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Everything posted by Euxoa

  1. Yet he didnt mention any of those, did he.
  2. Customer Support and Development team are two separate things.
  3. Because only you own the credit card linked to an account?
  4. At least you can even get into a district... Because of threat seg. I can't even enter one.
  5. Game unplayable for golds for the second week in a row. Remove segregation.
  6. It will be. Anything having to do with support related actions typically gets deleted because what can we do about it? If he/she makes it a firm point to say this is a criticism thread, it has a chance of staying. Anyways, what's funny is you're talking for your "friend". Trade locks don't get introduced because an IP changed, which was said before numerous times. Maybe there's something your friend isn't telling you. Breaking ToS is the only other reason I can imagine the account getting perm. trade locked. Support isn't obligated to tell you anything about their moderation decisions, and most of the time, the punishment was deserved. By the looks of it, you won't be getting help. My best advice is, find a new friend to play with.
  7. While it sucks, nobody here can help. It’s something you have to talk to support about. This thread will likely be deleted by moderators.
  8. Nah I had a forum account before and apparently changing my name resets everything. Was JDM before.
  9. This game has so many other issues than graphics. If you think some shiny new 3D bricks are gonna bring players back, oh buddy you have something in for you. Take it like this. Take a shitty book for example. The cover of the book is as bad as the contents inside of it. Now take that book, and give it a shiny new cover. Does it change the contents inside the book? No. It’s still shitty. If they actually put at least SOME effort into gameplay changes, balanced, etc., this game will definitely improve. But the sad truth is, as much as we want this game to be how it was in its prime time, it never will be. The hype is over. And it’s been over for a long time.
  10. The Norseman need a major major buff. Make them competitive for how much they cost to get the pack.
  11. Highly doubt they’re having fun since I guarantee you there are sweats that have dethreat. Just sounds like the issue is you and your lack of aiming ability. I back this. Haven’t been able to play in a week now since everyone piles onto bronze.
  12. Every single part of this community is concerning. From the half naked anime girls littered in social, to the joke of a staff.
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