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Posts posted by Sniperturtle

  1. Getting this too, like the whole time. Especially during the final stages of missions today. Saw a teammate disappear from game just like that during a final mission stage as well, and forum here seems to confirm i am not alone with this.

    Most notably the characters disappear instantly and your account doesn't stay in used mode, which suggests that the problem is server side.

  2. On 11/10/2020 at 7:38 PM, Motorola said:


    i agree but at the same time knowing when you can hit a player is important to APB gameplay. they just need to be better at stopping this problem imo.

    It's not really making a difference. That split-second when your crosshair turns red could still result in a blocked shot even if you manage to place it in time.

    It's kinda cool, but doesn't really help at all, unless you use a bot.

    • Like 1

  3. The engine upgrade is not so much about "saving the game" as it is about making progress.

    The "community choosen fixes" have turned this game into a heap of trash (yes they only listened to the people they wanted to listen to). I fear democracy wont really help fixing this game - so... let's make progress, aight?


    23 hours ago, Resine said:

    Like, here's what players are complaining about, lets delay entire engine for 6-12 months and put resources to fix what we can to keep players and salvage the game, giving us time to work on the engine. So even without the real new content that cannot be creating easily on the old engine, we would have a current content of the game in MUCH BETTER shape and maybe citadel would have more than one fucking district to play at.


    Yeah, that'd be very easy to fix actually. Keep players segregated based on their experience and skill level. And make kills the most dominant factor in threat determination.

    • Like 2

  4. Uhm, to be honest... this is all very confusing...

    Does the old rule regarding goodbye threads still stand?

    ... well, aside from that... it took you a bit of disregard by some people to get you to uninstall? Like, out of all things, THAT is your reason???






  5. Fixing the fixes that previous fixes brought.

    3 minutes ago, FluffyCat said:

    They are down again now ~ iWonder why 

    1 minute ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    We are making some adjustments to the Citadel EU servers to help performance.

    Shouldn't take long. Apologies for the lack of notice.



    • Thanks 1

  6. On 12/28/2019 at 1:53 PM, -Dan- said:

    I don't think this game fits the Commie Party, anarchy is the least favourite thing for them

    I could see them changing the Crims to Tibetans or muslims, and force us to only play Enforcer, trying to protect the glorious country from the "separatists"

    They do love PUBG for sure, no idea if it's PRC or ROC people though. But there's many of them.

  7. If he abandons just a millisecond before you get opposition that might actually happen (but very rarely).

    Usually if you get a mission right after a member of your team abandons that means that a match has become possible that was not possinble before due to said member raising the teams strength above all possible combinations the server tried to come up with.

    I wouldn't put it past the server's state of garbage though to proceed with a matchup even if a member abandoned just a few milliseconds before, it should still give you the option to call backup however.

  8. No, people killing you with an N-Tec in 0.9 secs with 5 perfectly placed shots from 70m through a bridge railing is perfectly normal.

    Landing 4 perfect hits with an Act 44 at 50m on a briefly visible and moving target in less than a second is perfectly normal.

    Dodging every shot your opponent fires at you while retaining perfect aim and still moving in an area not bigger than 2 meters is perfectly normal.

    Spinning around wildly to kill 3 opponents who come at you from 3 different sides in short succession at different ranges with a PMG and not missing a single shot - perfectly normal.

    Git gud and uninstall.

    • Like 1

  9. 43 minutes ago, HighSociety said:

    Buy a gaming monitor with integrated crosshair (or draw the cross on transprent foil and put that on ur display) 😂.


    I won't use any software for things like that.

    They can (could) ban all 3rd party software what is changing anything in the game.   

    Listen to the man... erm... squirrel.

    Maybe you wont get banned, or not instantly, but there is no guarantee. 3rd party software is bannable. Slapping something onto your monitor is okay though, you can even buy crosshairs for that purpose on Amazon.

    • Like 1

  10. On 12/15/2019 at 11:59 PM, Solamente said:

    well there's clearly an anonymous chinese player who was more than willing to buy the entire ip, the press release for the ip sale made it sound like the only reason they didn't sell apb:r as well was because orbit felt it was unfair to put the playerbase through another management change

    Game is already dead, the chinese would - if any - milk the last drips out of it. I doubt it would even return on investment at the current state it's in.

    All the saviour hype when LO took over, a year in things have never been so bleak for APB.

  11. In the past we used to say: "Well let them go on and get deep gold, then they can go and play in silver district with the other cheaters."

    Now... you have to play with them again and again and again...


    BTW: How do I get gold in a mission where i end up with 3-9, and 0 comleted objectives????? Are you bloody serious?


    And it's not like the problem of dethreating is solved. Golds will still dethreat to up their team strength.

    And to think i actually gave you money... for destroying the game...

    • Thanks 1

  12. If you have 500 IQ tactics as you claim... you shouldn't have a problem to overcome your opponents despite shitty aim. Grenades, backstabs, flanking manouvers and faked flanking manouvers, timed combined attacks, and if all fails... just go sit in an armored van and drive in circles... >.<


    Anyways, to answer your question: You probably want to get what every "pro-player" crutches on, an ATAC Patroller.


    On 10/21/2019 at 10:22 PM, blockblack said:

    -I struggle to hit small/far moving targets

    Oh, by the way: If you burst fire your aim should improve by 1000% - guaranteed. Just avoid going full auto with any weapon other than an SMG, and even with SMGs it's usually not a good thing to do. 0.5 - 0.7 second bursts should get the best result. Practise to burst fire and allow your target reticule to center again inbetween shots, get the best firecylce for the weapon you plan to use and muscle-memorize it precisely before running out there trying to "pro".

    But the way it sounds, you'll just have to bite the bitter fruit and play a few matches with semi-auto weapons like the Obir or the DMR to learn how to properly track and predict target movement.

    On 10/21/2019 at 10:22 PM, blockblack said:

    -I struggle to follow the target with my Cross-hair as I am sort of slow at moving my mouse to aim...


    -I struggle to hit dodging around target at a close range like Fight Club shotgun carries

    Same thing there, you don't actually need to track them though. Not getting hit is all the point of dodging around, no matter how much they jump and freak around though if they want to get rid of you they will have to stop for a brief moment to take aim and shoot. As most of their movements are pretty much automated they will often become rather predictable, and you can capitalise on that by just resting your crosshair where they will appear and pre-fire if they attempt to best match the cyclic rate of their weapon.

    It's not so much about being on target 100% of the time as it is to not waste your bullets into thin air and being forced to reload when they finally expose themselves to finish you off. So, instead of attempting to follow them around with your aim just wait for them to step into it, and make sure your bullets count by hitting that trigger only when you should.


  13. Don't think the APB community is overly toxic. There is that bitter humor at times and a bit of a bite, but compared to other games i think APB is fairly "mature". There is a load of wankers, you add them all to your ignorelist permanently and you wont have problems any more.

    That said, the game is at times really aggravating. Stuff doesn't work out the way you want, your computer stutters just that very moment when you have to place the final shot, odd physics cause your car to do weird stuff... the list of annoyances is long. So 9/10 i don't take it personal when people go mad, neither should anyone else.


    On the ramraids: 8k is nothing, literally. I used to do ramraids up to 80k per run, each run taking around 30 minutes to complete. But there is no actual point in ramraiding opposed to missions, you can make similar cash in missions and learn a lot more. If you want to ramraid, i guess green district is for you (yes i know there are dethreaters that go there with the express purpose of crashing low threat ram-raiders).

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