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Posts posted by Sniperturtle

  1. Countercheating is this old myth, eventually they become full time cheaters anyway. See McTosh and the other idiots. Funny how McTosh used to accuse me and my clan (NoSleep) of cheating back in the days, and how he wanted to make us "go blatant" with his blatant ragehacking and only he got banned every time in the end.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Thial said:

    Same way how you didn't know how to play a guitar for example. Practice. After some time it becomes very natural and easy to perform.

    Well, i just tested it in game. It's a major handicap yielding a minor (nano actually) improvement in the RoF - most notably with the Oscar. Of course this didn't take a free scrolling mouse into account, but if you manage to play like this... you earned your kills just as well as any HVR quickswitcher imho.

  3. On 6/15/2018 at 10:48 PM, TrinityFSB said:

    Not too mention, the default spawning system can be rage inducing sometimes.  Nothing like your closest option to the objective being 6-7 blocks away.

    It was broken for me twice where a teammate was called in as backup and was 600m away, and suddenly the game thought it was a good idea to place all the spawns around him.

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  4. On 6/15/2018 at 5:15 PM, Freewind said:

    ...I remember complaining, at the very least...

    Yes, there is always someone complaining about something...


    Anyhow it was a nice event, i can see benefits for it becoming permanent - but then again there are some that might disagree...

  5. On 6/11/2018 at 6:17 PM, Keshi said:

    it's sad how u still can't track the DDoS'ers. probably because the one DDoS'ing is connected to an onion vpn. And they are probably 15years old... smh

    Probably because anyone could call a DDoS attack on any IP without pretty much leaving any usable trace whatsoever...makes identifying very hard...

  6. Playing Stabba against a good team is not even a good idea, if it were the silver district would be bottom to top running Stabba. Okay, so you can stun someone relatively easy - but then you also need to arrest them.

    See this game plays around teams, not single players. Stunning and arresting a single player is easy, but when you are faced with a full team of opposition giving your location away to stun somebody means you got incoming - and good luck getting an arrest this way.

    They should however remove the post arrest respawn timer, maybe allow the player to select a respawn point while cuffed or something.

  7. 18 minutes ago, ByeBye said:

    Sounds like a gute Idee!

    "Let's shove those germans off to their own forum...great idea..."


    On another note, will there also be forums for portugese, french, spanish, swedish, norwegian, russian, italian, hungarian, romanian, ukrainian, dutch, polish, arab, turkish, brazilian, irish,... 🤯


    Never mind, i'll just stick to english.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Gizzly said:

    I get consistant 80-100 fps w/o Advanced APB Launcher on high settings, but in explosions my frames drop to 15-20 which I'd like to eleminate. I got Advanced APB Launcher and played around with some stuff and it has improved a lot. My problem now is that I've lost the orange/blue circles around dropoff/goto objectives, I'd really like them back and can't seem to find the settings for them, anybody know what I need to do to get them back?


    Thanks in advance.

    Try enabling that stable framerate thingy and vsync. 61 FPS all the way, but no drops.

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