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Posts posted by FartyBumBumGuff

  1. The two best cars for JT are the vegas 4x4 and a han veo 4x4, the 4 slot vegas costs 10,000 JT. I can't remember what the fresno is, sure it's a car but I have all the cars and if I can't remember what it is then I must never use it so it can't be good.

    What server are you on, EU or NA?

  2. 13 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    if you pledge to a contact when you ram raid shops and turn in items you get standing. not alot but it builds up. it's like grinding rats in fallen earth without the rats

    You get more standing mugging and money accumulates anyway, I don't do ram raiding anymore once I worked out how much experience stuff gets you, I forgot how much each item you take back to the contact gives but 14 is stuck in my head from somewhere, however each mugging can get you 40 points when on 2x bonus. Fragile + fully upgraded knuckledusters means speed mugging about 2500 points in 10 minutes, I get half that much for a good mission, zero against certain opposition.

  3. I found if you are viewing on tablet and probably phone too you can zoom right in on the crack, it's like you have your whole face in there. 




    On 2/9/2022 at 4:45 AM, cowhorseman said:

    you ripped some nasty patootie dude go take a bath you filthy silly person

    I can't have a bath because the water turns to sewage within minutes, I have a shower and take a plunger and some drain rods with me.

  4. 10 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:

    I ignore everybody, too many crybabies nowadays.

    It can be entertaining reading, the irony of somebody calling someone else stupid when they themselves can't even spell a five letter word correctly. Your boos mean nothing to me I've seen what makes you cheer.

    I use whisper to offer people free stuff otherwise everybody wants one and I can only buy or duplicate so many

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  5. 3 hours ago, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    The only differences between the guns you rent and the ones you buy with G1C or JT are the open slots and having mods already attached.

    Which arguably are pay to win mechanics whether the jaded 20k hour warriors want to admit it or not.

    But base stats are identical to the free counterparts.

    I got to use some of these gold crazy weapons during the last event, it was fun because people actually died when I shot at them for once. I once shot three, one to the left, right and then behind me, twice as quick as I can usually shoot one with my air rifle in normal gameplay.

  6. I had to google PVE, I thought it meant player versus everyone at first which is sometimes the case it seems, especially when you are outnumbered and your team mate seems to be working with the opposition, I've had them shoot me for shooting the opposition and picking up the task item and also seen them shadow the cops so I can't shoot them without shooting them both. I can see how beginners leave because it takes almost two seconds to kill an enemy with the standard gun even if they stay still and let you shoot them but if they decide to shoot back you're dead quicker than you can blink, let alone aim.  I've had more luck not using the aim, by the time I press the right mouse button and fire once I'm dead, I got used to shooting without aiming during the last event, you have to hold the camera angle a bit lower than you normally would and adjust aim by strafing rather than moving the mouse.

  7. I thought DAZ was for washing your clothes with. Characters usually look funnier without hair anyway, lets make a bunch of ugly as fuck baldies. I always try to make characters that are as funny and ugly looking as I can. I had memory sticks full of freaks on smackdown 2 on the PS2, I even gave them all their own funny walks and taunts.

  8. 3 minutes ago, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    The weapon color doesn't make a difference.

    When the game was developed they basically said hehe color go brrrr and randomly colored the icons with the sole purpose of psychological warfare,

    The ones that cost thousands of JT to rent for 10 days, they are full of upgrades, anyone has one of those I can't kill them because even if I sneak up and start shooting them in the back, they turn around and shoot me dead in less than the time it takes my assault rifle to fire two shots when I'd have to shoot them about another 20 times to kill them. I lob grenade from afar and hope it lands on their head, a couple of times it has. Pineapple farmer, first grenade chased him off his corner into a doorway, second grenade followed him down there, I threw them both with some strafe running, they were percussion grenades. I like to think he got to the doorway, peeked out with Q and got a grenade right in the mush but it was probably a combination of both grenades that did it. I only do two missions a day anyway, I've given up trying to get kills.

  9. Maybe a good idea. I don't rent weapons anymore, last time I did I couldn't get a good enough internet connection for two days to play the game so lost two days of use but if it was durability instead of time then I might do, though every weapon I've rented is pants compared to the gold weapons people are killing me with in 1/10th of a second. I may as well keep using the standard star, it seems to work just as well/bad as all the rest I've tried. Mods that make them fire faster just means I have to shoot the NPC's at least three times before they die.

  10. I had this happen once, don't know what caused it, long time ago. I've seen people in the chat with the same thing. I don't normally return to lobby unless I lose connection, I just change district to social for a break.

  11. The great giveaway continues, almost 2 weeks later I've dropped 1.5 million despite looting 50 to 100,000 or more a day. I was about to go home, decided to check in on social district first, there was a message in the chat "I'm new I got no money" so I gave them a crim cab, crack van and 100,000 spare change.  When I went to duplicate more vehicles I discovered I'd given the lucky bugger my original crack van with nitrous3 mod attached and not the duplicate with no2. I decided as they were rank 85, which is just the level needed to use it, I wouldn't ask for it back and just bought another. Checking social and not going home cost me 320,000. My original plan was not to drop below 12 million, I'm almost at 11, maybe I'll cut it off there, I don't know, I have all the vehicles I need, money spent renting weapons is earned back in 10 minutes, almost all mods unlocked and bought, what else do I spend it on?

  12. 1 minute ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I apologise for interacting and participating in the AP community.

    No need to apologise, I was trying to word it so it didn't seem like I was having a go at you, deleted and re wrote it a few times. I don't mind at all, I was trying to read all your posts and kept getting notifications of more so I guessed that's what they meant by "exhausting".  They probably meant no offence either, just an observation from their perspective, it's not mine though, I'm enjoying the forum being alive today.

  13. Just now, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Thanks. I'm on Jericho. Lemme know when it is up for sale.

    I'm on the other one, Shitadell. I can't go to Jericho. Some people seem to have the ability to travel between the two, though if I could I don't think the game would work at all, I teleport all over the place as it is. 

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