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Everything posted by Zealocke

  1. 1) That was low. 2) I really didnt remember, its an important question on a split second kill game. 3) VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!
  2. So.. both guns are good then.. Yay!. Move along! If you think RFP is broken just buy a damn RFP, because its very balanced. I could say the same about the FBW and the people who use it as a damn carbine. Secondaries are for: - Compensate for your Primary's range weakness (example Cqc Primary/Long range secondary) - Support finisher for when your primary runs out. RFP, 45. and FBW do both options pretty well. Pick one! I use a Fr0g. It works best at 10m but hey! thats what i need! it also has 3PS
  3. Problem with the OCA is its just so easy to use vs all other cqc weapons. ACES rifle has weird recoil and more bullets to kill ACES smg ditto. Colby tommy gun has HUGE vertical recoil Raptor 45. Has higher ttk and only kills it if shoots first Shotguns need to peek-a-boo the OCA (ambush behind a corner) Only viable and balanced option in a straight frontal fight in my opinion is PMG. The rest have no chance.
  4. I love it too, with that's why annoys me when i find the situations it falls short.. hs3 or not. Also thats the problem.. its a "small window". There is also a "small window" where i can out ttk an oca while shooting from hip. Also the annoying decision of choosing between hs3 or em3. i would love to have them both. Thats why i said "gun is not broken". Gun works, however it falls "short" in situations where other guns act more reliably, either because ammo or ttk. And really there is no reason to have it with just one slot. Needs just that little pinch to make it fully competitive, in my opinion.
  5. Mr Scott could you please give a check on the Raptor 45.? Is not broken per se but it has more ttk (0.75 with 7 bullets to kill) than any gun in its category and can only compete with short or medium range guns by flanking and shooting first, else it has no chance. Also it has just one free slot with makes it annoyingly hard to mod, and barely enough bullets to kill people in normal server conditions (22 for 7 shots to kill is quite short)
  6. pls dont make more paint abominations. was just a question
  7. Came back since lo took control.. i didnt remember.
  8. Well.. do they? I read some people say yes.. others say no. I really don't know anymore. Help!
  9. How about we just make trolling punishable? Dont feed trolls missy. Anyway, joker has a learning curve, thats all.
  10. A missinformed poster who had his post vandalized by the forum's trolls. Move along.
  11. To me the problem is the learning curve of this game. How is it possible that unless having 1000 or more hours of gameplay you will gonna suck? How is it possible than on bronze servers i get 10+ kills and on silver i get 10+ deaths? Has nobody ever thought about that? This game is very unforgiving in those terms. And dont get me started on the current "3 untouchable guns" of the current meta. Something must be wrong.. not just the players cheating or not but the whole game not balanced properly.
  12. i would say ty but i bought like $70 dollars 2 days ago... now i wanna die...
  13. i just have the far in mind... with other guns are worth buying? (aside from the ntec variants)
  14. i really really want to buy stuff but im waiting for a discount or game fix. what things you guys would buy if prices would be lower/game would be fixed? i want a far..
  15. way too many ntec fanboys on this thread. the ntec is the real crutch on this game. seriously. atac is a full auto mid ranged rifle with mantains the accuracy while fired. thats its advantage. ntec/ursus has quick bloom recovery so its easier to spam accurate shots with it. thats its advantage. however atac needs More bullets to kill so is less forgiving and ntec is so overused it can be countered by tons of guns having less or same skill.
  16. Not fastest. Has the most acceleration. I tested a growl vs a jericho in a straight line.
  17. I also got a Phenom II x4 and can confirm 35 - 45 fps on Waterfront. Damn cpu based games
  18. Yeah i mean in the mag.. it kills with like 12 or something
  19. Whats wrong with the hitchhiker? People seem to hate it a lot.
  20. lets not derail the thread.. we REALLY need a Lore threat to fantalk a little xP
  21. i was just saying This game really needs a fashion contest
  22. we need a thread about lore, there are so much things im missing
  23. You know by typing "maps of clothing" instead of just "maps"? I thought you wanted to change financial or something xD
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