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Posts posted by FartyBumBumGuff

  1. I've earned 40 JT since last post so not as slow as I suggested earlier. I only got 2 characters and I gave up on cop, started early this year and got to around level 40 but then couldn't level him up at all after the easter event. The game tutorial said I had to witness a crime but didn't tell me how, a week  of earning 0 for every mission due to car surfing rocket launchers, unable to witness any crime the contacts stopped levelling up. I gave up with that one and started again as criminal.

  2. I mug to level 2x bonus then go ram raiding I can loot a million in a week. Even when I was constantly getting either APB'd or losing connection when I only had 7 million and thought that's the end of the money tree, I still had 8 million by the end of the week. It seems lucrative enough to me, way quicker to earn money than missions, I'd like it to give a bit more experience now I'm on the higher contacts, it can take 4 to 5 hours to gain 1 level out of 20. Missions can be hard work, you need to react fast when playing on wifi, you can't get many kills, you get 0.05 seconds to shoot someone before you're dead so it's not much quicker that way for me.  I found it hard to earn money and level up for the cop character, never managed to witness anything, barely ever managed to get anything for missions, I gave up on that.

    Free Crack Vans, powered by SHITSTORM, Designed by FartyBumBumGuff.

  3. I don't want the car teleport thing fixed, I hate having to wait for him to react to the fact I pressed F then open the door then stand there for a second and get in, it can take a few seconds and sometimes I press F again because I think it didn't register after two seconds but it did so then he opens and closes it and I have to do it again. It can take me ten seconds to get in the car farting about with the door.  Is there some sort of settings/ controls configuration or button you can hold down that lets you move backwards, I've seen someone walk backwards throwing bricks. The odd thing is though he was throwing them constantly. I've just unlocked them and can only carry 3

    • Like 1

  4. My vehicle had a mind of it's own late last night, it would keep driving itself, It had a mind of it's own, It was controlling itself more than I was, It was trying to go all over the place. I got APB'd and was looking forward to a chase until my car decided to steer itself into a wall. At one point I saw a player in a sitting position floating down the road, I think his vehicle hadn't loaded on the screen.

  5. I was on about 4 hours earlier than normal yesterday, had a good time doing missions, got a few kills each time, I wasn't the most useless player for once. There were a few new players around, cops and criminals. I had to tell one cop how to APB me then I let them shoot me a few times but they forgot to collect the money so I gave them 20,000. We both had pressed K for ages but it wasn't giving us a mission, could be that it would be uneven with them at level 20 and me over 200?

  6. 1- This is very important, I see weapons have ranges with a sweet spot for damage but at the moment I don't have any idea how far away stuff is, though I know when they are too far to bother shooting at, even if the numbers are on screen they are tiny and hard to read.

    2-  APBDB, I'll look it up, I've seen weapon stats listed and thought how the hell did you find all that info out, I'd never in ten years of using one gun even know half that.

    3-  I can't do anything about that at the moment, useless wifi, it's going to be awful tonight, we have a storm coming

    4-  Sticky mouse, jerky cursor, I curse thee

    7- I never knew about that, it sounds like a terrible idea, I'll be turning that shit off

    I was doing missions yesterday and found that since I went hunting for pumpkins I  know of a few areas I can sneak up and get kills from different directions while they are busy shooting at team mates. I really don't understand why some max rank players care so much about winning when I don't give a crap as long as I get a few kills or objectives and level up a bit, as soon as I'd done the daily activity it didn't matter to me. Maybe they are almost max and it takes a long time to level up the last contact.

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  7. Jumpshoot worked well for me last night, I was using the standard star weapon, there was a man running right and left really fast in front of me, seemed to be dodging bullets so I jumped towards him and shot him dead from above. I was doing quite well with the missions, got quite a lot of kills despite pretty bad teleporting and my car always trying to drive itself I wasn't the most useless player in each mission for once. 

  8. Giant christmas trees and decorations went up around town near me weeks ago. They all blew down and flew away because they put them there in November, it's wild, wet and windy in the north west of my island this time of year, what were they thinking?  It's December now, though the weather outside with sideways rain and gales shaking the windows disagrees with me, I can't wait for frozen calm January.  I've never done a christmas event, started at easter. I did easter event as a cop and then gave up and turned crimale after that. I liked the halloween event but the fact you couldn't level up your contacts despite getting lots of XP per mission made me feck off to a less populated non event area to speed mug and loot because all I'm interested in doing is unlocking more vehicles for me to spray paint my shit art all over.

    • Like 2

  9. Free vans, free mods. I wish I'd kept track of how many vans I'd given away and numbered each duplicate. Despite looting a few hundred thousand a night this week I've managed to drop half a million cash to just over 12 million. If you see me me in an empty waterfront mugging to level up, come on over I'll give you a free 2 slot looting van with nitrous. Anyone got any spare nitrous 2 and cargo 2 mods put them in the auction, I'll buy the lot. Contacts only let me buy 1 mod every 24 hrs.

  10. 20 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Yes that's what I mean, I have no hate for you, you seem a decent person.  

    First off I had to watch you and others, long enough to get some idea who is who, You have to remember that as a bronze dist player the only golds we see are the Bad ones. n when i say bad, im not insinuating that they cheat, just that come in and are toxic as hell, they talk down to anyone who isnt gold and if teamed up, they will tk you several times so you cant even get to the point to make some xp. Then say if your opponent is known hack or is just mopping your butt, n you stop running back to feed them, that's when your own team mate will come n tk you a bunch, call u bad n demand u uninstall from a game you played for years n this bum just showed up in your district, but now I have to uninstall.

     They wanna laugh cuz I'm Max n not Gold, well that's because i don't have all the cool ledgedaries the golds already had years ago, and due to the fact that Matt never revamped the joker job amounts, its really chump change per job, but thats what i have to do, i have to do joker jobs on all my chars till i have what i want.  The joker jobs require a certain way of play that is not always geared for the mission at hand. So for me this is Work, i play 5 characters in NA n so that's allot of joker jobs to get thru while i got all these toxics tryin to ruin it, not to mention trying to finish up my Reroll. Thats why u saw him mugging, cuz there's no place for him to go hide out n mug with golds accessing any district, n he dont need money. i just want xp and missions give very little or Zero xp when dealing with golds for the time involved. Woulda been done with him a month ago had desegregation not happened, Again. Allot of the anger is caused by my knowing the staff is corrupt due to bias against me abbreviating a curse n the moderator snipe me but let the others in the thread say all the words in the book, who are same people that decided to desegregate, and probably the same people that read cheat reports.

    So firmly believe that Little Orbit has a 'Mole'. I am going to be specific here, I have no hate or problem with any in-game GM

     Just the Forum Staff. They were not fair, they desegregated again, ceo turns off fair fight but we gotta wait god knows how many years for any kind of anti-cheat. They are in Cahoots and I no longer Trust them.

     They have Impeached the Honor of Their Credibility. 

    I started as a cop character but couldn't level up at all, no XP for missions as I couldn't get to an objective because everyone was surfing cars firing rockets and grenades, get killed seconds after spawning in a giant explosion no matter where I spawned, even if I managed to get near an objective they seemed able to one shot kill me in a split second with guns that can fire 50 shots a second, I barely got chance to get a single shot in their general direction. I just gave up as it was impossible.

  11. 4 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:




    The picture's not showing up for me, can't even click it either. Apart from teleporting around and getting glued to the floor I've ran into dead pedestrians and they shoot off like a rocket and fly away. I found an NPC half sunk into the ground walking on the spot, one fell from the ceiling of the floor above and landed in front of me. Enemy vehicle driving towards me, I'm about to get out of the way but he teleports on top of me. I get the jump on an enemy, shoot him once then he shoots back and my screen freezes with a blood splat blocking my view of what's going on until I'm on the spawn map. I shoot an NPC 7 times with my pistol before he dies

  12. I can't find any information regarding contact rewards for the last contacts, I need to look something up regarding what I unlocked last, I don't have access to the game right now. I think his name is birth, I found a graph showing the contacts and remember the mask one is in financial where I'd rather be but I liked the rewards better with the waterfront contact, I'm stuck there for at least a couple more weeks now as he goes up to level 20. Every guide I find showing contact rewards is out of date and stops way before these newer contacts. A couple of days ago I unlocked +1 extra outfit capacity and made some daft new christmas clothes, last night I thought I'd unlocked +2 outfit capacity but when I went social I still had 6 outfit slots and no new ones despite accepting the rewards from the mail. Maybe it was just extra clothes capacity and I mistook it for outfits but I can't find a list of rewards anywhere for these last contacts.

  13. He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy. You remind me of the pills song by St Vincent

    Pills to wake, pills to sleep
    Pills, pills, pills every day of the week
    Pills to walk, pills to think
    Pills, pills, pills for the family
    Pills to grow, pills to shrink
    Pills, pills, pills and a good stiff drink
    Pills to fuck, pills to eat
    Pills, pills, pills down the kitchen sink

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  14. How do you use mods? Last thing I unlocked was spotter or something like that but it didn't give me much information apart from what it does and I can't find anything on google apart from youtube videos which I don't have time to watch now.  Does it just work automatically when I aim the gun? I noticed I have a field supplier mod for the character but i don't know how to use it, the game tells you nothing.

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