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Posts posted by Sniperturtle

  1. As replacement? FAR Spearhead/Star 556 as assault rifle DMR/ISSR for sniper. In general though SMG rulez 😄

    2 hours ago, M4N!4C said:

    When I think about it, last time I used N-HVR 762 or its reskins during the 12 deaths of Christmas Events and on weapons test district back in 2015.

    Indeed, i rarely play HVR as well. But when you come accross one usually the general feeling towards the user is "Mhm okay, so you wanna be pro...<.<".

  2. On 7/19/2018 at 12:38 AM, Verixonsen said:
    Look, what you consider "inbalances" are not inbalances at all because it requires careful planning and thinking to actually use them effectively. And just as is with the mods criticised in this thread they give you an option of how to play that differs from the way the standard mission plays and thereby bring diversity into the game - as opposed to having every mission work out similarily purely based on the weapons you bring.
    What you consider "trolling" is actually an obstacle that you have to overcome - and if RD works more than 1 time on you (it shouldn't even work the first time without the user blowing themselves up to be honest) you only got yourself to blame.
    On 7/19/2018 at 12:38 AM, Verixonsen said:

    I noticed a lack of apb players wanting the game to change, or having thing balanced generally.

    YES, because:
    1. Usually those suggestions/requests are made by persons who find themselves uncapable of dealing with said features purely because they are lacking in skill or experience.
    2. Usually the "balancing" they request is to bring said feature down to their expectations and capabilities - as opposed to growing up to them.
    3. "Balancing" is like taking spice out of the game and you will find that the game is well balanced as is, there are countermeasures to anything a player throws at you - you just need to apply them correctly.
    On 7/19/2018 at 12:38 AM, Verixonsen said:

    And this game is faaaaaar from balanced, why do you think 90% of people use ntac? Because it is over all the best current assault rifle. Look at the yukon, (I have the yukon.) that thing is still bugged and broken af. Fasted ttk, only problem with it is it shoots too fast for it's mag size. There are a lot of balance problems plaguing this game.  You just have to open your eyes. And one last balance problem the nhvr, that thing makes uses dmr's pointless as it does what dmr does but better in every way.

    90% (that is a bullshoot percentage btw, i don't know where you are playing but i can assure that number is flawed just by playing on Citadel's silver and bronze districts where you will see a lot more specialisation than 90% N-Tec....aaaaanyway) 90% of people use N-Tec because it is the only thing they can afford with reasonable allround performance. It must be the same "90%" by the way that keep complaining constantly about HVR and "P2W" since those are usually what brings them down eventually (P2W in this case PMG and OCA reskins), not to mention all the other "unbalanced weapons" played correctly in their niche like the Obir or the JSG.
    And yes the Yukon is OP asf (not unconquerable though), and we all know it was never intended to stay that way - don't we 😄
    So, here is the reason why i personally despise calls for balance nerfs (or buffs), and the removal of mods or features in general.

    Oh, the DMR is actually way better than the HVR because:
    1. It doesn't force you to sit out opponents firing at you
    2. It destroys vehicles in no time
    3. It can stun!!!
    4. It allows quickswitch
    5. You get no salty whispers 🙂

  3. 22 hours ago, Mitne said:

    >"Nerf N-HVR"
    >N-HVR gets heavily nerfed
    >Everyone start to use DMR
    >"Nerf DMR"
    >DMR gets heavily nerfed
    >Everyone start to use N-HVR
    >Repeat to infinity.

    Literally none of the criticism valid for HVR can be applied to DMR, since it is in the truest sense a sniper rifle like all should have been. If the HVR were more like a DMR nobody could complain about it. (Not that they ever had a legit reason to complain anyhow imho)

  4. On 7/15/2018 at 1:55 AM, INSECURITY said:

    DDoS attacks are punishable by law?

    Instead of spending a lot of money on anti-ddos protections.
    Why they dont spend money to find who is behind those attacks?
    And put them in jail.

    Because (getting tired of explaining it, so here goes the short version) it is close to impossible to identify exactly who initiated a dDoS attack. Almost as hard as filtering and blocking involved addresses.

  5. You don't want a word-police in your game, you don't want any police at all if it is possible - because once you start policing, where is it gonna end?
    Okay, now it is the stupid 13yo rager in chat throwing around with insults bigger than his pubic extremities, then it's the guy who uses a racial slur in a moment of anger (Pewdiepie anyone?) then goes on to someone making jokes over a nationality stereotype in chat, eventually anything someone may find offensive needs to be policed, i don't see anything healthy coming from this.
    If people want to rage - let them rage - not like you are going to prevent t-bagging/griefing/ghosting any time soon either.

    There is this notion of chivalry that existed strongly in this game in the beginning, and to some extend even today and it is absolutely great. But that does not mean that every player is up to it or values themselves so high - suppressing (actually "oppressing") them would be a very bad thing both long- and short-term. These demands for chat-policing would create an atmosphere where everyone has to be on their toes constantly about what they say, and if players have to bend their personality to be permitted to play a game it would likely end in many of them leaving rather than faking a false identity.

    Think of what you ask for, seriously.

    P.S.: @Dopefish I am especially shocked to see you get behind this. From watching your gameplay i have seen you put up many times with that sort of behaviour and you always managed a great way. It really gave your persona character and i thought you were way past these childish attempts of controlling expression.

    • Thanks 1

  6. Maybe you should just give up multiplayergames on the internet alltogether then.

    10 minutes ago, Uke said:
    I recommend to stop getting offended about what some random immature people said on the internet. It really shouldn't be that hard, unless you think they're right, in which case maybe it's not really that toxic after all?

    ^That, the problem is obviously not with the trashtalker, but with the person who gets offended. The only fair solution to it is to give an unlimited ignorelist.
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