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Posts posted by FartyBumBumGuff

  1. 14 minutes ago, Todesklinge said:

    Buff Kevlar 4

    I didn't know it wet up to 4, I was getting shot dead instantly when trying to do an objective but I was on fragile so changed to kevlar 3 and still they shot me dead instantly whenever I tried to do the objective, it made no difference apart from I can hardly move

    • Like 1

  2. Hello, less than a year here for me.

    People are posting videos of themselves cheating on APB on youtube all the time and advertising their hacks or whatever. I have to deal with lag, slow internet, terrible hitreg, unstable frame rate, teleportations and freezes, it's hard enough to shoot anyone as it is with these handicaps but I'd never resort to cheating because I'm not a pathetic little wanker and I prefer to actually try to play a game rather than have a load of cheats do everything for me. 


    best apb undetected hack 2022 #2

    59 views2 days ago


    if you want to buy add me on discord Skeeter#3681 #apbreloaded #apb #reloaded #cheats #apb2022 #apbreloadedhack ...

    It's fuzzy bunnies like this that are killing the game. I hope the dickhead gets scammed, somebody posts a turd through his letterbox, may his underpants be irremovably wedged in his crevasse, and may he smell permanently of stale patootie gas, a hex upon all thee scummy cheaters, may thine trousers be forever brown, the fetid stench of a cheating patootie clown.

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  3. It sometimes puts me, bronze, in a match against a team of two golds with ridiculous weapons, I couldn't kill one of them on their own if they gave me a 1 second head start on the shooting. They must be able to talk to each other because they ambush me at the same time from both sides, any backup I call lasts barely a minute before they give up because they are usually green or bronze, that doesn't even it out against two golds. When I decide to give up too they constantly spawn kill me by running me over as soon as I spawn. I can see them heading for my spawn location on the map and as soon as I change it they change direction towards my new location. I'm in a server with 60 players, hardly an empty one. I'd rather wait and do a bit of mugging than try to play a mission against two golds who'd have me outgunned even if they were on their own. I'd rather play solo against 4 bronze than those two wankers.

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  4. 1 minute ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    they nerfed the nades a few months ago, conc's are the only one that is reliable n best for cars. They said they only nerfed the percs, but all of em were effected. Reverse the Nerfs.


    bout the same for me if i go East. West is 1-20 ms for me, of course I live near L.A. 

    i doubt they would change anything for us, but ya a more central server. 

     then i figure if they took out Threats all together we may loose a few golds that would only play for that status, and would stop a lot of cheating.  Oh they would still cheat but would be more in the closet, they be way less reason for em to cheat, and for the True Golds it would mean less hacusating towards them simply for being gold or hanging with those we consider knowns. 

     Then I wouldnt have to look at their obscene glaring gold symbol

    There's grenades that can blow up a car in one go, not just set it on fire, boom, gone. I haven't unlocked them yet.

  5. On 2/21/2022 at 12:26 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    What does number 5 add to the game at all.

    It would slow down the process of mugging to level up but only slightly then you are about to take your look back and an NPC shoots you, as long as he doesn't kill me i'm fine with that. It would be funny if sometimes they took off driving like a maniac instead of just stopping.




    6. If some of the rats were as big as cats, it would be a plague on the city, civilians would have to do their bit to eradicate the mutant vermin, we'd be able to shoot them right? Or launch them through the air with a good kick, getting hit by a giant rat wouldn't kill you but it would hurt, it could be a way of defending an area if a steady stream of giant rats was coming out of a bin, a player can kick them towards the enemy. There can be a 1 in 20 chance of a giant rat biting the opponent, causing an extra percentage of damage, opponents can choose not to try to dodge the rats, but volley them back with a well timed button press. Of course the window of opportunity to pull off the rat counter would be very small, so it's a risky move especially if it's a bitey bugger. You can shoot the rats being slung your way but they still hurt when they hit you, they also make a nasty squelchy wet noise unlike a live rat which squeaks.

  6. 19 minutes ago, LilyRain said:

    lol yes ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


    Massive respect, that's a lot of work but damn. Perhaps it saved to Cloud before it deleted everything? Would be a lucky shot if it did

    All gone, I don't have PS+ so it isn't saved anywhere. The playstations been gathering dust at a friends place ever since, I think he plays some guitar game on it. It's started being slow to start up again, I think it's due another senile moment. You shut it down properly then it complains you didn't and has to scan the files when you switch it back on again.

  7. 4 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    Senator Armstrong is needed

    I had to google him, got me an image of Mr Cowhorseman, I didn't realise who he was. I played the metal gear PS2 games then didn't play any more until the 5th one Farting Pain on the PS4. I had about 2000 hours and had fully built all the FOB's, had almost developed everything, was doing the events every couple of weeks to swap my last S+ for S++ soldiers and my PS4 pro which I had bought new a few years before decided it was going to forget all it's saved data, piece of useless shit, I have working PS2 and 3 I bought second hand that are ancient compared to this piece of senile overpriced junk that is the PS4.


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  8. I don't think I'll ever get off bronze while I play on wifi, in any engagement of fire I die first 90% of the time even if I start shooting first and when I get a kill assist it's barely anything, not even half from 28 bullets off an automatic pistol, sometimes more because sometimes I'll find cover to reload but barely any kills and that pistol, when it works, kills twice as fast as any SMG I can get hold of.  Despite shooting all my ammo into them at close range, they can kill me with what looks like two shots. Example I see them, they don't see me I press right button to target, left to start shooting, they turn around, the screen goes red then I'm dead, every time, I try strafing and finding cover but I barely get time to move two steps. They can sometimes kill me in the time it takes me to aim and fire a single shot, it's less than half a second so I try grenades, I'm dead before I've thrown the second grenade usually.  Missions give me 1 kill 2 assists and nearly 20 deaths. I'm shooting bullets into the enemy for a kill assist of between 14 and 42 for at least twice the amount of time they need to kill me. I tried an NTEC, I can only fire like two shots before I'm dead, it's totally useless to me but everyone elses NTEC shoots me dead in two shots. Plenty of people in the chat recommending this or that site to buy hacks or cheats or whatever you call them. I don't see the point of that, it's like sitting in a computerised car that has been programmed to drive itself around a racetrack then saying to everyone look what a good driver I am.

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  9. After being shot dead instantly in the blink of an eye by OP opposition ten times whenever I got near the objective I was about to go AFK, have a smoke break and wait to be kicked out of the server, it's quicker than re loading the game, when a dump truck pulled up so I got in it and drove into the alley where the graffiti was, it only just fit and I ended up running over the enemy, spraying the graffiti and blocking their entrance to spray it back.

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  10. 8 hours ago, LilyRain said:


    My friend got the taddy putt from a stray human, he came over when we were having a BBQ in the summer in the front yard, we gave him some food and he gave us a kitten, said we'd be able to look after her better. He was african, didn't speak much english, we'd see him a couple of times a week and always gave him food. He disappeared towards the end of summer. I hope he found a place to live before winter.

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  11. 11 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    i was thinking of a certian spot in fin that when hiding you can rpging people real easy and it makes them mader then hell

    I found a giant bush big enough for several bums to sleep in, I can imagine people standing in it and shooting rockets out of it but I didn't ever think anyone would be totally hidden in a bush, wouldn't the players name be visible?

  12. 1 hour ago, TanyaSlayer said:

    If you been hit by an OSMAW during 3 of the pictures, it's time to quit drugs...

    Why would people waste their ammo shooting at random bushes just in case a brown trousered ninja is hiding in one? Most of these pictures are in the social district anyway, that's where the best bushes are, just practising my ninja skills. There aren't enough bushes in the financial district, it has the most bushless park I've ever seen. Mobile bush hiding place would be a great consumable mod, imagine you are getting shot up with no cover in the middle of the road, well spawn your bush and jump in it, they can't see you anymore. Then you pop up out of your bush, take a couple of shots and crouch to disappear again. Would also be good when using the OSMAW as you can crouch in your bush totally invisible while it charges then pop up to fire it.

  13. This car is a rental, it's not mine. I had to pay extra last time to get the seats cleaned, it was a mess. Ended up in court, they tried to sue me for new car seats. A fecal scientist claimed I'd have had to have shat myself ten times to make that much mess and therefore the damage was intentional. I countered his accusation with physical proof I can make nearly as much mess with a single shart. I won that case but I'm taking no more chances and drive rentals by hovering outside the car using my powers of levitation and telekinesis.

     Here are a few screenshots 







    I was driving the car normally from Freakys perspective

  14. I was thinking it was my internet connection because it kept dropping out, causes some crazy things to happen, freeze then sudden acceleration, fun with the vegas, causes huge jumps, can launch NPC's like a missile, then it shows an action replay of the jump 4 times over with different landings sometimes, other players float around, NPC's don't run they speed walk. I was driving my car while hovering in the air outside the vehicle last night. When I pulled up alongside other cars it looked like I was in their passenger seat.

  15. 14 hours ago, Bambola said:

    "The best" car is the one you like most of all. For someone that's definitely Patriot Vegas, or let's say Nulander Pioneer, someone can't live without their Bishada Rapier or Charge Mikro, someone prefers Dolton Broadwing or Han Veo, but stylish and sophisticated people always drive Dolton Fresno.


    In that case I'll retrieve it from the mail and give it a new paint job.

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  16. On 2/5/2022 at 3:15 AM, TenkatsuQ said:

    Shit. Sorry, I love APB very much, but the changes that have taken place since the change of developers, I personally would have made without programming experience, but knowing only English, because the changes relate only to rebalances and changing the parameters of what is already in the game. Thus, rebalancing everything and everything, the values of the parameters in text mode (and I am more than sure that many, if not all, are commented out so that the developer does not rip out his brain when editing), I did much more complex things by making much larger changes. Changing the shield consumable and transferring it to the class of abilities used, and the same job in terms of complexity. We look at the parameters of the ammo box, and what class it is assigned to, ctrl+c of the class of the ability and the cooldown time of the ability, ctrl+v these values in the shield parameters and that's it, "hello, I'm a shield ability." Oh my god, the shield ability is already an ability, but is still sold in the consumables section? It doesn't matter, we run again to the ammo box box ... and then the principle is the same. The only real update that required at least some skill was the exchange interface, which works even in combat areas, it's really good and convenient. But the rest is terrible... Devs? Heh

    There was a really old racing game on PC late 90's early 2000's. I don't remember but I went into the files and changed the weight of the opposition vehicles to barely anything so they could be bashed out of the way and sent flying through the air and I know nothing about programming

  17. 14 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    sad that mugging npcs is a much better profit in multiple ways then honestly playing the game. longed in yesterday for the first time in around a year. finioshed one match with 2 kills and 20 deaths. not worth the time

    I got one kill doing my two daily matches for complete a mission and spawn in vehicle JT and I had to run around in circles ducking and jumping and shooting the crap out of them, it took ages to kill them, I re loaded 4 times before they died but I die to people with similar weapons in less than half a second. Other times I shoot all my ammo into them, team mate then kills them and I get +14 or less assist.

  18. On 2/10/2022 at 5:13 PM, porkuspigus said:

    yes i want to buy fresno 4 slots.  What colour is it? gray? or 'hot rod' design? the ''view item'' button is disabled 😞

    I'd suggest the Han Coywolf, it's a better car, that and the vegas are the two best cars. I have a Fresno 4 slot I bought off a contact for cash so it's not worth spending that much JT, it probably has a unique paint job, I never use mine, it's too slow and drives like a boat . I bought a plain vegas 4x4 and painted it myself. View item disabled sounds odd, you should be able to click a little magnifying glass symbol on the right to view the vehicle.




    I'm not even sure my fresno is 4 slot because I've been looking but can't find an up to date list of what the contacts unlock

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