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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. This^ The gamers from Brazil wake up first and choose the districts I think. So unless a wave of west players show up at some point it’ll probably stay East.
  2. Trouble or they asked you to get rid of it? Im honestly curious because this seems like a nightmare rule to enforce given how common real world brands/logos are in the game.
  3. Wait times for responses are measured in months. Just a head up.
  4. It wasnt meant to be temporary, it failed miserably so it got removed.
  5. That is a good point. I think the idea is that with a penalty involved, players will be more likely to play the mission. Without it any player above Gold 8 or so wont get opp because everyone can just quit with no penalty. Ditto when vs anyone people think cheats. I don't see how it won't be a problem.
  6. The problem, I think, is leaving your teammates a man down in a game that can take forever to get backup, if you get it at all.
  7. allow players to abandon but they cant k up until that mission is over (same for /exit)
  8. These "nudity" symbols... which half was it? Because they've been clear on that (top ok / bottom not ok) for years.
  9. I think they send an email the the one attached to the account. Maybe spam folder? Did you get warned a bunch for griefing missions?
  10. there is a big difference between average players and total players
  11. probably has a wife and kids at this point
  12. I think its because more people use Discord than other stuff. I do agree however that announcements should be made everywhere (Here, Twitter, Discord).
  13. I’m sorry I just don’t understand you.
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