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Posts posted by killerskull

  1. I think the biggest downside for nano is the equip time, which is the most important thing cause u only switch to 2ndary once ur primary runs out. Love the pdw but cant max rof because servers are trash. I remember for 2 or 3 weeks the na servers a few years ago were running amazing. I was max rof all the time. But after that I gues they moved servers or something and I havnt been able to anymore. Ill check out nunavet, want a good secondary thats full auto. Need some range and not be in yo face to kill. 

    EDIT: FBW NOT PDW. My mistake.

  2. A little besides the point but heres the thing. /d were not suppose to be empty and ram raiding was suppose to happen in full /d (under ideal circumstances). But that would only make mm worse cause 1/4 the /d is busy ram raiding. It just gets in the way of missioning. So, it just adds to things that dont really make much sense to have. 

  3. 5 hours ago, iTzHaze said:

    While we are at it can we make LTL available to crims and allow enforcers to ramraid shops and mug civilians.





    on a serious note though i would like to see the espacio made AWD to be equal to the pioneer. but that's it.


    TBH under g1 rein we wouldve seen that eventually this year or by next if the game still lasted that long.

  4. 10 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    APB has already destroyed faction identity enough. No more please.


    I actually hope they would revert all the damage done by the cross faction crap already. But people paid money for all those things so I dont know how that would work. I just hate how either faction drives either factions car. When I was new to apb and heard a bishada, it used to make my head turn. Like, dam, that crims prolly a high lvl and loaded. Dam, I want that car, sounds soo cool. But now it just whatevs, which is sad.

    • Like 1

  5. 3 hours ago, SilverCrow said:

    You have overpriced items and then have "SALES", where the prices gets down to the level they should be, and people get the illusion that it's cheap because it's on sale.


    20% permanently cheaper G1C is something, but guns are still like 30 bucks account perma, EACH. People can get a good steam game for that.

    Say you're new and decide you want to get 3 months premium and only 3 account-wide guns:  That's over 100 USD (with the new prices). How many steam games do I get for that? 3-4-5?


    You need to cut the prices a lot more, increase reputation as much as possible and then remove sales. Then people will buy stuff instantly whenever they want them or there is anything new because there are no sales to wait for and the prices are already fair. If you think you need sales, check if Apple has sales. Check if they make money.



    I was expecting Matt to drop the pricing on the whole store to an acceptable lvl. The only time I or probably many others have bought weapons is during toggs 50% off sales. Which she did frequently. There is no way Im willing to spend that much money on a weapon. Im hoping this is just a quick thing for the community and that final price structure and items will be adjusted later.

  6. Look guys, this is the perfect example of the word, catastrotunity. I learned of this word years ago watching Penguins of Madagascar TV show (love it more than classical spongebob). What does catastrotunity mean? Something that would have been a catastrophe but turned into something positive or an opportunity. Matt slipped and said he would shut down FC. PEople obviously got worried and now he cleared it up. Not only is FC staying for a bit but the team was working on new content that we didnt know about before. 



    Im glad you are working on better servers and performance before releasing any content. You know there will be a surge of pop with Riot being released but if the servers are crap, it would just be a slap to the face.

    • Like 4

  7. 6 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    EDIT: FC will stay in until we fully release the new mode, and we see a significant drop off in FC players. Apologies for upsetting anyone. My excitement got the better of me in this post.




    I just saw this thread was made 6 hr ago and already at 7 pages. Now I know why so many replies :classic_laugh:



    Matt, for vets or atleast for me, FC is the only place if I ever log in to go to. Taking that out would be a big blow. Missions end up pissing you off so quickly that its been too many years since Ive stayed longer than one or two missons. There are too many things wrong that makes missinging enjoyable for a long period of time, FC is all about killing each other without the worry of so many other factors. FC needs work, definitely, but in its current state its a good way to "blow off steam" after having some bad missions. 




  8. See, Im gonna wait a few months to play apb under the new LO regime. What made you think they would fix the whole game as soon as they got apb? Granted the servers seem to be worse than before, but I think people should wait out till LO get their shit together. Also, wth are you even buying anything when Matt said they are gonna revisit the pricing since they are clearly overpriced? I dunno when they will change the prices but I can wait. Its not like the game is gonna change and you need a weapon this instant. 

  9. 7 hours ago, SanityFlex said:

    The real question is:


    A. Do you wanna lose millions of APB $ respawning your car constantly, or

    B. Do you just wanna use the free car with car spawner and get rich.


    I use 4 slotted han veo with deto. Its free kills that cost $0.

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