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Posts posted by FartyBumBumGuff

  1. Just now, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    If you make a 4 slot for me I will buy it from you.

    We can't buy dump trucks in the game though. It might be chaos with those monsters flying about scattering everything everywhere, the car plow could be like a ramp so instead of smashing the cars it launches them.

  2. I gave two fairly new players, level 80's, Crack Vans and one gave me a 2 slot Han Veo Subaru. The Subaru has all sorts of fancy bits stuck on it and under faction it says useable by both. I took off everything I decorated the Han Veo taxi with apart from the wheels and paint job yet it still says crim faction only, what is different about the Han Veo Subaru apart from it's only 2 slot not 4? It has custom parts stuck on and a custom paint job, it's not an original paint job, I can tell because whoever made it included the word SUBARU as part of the subaru decal so when they copied it onto the other side of the car the SUBARU writing got reversed. Should have kept the writing separate so it could be flipped the right way on the other side.

    I'm going to make another taxi soon, the bigger taxi you see, a broadwing, though I wont be giving those away, it's a 300,000 car compared to 50,000 for the Crim Cab.

  3. 15 hours ago, Bruhd101 said:

    my whip

    now rate my ride 


    Ve'y niice, 9/10, I'd have put BUMSTEIN not BILSTEIN on the side and maybe a bit of vomit splatter on the drivers side door trailing towards the back of the vehicle but that's just me I suppose. There's space for a slogan on the back but this doesn't look like an APB car so you probably can't do any of that.

  4. Last night I had no teammate, he gave up because the gold opponents gun was so overpowered, we die as soon as he starts shooting, both got 0 points for the mission, don't blame him for going AFK, I just decided to go for a drive. Next mission it put me against two golds with similar weapons, 1 bronze with a spud gun versus 2 golds with special weapons? Great matchmaking, no points for that mission either. As soon as I'd got my JT for spawning in my vehicle 3 times and completing a mission I gave up trying to do missions. There is kill 5 with an SMG but that would take somewhere between several hours and a whole day.

  5. 21 hours ago, Sniperturtle said:

    While there is no cheat that can literally make you immortal there are indeed cheats that register whether you are being aimed at and move you out of the way, or at least they existed. Had this one time i was aiming with the golden Act44 at a guy who was aprox 50m away behind a wall and only a marginal bit of his hitbox and head stuck out.

    Aimed at him, my crosshair turned red, he moved to the side. This happened a few times and i started wondering, so i experimented on him for a the few remaining seconds in the mission without actually firing, and he was sitting completely still safe for the moments when my crosshair was over him and turned red which then caused him to move a bit to the side so it wasn't red any more.

    But that was 3 years ago, been observing it more frequently but that's when i first took note of it.

    I have one instance where i captured that behavior on stream with an opponent after a match where one of us was bounty and thus as my crosshair went over her she moved to the side even though she was apparently afk. Only realized that later sadly, it would have made a great opportunity to highlight this.


    And yeah, hitreg is a horror. You crouch in MM and try to land shots while they run around and do backflips and all sorts of nonsense and hit every shot because "statistics" say they should. That needs urgent fix, but will never happen ofc.

    I've had them stand right in front of me while I fire SMG or assault rifle while he runs from left to right avoiding every bullet until I have no ammo left, every time I should have hit him he instantly changes direction instead, it looked like he was having a fit because he would disappear for a split second and reappear running in the opposite direction, several times a second.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Sniperturtle said:

    Lag and shitreg.

    I managed to kill a defender and take over the objective. We were defending it well, one tried to sneak in the back, I went round to meet them, I was hiding around the corner holding a grenade when I tried to throw it he wouldn't release it, I froze, teleported and died then we lost the mission. I seem to die just as quick using kevlar 3 as I do using fragile and at least with fragile I can move faster than a turtle in molasses.

  7. I call that thing on the roof mr hoppy, he looks like a space hopper. Ivan Dobskys Mr Hoppy, youtube him, my friend made that symbol just messing around and we kept it.  I hit the limit for now on how many vehicles I can duplicate. I accidentally gave away my last cop cab but I had one in the auction, I cancelled the auction but couldn't duplicate any more. I can probably make more later on but I don't know how many it will let me make.




    I've only just noticed that my cop cabs are crim faction only. The stock version is both factions. I was thinking it must have been an accessory I customised it with. I've been told it's the taxi sign on the roof which makes it unusable to cops. Hoping to fix that later. Sorry to those cops I gave unusable cars to, if you see me about you can trade it back and I'll edit the sign off the roof.

  8. The Cop Cabs logo design is finished. I forgot to take USB jobbie with me so no new pictures yet. I'll be giving Crim and Cop cabs away in a few hours, I got the day off. Going to shovel a pie down me neck and fettle off soon. I'll probably be too drunk to play missions but I'll still be giving away crack vans and crim/cop cabs.

  9. I'm all for reducing vehicles but not civilians, I like to herd those into mugging zones, mugging is the quickest way to level up. I haven't a clue what a config is. The tutorial is useless, as a cop character it said witness a crime but didn't tell me how so after three weeks stuck I gave up on him.

    • Like 1

  10. I'd never even heard of APB this time last year.




    51 minutes ago, MonkaS said:

    nope they're not newbs they're noobs or someone playing on an alt or a console player moving to pc or some returning player who forgot there account info I guarantee there are no new apb players. 3 years ago maybe you'd see the occasional new player but no apb just loses players we don't gain.  

    I'd never even heard of APB 10 months ago. The only game I'd played on a PC since games like wolfenstein, quake, doom and GTA1&2 was a farming simulator game though we used it as bridge and ramp building simulator with giant cranes and telehandelies and stuff like that. The last bridge we built was an absolute monster that went across a lake to an island where we put giant ramps all around the edges,ramp island. Built giant ramps out of bridges up the side of a multi storey car park and jumped for miles. It's not easy building these bridges on a farming game, the materials are downloaded mods and can behave a bit glitchy, that's what makes it so addictive, you keep failing and evolving.

    I have seen people driving those starter vehicles, can't trade yet and seem very confused as to what they are supposed to do in the chat. One didn't know how to customise his vehicle.

  11. I have been commissioned to make Taxis for enforcers as well now. Cop Cabs edition coming soon. Enforcers will also soon benefit from my benevolence. I have accepted the contract and in a temporary break from tradition, due to finding someone who's even more bloody rich than I am, by a long way I must say, I will be charging cash for them.  Once the contract is fulfilled all profits will go back into buying more stock for those less bloody rich than me.

    I'll be giving away 10 Crim/Cop cabs next week as well.

    Does anyone want a 2 slot looting "Crack" van, I haven't given one of those away for ages, every new player I see looting in a standard van can't trade yet. The Crack van goes where the crack van goes, how many crack vans nobody knows, I lost count at about 30 and was giving one or two a day away for weeks. Crack Van:-





    I was once on mission, got shot, spawned near someone elses crack van and tried to get in it even though I don't use the van for missions.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Visionaireh said:

    Okay, please give. I need four copies. I’ll pay

    IGN: Hellscape

    After I put three in the auction tonight it wouldn't let me duplicate any more so there must be a limit to how many I can do at once so it may take a couple of days to sort out. Shouldn't be difficult to edit crim into cop cabs. Are these characters all yours or are they different people?

  13. 15 minutes ago, glaciers said:

    advertising current apb is worthless, the game is already infamous for being a flaming trainwreck, and any unfortunate new players who didnt already know about apb wont stick around for long enough to significantly affect the population anyway

    This is why I've been giving away vehicles and mods, it's probably guns they need but I only use the rented guns for cash that expire in 10 days so I have no guns to give.

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