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Posts posted by Sniperturtle

  1. Why are y'all so salty? It's just a name...

    I mean... they tried and all...



    What did Tiggs do to y'all???


    On 3/22/2019 at 10:58 AM, RCooper said:

    I agree gamerfirst should be erased they are the reasons why apb is so bad

    It gives bad image to still seeing the name everywhere for returning players


    Well uh... can't say the game has improved much recently (no sweat Matt, just sayin'), so uh... bad game "bad" name?

    If the EU comes out they might rebrand it -/ cool thing they get to redo all the loadscreens anyways, but thus far it's still the same thing we had the last 8 years. No idea why you'd put a new name on something if it's gonna get destroyed by what tainted the old name in the first place.

  2. Dunno, just remembering that around January 2018 the game was literally unplayable with all the commercial hacks that were used up and down the districts. Now people see a guy that uses triggerbot or macro (if even) and cry "all hackers". I must say compared to the Reign of RP we are now enjoying a mostly hacker-free game...


    Deal with it, 90% of the peple you hackusated are in fact 100% legit, and you need to .... well you know what comes here 😄

  3. Sure, go ahead and report, but 30 is a bit overkill don't you think? And before you start talking about godmod and that sorts of sillyness: The servers are in a really bad condition lately. Shots that get markers do not register as hits and the other way round... Everything that requires server communication is horrible at the moment.

  4. Go to one of the other threads where some 4cer-only player complains about LTL weapons being way to weak and explain to them how LTL is "op"...

    On 10/24/2018 at 2:14 AM, Julien said:

    Dealying your respawn...

    Agree with you there, that's deffos annoying. The rest of your post is sort of ... lacking experience.


    Most enforcers kill arrested crims to get them back in the game faster and not make them go through that age-long countdown timer. If you're not happy about that i suggest you tell them, and they will happily leave your team cuffed in countdown until the mission timer has run out, i am sure.

  5. 14 hours ago, swft said:

    There's really no point in having this in the game other than pissing people off for forgetting to buy ammo. It's a dumb mechanic that should've never been in the game, such as punishing players for doing well by making them P5/N5 and visible/killable by everyone in the district. Both stupid mechanics.
    Get prepped for what you want to do.
    Get real bish.

  6. 23 hours ago, 1337lad said:

    ... so basically im here to ask if anyone has a spare raptor condor they would donate to me. i know some people stopped taking this game serious and others might just feel bad i got robbed. ive already talked with the guy selali and hes not helping me because terms of engagement involving such scams have been changed. so essentially im screwed...

    The one thing i stopped taking serious for most are "I got scammed"-threads
    Thanks for the laugh.
    Get an N-Tec levels up just fine.

    lel, with a name like that you might as well live up to the effing expectation... oh wait... the expectation is pre-puberty chatwarrior... never mind.

  7. Medusa with EM is okay-ish if you use full auto-fire in open spots, ambush style.
    Euryale does good as all-around weapon, it does lack the precision of a Medusa at ranges above 60, which is why in a straight fight with more precise weapons at that range you should operate from cover.

    Both are not really great though.

    If you actually want to get your MG-Rank up you should probably take a N-SSW.

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