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Everything posted by Spudinskes

  1. @Vnight You're right. A person's skill can only do so much. When it comes to games some people are just born with worse reflexes. No matter how much tactics the person may have it's no use in a shooter game where you need the reflexes to deploy those tactics. It's the same thing in real life, a 4 foot 5 inch feather weight boxer will more than likely be outclassed by a 6 foot 5 heavy weight. It's surprising there are people that don't understand this. They watch too many feel-good movies and animes and think anything is possible.
  2. This is what happens when top players are forced to go to silver districts to get any opp. You get average Joe's fighting against gods.
  3. Each character has their own settings folder I believe. I'm not sure how the advanced launcher sets settings though.
  4. According to the APB DB V2 the volcano shoots two 1200 damage rockets in quick succession. That seems extremely more powerful than the regular osmaw, and could actually be very effective in this mission. Unfortunately it's millions of dollars to get, argh. Ear wig is a suggestion that was said earlier and I think that's the second to double volcano, but that requires you to play fight club every week to obtain it through joker store. This is assuming there aren't other weapons from the store that you'd want. As for the trailing strat I think if its just one vehicle trailing and the other setting up ahead Im sure the enemy could turn around and destroy the trailing vehicle easily, especially if they have double ear wig. I wish I could get more satchel charges but even after about a hundred hours on my new character ive only gotten 9 satchel charges. So relying on having a satchel is pretty tough when there are many other situations where you'd want to use it. If consumables were changed to be permanent and become abilities with cooldowns that would be good. Overall good ideas, I just wish it was easier to obtain the items needed to execute them.
  5. Asking the wrong guy. Out of curiousity, did you read the post? Or assume that I was in distress and complaining that I won so many of these missions?
  6. Problem is that a smart team will know to mix up their travel path when they notice no one is chasing them. When I notice no one is chasing behind then the enemy team is probably setting up somewhere ahead. We'll then just turn around.
  7. The topic was for what to do when the enemy does it. Do you think i should ask them nicely?
  8. I'm not sure, i haven't run into this situation yet. I've only been the one giving.
  9. Nope, I am asking others what kind of strategies would be effective in defeating these types of scenarios in case I ever run into it on the receiving end.
  10. With how big the other changes are, I'm just thinking the mission balance won't come around for a very long time.
  11. Yea, unfortunately they don't always play consistently week to week to obtain enough joker tickets to buy it whenever they get on, that and the fact that in US there's only one active fight club on any given day. Plus they often have other weapons they want to buy from the joker store.
  12. Ah this seems like a really good strategy since it is extremely accurate and does a surprising amount of hard damage. Unfortunately even with me playing with 6+ year vets none of us have ear wigs. Hopefully the prices lower soon so i'll be able to convince them to buy it. $40+ is way too much atm. Hopefully they'll get around to mission balance soon but I didn't see it in the roadmap unfortunately.
  13. Yea, especially when you need an osmaw and car surfer to really be able to do any meaningful damage, which aren't both possible to obtain through joker tickets every week.
  14. I expect a response nothing short of scholarly
  15. The blowtorch is a very powerful tool that is capable of healing a vehicle more than 3x faster than a gas station can, while also bypassing the pause that occurs when the vehicle is damaged. I myself love being able to endlessly repair torch my steel plating 3 and fast-fix chassis 3 pioneer from a player osmawing over and over. There are also times when I use it where I think it is a little too powerful. The other night I was in a 4v4 mission where the last objective was to hold an amoured truck. We had me in the passenger seat of the truck, and my other two teammates in a pioneer with steel plating 3 and fast-fix chassis 3. The other team had one player car surfing with an osmaw and another car surfing with an alig. Every time the enemy time got close to us while the rocket was reaching the truck, me and the pioneer passenger were able to quickly kill off the alig and then I would be able to blowtorch the truck before the second rocket was reloaded and reached the truck, after which the osmaw player would die. There was also another instance where instead of the enemy team having an alig they had double osmaw. This time we had to change our strat a little bit, since two rockets followed by some pistol shots was able to take down the truck almost instantly. The car surfing osmaws were always able to launch their osmaws before one of them got killed, but our pioneer driver would cleverly drive behind the truck and intercept either one rocket or both and die. Unfortunately for the enemy team I was always able to finish off the second osmaw. We would basically continue this cycle until we won without even being required to make a momentary pit stop at a gas station.. Another instance it was just one osmaw and then a person the passenger seat with a regular gun. Either me or the passenger of the pioneer would easily kill the osmaw, leaving the enemy passenger unable to to kill the truck due to low firepower. This got me thinking, if I were on the opposite end this mission would be nearly impossible. Target the truck first with double osmaw: enemy pioneer would block one or both rockets, meanwhile both carsurfers are extremely exposed and die quickly to obeyas Target the enemy truck with one osmaw and alig: same case as one Target the enemy truck with double alig: same case as one Target enemy pioneer first with an osmaw and alig: same case as one Target enemy pioneer first with double alig: same case as one Target enemy pioneer first with double osmaw: same case as one Any combination of an osmaw with a regular gun: osmaw doesn't deal enough damage to destroy either pioneer or truck, and would get killed first leaving just the regular gun left which won't be able to deal enough damage to the vehicles or be able to win against two other passengers shooting at him. Don't have an osmaw on your team? /quit Your team is below R195 and can't use carsurfer? /quit Due to the blow torch, after any of the 7 possibilities me and the pioneer would be able to blowtorch our vehicles and never require that we make a stop at a gas station. That allows us to travel nearly 300 meters before the enemy team even respawns, then they have to reach us. Maybe I'm not thinking out of the box enough, how would you take down a group of 4 with a setup like this? So far from my experience it's a very powerful setup.
  16. But then they'll all be in competitive mode and away from regular people. Seems like a win-win to me. Also the theme is not for sale
  17. Isn't the concept of it the opposite of matchmaking?
  18. Has there been any topic regarding increased competitiveness that had a majority in favor of it? Majority seems to want casual-ness and force it upon others.
  19. I wasn't questioning the possibility of you using an alig regularly, but the assertion that it is usual that people use an alig.
  20. Anyone have a working link to an official USPSStyle download? All the links are no longer working in his original post: http://apbdb.com/track/323099/.
  21. O.o That is so untrue I'm not sure how you could assume that.
  22. Toss them settings over this way. I'm tired of getting a stutter every two minutes with a 1080 ti and 8700k, I wanna give the launcher a shot.
  23. Yea I agree with you. Like I said multiple times throughout this thread increasing the player cap wouldn't be the solution. I never insinuated that player caps should increase.
  24. Hey man, I've been playing the game since APB RTW Beta, so nearly a decade (YouTube.com/Spudinske). I don't have issues finding players to play with, I've met tons of people along the years that still for some odd reason play APB like me. I am curious as to what tantrums you're talking about. Mind quoting some? Anyways for the bit you were responding to you completely overlooked the point I was trying to make. Max gold's, like me, get pit against silvers all day long. These low players have a miserable gaming experience by us completely decimating them the second their names turn red after spawning. This shouldnt happen as often as it does, and part of the issue is how players, even golds, are separated from each other due to districts. Yes 40 players is not enough to pick from, but I never said anything close to the idea of increasing the district cap. In fact, I state it multiple times in this thread that increasing the player cap would not solve the integral issue of matchmaking, which is segregation across districts. You're preaching to the choir on that one. I didn't say other games have the best matchmaking, I only use them as examples that have better matchmaking. Just because another system is not perfect does not mean it's not better. Like you said nothing is perfect, and if you use that logic as to why a better system shouldn't be implemented then you're stuck going no where.
  25. Game used to have Crim vs Crim back in the day and it made for some pretty cool criminal rivalries. It would be a fairly easy change for LO to make, considering it's been in the game before. With how small the game population is, finding opposition would be improved and players can fight new opponents. How would you all feel if that were to be brought back, as well as introduce Enforcer vs Enforcer?
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