play it. Thanks LO!
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