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Posts posted by Sniperturtle

  1. On 7/11/2018 at 7:15 PM, Salvick said:
    Anyways, I still believe PUBG admins were a bit harsh on banning a player, and particularly a popular streamer, for interacting with a cheater even if it was on purpose, because I think there are better ways to handle it, contacting the player directly should be always an option so he can get a warning and maybe then apply a 3 days or a week ban, something more symbolic to let him know he should actively avoid to do this again.
     It pretty much spells: "We can't handle the cheaters, therefore endure our rage".

  2. What graphic card are you using?

    Nvidia has a tab in the driver control panel that will allow you to adjust the gamma value, which is what i'd recommend.

    Otherwise try to disable Ambient Occlusion and Bloom (those will cause significant lighting differences and hence darker shadowed areas) and crank brightness in game up to 4.

  3. Since APB's internal vsync caps at 61 FPS i suppose it's your GPU Driver. Figure if you set nVidia to run as the application wants (Allow application to choose) it will be uncapped.

  4. On 7/4/2018 at 3:04 PM, DetectivePanda said:

    Just to double check but there is a repair for Steam and a repair for APB Launcher, have you tried both?

    The Steam verification will replace the game's files with outdated ones, for APB to work you basically just need the launcher and everything should be fine from there.


    To OP: Sounds to me like you got processes clogging up your RAM, could be anti-virus, Windows Update, or one of the million other applikcations who think they are important enough to occupy an auto-start entry.

  5. On 7/6/2018 at 5:48 AM, Letter said:

    By this logic a gun will have 105% time reduction for 15 shots ttk i.e. it'll kill instantly or even before you start shooting. Actually 7% means (or at least it should) you'll get 15 shots by the time you usually get 14 so for non-rapid firing guns it just doesn't make any sense (yet people slap it into slow firing rifles).

    No, you will fire 15 shots in half the time.

    The likelyhood of you missing more shots will be increased as well 😉

  6. On 7/4/2018 at 12:09 PM, Letter said:

    Thanks for the information!


    I've always assumed semi-autos are counter-sniper weapons with at least 60m range - so what's the role of Oscar with it's 40m range? A replacement of an assault rifle for people who are really good with tapping LMB or use perfect mouse-wheel fire?

    Semi-autos are not only intended for long range. The SR 15 is a close range semi-auto and the Oscar is a close-mid range semi-auto. If you are good timing your shots and you don't mind the pain in your finger and you can track accurately while clickering...those can be useful to you. Or just use the scroll trick, even though it makes it just the harder (for me).


    8 hours ago, Letter said:

    While we are at it - why do people recommend cj3 that often? It's just 7% increase and seemingly doesn't make a lot of difference (1sec vs 0.93sec). I fail to see any difference - especially considering current matchmaking where my weapons/mods/etc. don't matter at all when I'm being matched vs max level golds in every other game.

    it massively descreases ttk in fact. Think of 7% per shot, and when you need 5 shots to kill (N-Tec) that's 4x7% = 28%, and that figure just goes up as you need more shots to kill and have a higher RoF - say for example with an OCA. But it's also beneficial with an HVR when you can fire just a tad earlier than the guy not using CJ3.

    There is a downside to it however in burst-fire weapons where it just fires the subsequent bullets in the burst faster while maintaining the overall cyclic rate of the weapon, so it's not really suited for use in the Oscar, or Obir (it also increases the spread massively, so that's the only thing you will experience it doing in those weapons).

  7. The Bloody Mary is the hard one to get (also the most balanced one), the Hitchiker is the long range one and the Jersey Devil is the close range one. but you're probably better off with an N-FA or an S-AS anyways. Otherwise the Nano is a sweet all-around weapon as long as you're not running into a mained OCA.

  8. On 6/23/2018 at 11:15 PM, Nymphi--DoubleDee said:

    Yup... Totally on it's way out....





    SteamOS (and many others) is up and coming which will improve Linux as a system for gamers. Microsoft on the other hand, if they continue on their current trend - which is abandoning previous releases in support of new ones (and that was their fatal mistake in the mobile sector) - are on a road to nowhere.

    Windows 10 had a horrible start, and as much gratitude as i feel for the company for the years from 1990 to 2010 i can't but miss the signs of their impending doom -  at least in the software market.

    They just ran out of ideas (which they never really had frankly) and are faced with a much more competitive and specialised market - while trying to work the same wonders they did in the past with minimal financial resources and outsourcing their main programming workforce.

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