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Posts posted by illgot

  1. On 3/9/2020 at 5:13 PM, Thornecroft said:

    JMBs really shouldn't be increasing in number. Phase them out relatively quickly. Armas weapons are fine, but JMBs are just unacceptable in my opinion. Instead of possibly milking the players that remain - add new content that if it has to cost, is 1 payment with guaranteed receipt of the item. Like every other Armas weapon/car/etc..


    Just my opinion, but I hate the sheer randomness of JMBs and how predatory they are, like every other lootbox.

    seconded.  Just put it up for sale directly.  Or at least make all the leased weapons Joker Tickets.

  2. so you are telling me that executing the cop is the same as arresting the crim?


    LTL is a joke in this game.  The TTS is longer than any lethal weapons TTK plus stunning is only the first step.  Then you have to reach your opponent (without dying), arrest the player (without dying), then hope the player is not released.  When they are released the next arrest won't count on the cop role until that player dies.


    If you want to handicap your team with LTL that is fine, but stick with the same rules as the Enforcers.



    11 hours ago, Tigrix said:

    In missions with 2-3 players each team, it is EXTREMELY powerful using LTL.
    Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't powerful.

    if a team using LTL is "powerful" then a team using lethal is even more dangerous.  Lethal has a much shorter TTK than LTLs TTS.  Lethal only requires one step to take you out of the game. Lethal damages cars and other destructible cover because it does soft and hard damage.  Lethal can have a range limit up to 100 meters, more if you are using explosives.  Lethal also has a lot more varieties and the ability to customize your weapon.


    If a team of 2-3 players are each using LTL they are handicapping themselves.  If that same team is besting you, they would completely destroy you if they used lethal weapons.


    The simple act of getting into your Balkan Varzuga (starter car) basically puts you in a mobile tank no LTL can penetrate.

    • Like 2

  3. On 2/25/2020 at 7:24 PM, KnifuWaifu said:


    Reduces amount of Districts for NA and turns off Threat Segregation.






    Expands amount of Districts for NA and turns on Threat Segregation.




    There were a few of us who understood that the lack of segregation on NA was a good thing.  But a few were completely against it because they had to play against golds... which I guess they didn't think was a problem before (no, it was just a bunch of silvers who enjoyed going to the bronze server to pound on low skilled targets).

  4. 12 hours ago, Nabiki said:

    I did back in the day most the stun weapons have no drop off from what I can.  Sure to some people stun arrest are hard, but lets put the pig+perc into the capable hands of a veteran and its near instant stuns you should try being a crim on the receiving end especially if you have frame issues due to the games poor optimization it seems they can blast through any gun you own with exception of ogre or nfas assuming  your frames don't cause your hit registry to fade.

    in the capable hands of a veteran (I'm going to say your basic gold player), the blowtorch is a viable weapon.


    The pig+perc requires about 3 times the amount of time to execute just to stun a player compared to the TTK of most weapons that are barely hovering around half a second.

  5. 4 hours ago, foscor77 said:

    Why is quick switching disabled for hvr but allowed for stunning via pig? And do you have any idea how extremely easy it is to stun by throwing a percussion after one shot from pig OR a few shot from stabba or that secondary stun pistol?


    Please apply a time lock or whatever its called that doesnt allow you to quick switch while using hvr on at least PIG. 


    If not then freaking enable the hvr quick switching too. Why the discrimination lol? 

    PIG: 10 meter range and has to reload every shot.  So use your pistol and stay at least 11 meters away.

    • Thanks 1

  6. 2 hours ago, DeadPixels said:

    This is how my normal day in APB looked like when i played solo...
    start APB
    wait 1 minute for the game to load to the menu
    spam 5 minutes to get into the district
    ready up
    wait 5 to 15 minutes to get a mission with opposition
    notice i'm playing solo vs two players because i have a detheater on my team

    still played couple minutes but then decided to give up and go afk

    ok mission over, wait again 5 to 15 minutes for a new game

    missions starts, again 2v2, again a detheater on my team

    esc -> exit game GG WP, an hour of my time well spent.


    Nothing wrong with dethreating, it must be just in my head

    I run into people just flat out not trying but only a few actual dethreaters.  When a bronze/silver is going 0-15 against a team of golds I completely understand giving up.

  7. 3 hours ago, Solamente said:

    i feel like you might be more than a little biased on this issue

    I am but I still think our lack of population is the larger issue.  With so few people there really isn't a middle ground for real silvers to play in.


    I've been stuck as gold since segregation came back.  Just can't seem to bother playing knowing I can't keep going full out without being able to access to the both districts or even the one available due to 40/40

  8. 21 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    TIL that dethreaters aren't a problem.

    a person who goes gold in the bronze district (because their real threat is silver) but is suddenly kicked when they turn gold will only be in the silver district against other silvers and golds for about one match (as long as it takes to become silver again).  Then they will drop back down to bronze, go gold and repeat.


    I do not feel dethreating is the massive issue people think it is.  The NA population is so small that the only stable group of players (threat wise) are the bronze and golds.  Silvers will jump from bronze to gold depending on who they fight.  But since the population is so small you see them constantly going gold in the bronze district, getting stomped in the silver district until they drop back to silver threat, then hit up bronze where they do the stomping.


    Some people do intentionally throw games and run straight into gunfire to die and dethreat, but most of what I see are people who are completely out matched, know they have zero chance at winning and just afk until the next match.


    Our real problem is the tiny population that NA deals with.  If the population were larger people could get games that were more fair, but that is basically impossible when you have less than 200 people during prime time for mission districts.

  9. 7 hours ago, Hey! said:

    There is no excuse for LO to simply re-implement Threat Segregation and NOT auto-Kick once attaining "gold" play level on Bronze District.  Single-handedly this has devastated the lesser skilled/casual playerbase who quit after being hardcore shut down and unable to achieve anything in missions versus tryhard griefers.  LO single-handedly is RESPONSIBLE for this toilet circling state of the dying game.  And only THEY can implement a working solution to prevent game death via population attrition... but they utter not a peep... because they do not give a crap... or are so utterly clueless.

    The thing is they are not playing any better than they would in the silver/gold district, they are just playing against people way below their skill level.


    If they were kicked out of bronze and into silver, they would only drop back to silver the very next game because that is their real threat level against silvers and golds.  It wouldn't change much considering how low our population is.

  10. 1 minute ago, Fortune Runner said:

    why didnt you go in a new district and get more in there?

    it picks up when people come on and see more opened up and occupied

    you serious?  When we have 1 silver at 40/40, then a spattering of bronze districts... there aren't enough people playing NA to have multiple silver districts running.  I could sit there in the empty silver Waterfront for hours and not get more than 5 people on, and most of those will be smash/grab farming or just driving around their Vegas for fun.

    • Thanks 1

  11. 5 hours ago, Apathetical said:

    Not much point in talking about things that can't be changed now, so how about we focus on making the best of the ridiculously broken system we have?


    Bottom line, no where near enough population for threat segregation on NA as things stand. Only one server golds can play, and it's typically full with not enough players to start a second district and meaningfully play.


    I don't know how to address veteran players stomping newer/super casual players, but the fact of the matter is that segregation doesn't fix that, as more people than ever are dethreating.

    My fix was simple, I don't play.  There are so many games out there and even though I have spent thousands in the cash shop over the years, it means nothing if I can't enjoy playing.  Logging on and seeing a full silver district with no other options to play just irritates me into staying away for days or weeks at a time.

  12. Innova, the Russian APB closed. I think they transferred what they could to the EU APB which is where they now play as it is their only option save NA servers (lol).




    1 hour ago, Kevkof said:

    I'll probably make a more in-depth post about this, but there is a way to report players with cyrillic's in their name.


    Nearly all categories of the report system have a variant that you can enter directly in the chat.

    This is not a full perfect solution by any means, but it's a way to report players who have typed in chat (clicking their name from the full chat) or in your match (the whisper button on the scoreboard).

    The commands would be like this:


    /report <name> character
    /report <name> cheating

    All the catergories I was able to find so far are:
    car, character, cheating, communicationharrassment, dethreating, griefingharrassment, hatespeech, links, missionblocking, personalinfo, rmt, song, spam, symbol, teamkilling, theme, vehicle


    I'll keep the list updated as much as possible.

    I usually /whisper that person then replace /whisper to /report due to some people using I and l to confuse spellings.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Alani said:

    i love how people think phasing will solve the match making issues.


    its pretty fucking obvious everything else little orbit has done has done fuck all for the game

    Peak time in NA may have 200 people in mission districts if we are lucky. Phasing may help a little but it won't solve anything for NA because our overall population is just too small.

  14. On 2/20/2020 at 7:18 PM, Solamente said:

    what’s the difference between half my missions being against dethreaters and half my missions being against bronzes?


    its not like either are fun but at least i can report the dethreaters with segregation, whereas with no segregation they get to face bronzes without having to break the ToS

    You have stated you don't play NA. Do you? 


    I dethreat naturally by not going after objectives unless I need them for a daily or to extend a fight to complete a daily.  Personally I don't care about winning, I'm maxed, money means almost nothing to me.  What I do care about is being locked out of Waterfront/Financial when trying to do dailies.


    I liked NA better without threat restrictions.  With no restrictions I could actually play to win and be challenged without locking myself out of a district or the WHOLE game because the only district I can play is at 40/40.




    14 hours ago, greenfield said:

    mhm.. when one is available.

    When THE ONLY ONE is available. There is only one active district golds can play and that one district is at 40/40 during prime while the gold or other silver districts have 3-5 people just driving their Vegas around for fun.

  15. 19 hours ago, TzickyT said:

    some people i seen streaming start to hate people with cyrillic alphabet. all those accounts playing whit that alphabet arent able to be reported by the apb report system. is this a way so they can't be reported and can't be touched. ( i don't want to put names on name and shame but there a few clips on twitch with that issue.)

    or how about the system be updated to recognize Cyrillic so you can report people.

    • Like 1

  16. 6 hours ago, vantiks said:

    and people like this vote on the polls LO releases

    im assuming you dont play often?

    I play enough to sadly maintain gold threat by using cheap tactics like radar, flares, explosives, ntecs and being smart enough to grenade people using cover.

  17. On 1/13/2020 at 6:13 PM, PingOVER9000 said:

    Why not?


    Basically is well done, the matter is why a player have to join for just some random skin?

    I see  a lot of potential on it for example:


    • they may do it available just at some days or weekends, as map for COMPETITIVE GAMEPLAYS OR CLAN WARS


     -who win gain something better than just random skins, for ex. some random weapon for 1 week

    -joker tickets

    -Consistent rewards from 25k apb $ or above

    -Clans with more  wins streak/victories in a month,  get his name in Social in proper hall of honor and may sell/buy for 15 days without tax fee


    I have just throw away some idea, but surely a develop team may come with something really amazing and creative, your develop team surely spent a lot time for making this gamemod, DON'T SURRENDER AND FIND A WAY for making it attractive to MAX



    spawning so far from a safe area that you basically choke before reaching it was stupid.  The whole thing was a mess and the same teams won over and over because preset teams dominated against pugs.  That's why people stopped even trying.

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