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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. IKR? Its not like it costs anything to keep APB going. ... oh wait
  2. So it is a hit order thing. lol you funny guy Hex
  3. Had this same problem last night. I'll see if I can find a clip.
  4. Ugh... people who play music in apb are the worst.
  5. Edit: IR3 PMG is actually pretty good, I was just using it wrong.
  6. I have it. Im just a nerd for stats. Was running the new and improved IR3 Ursus with it yesterday... tons of fun.
  7. Its entirely subjective whether or not things are better. Just log in and give it a go.
  8. Last we heard, BE is fully automatic. It simply hands out temp bans so that staff can investigate and prevent false bans. At the time of the release of that info, 100% of temp bans had been converted into perma bans. Ive also not seen any public cheats up for more than a few days, and at the moment, none of the public cheats are selling BE bypass APB cheats.
  9. I liked it on OTW. Will probably buy it. Cant wait for the Thunder release tho. That thing was crazy fun. Still, actual stats would definitely be appreciated. If I had to guess, stats may not yet be finalized. So thats why we dont have any.
  10. Amen brother... amen. Whether it was supposed to or not, it did... and for just under 2 years. also, it was a .45 ttk*
  11. Yes. I dont know if its how Tobii got this, but if you had the client you could get as far as the log in screen.
  12. wait what? could u post video of this, I was not aware this was a thing
  13. This was a big blow to the fun of the Strife, and nothing was OP about this being a thing. I was shocked when I realized this happened. you and me both
  14. Damn, I thought you had inside info.
  15. Oh Im sorry, were you given the stats?
  16. 1.25 ttk* they also nerfed the overall damage to stop the 1 shotting of fragile users
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