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Posts posted by killerskull

  1. I made this suggestion in my suggestion topic. Negative karma will be abused and it just brings out a negative environment. I know on imgur I corrected people and stated facts only to be downvoted. Same thing can happen here. Dont like the truth? Downvote! Just let there be upvoting. People who deserve it and are good will have loads of points and people who are not great will have no or low karma. This way you cant even judge the person if they had a large negative karma. Its like you see their red and already dislike them or something.

  2. 7 minutes ago, mpuone said:

    Since the developer and publisher technically haven't changed I don't think it would be rebranded. Once the game is updated to Unreal 3.5, and the consoles get a patch, that be a good time for a new marketing campaign.


    Personally, I'd like Reloaded dropped from the title. Have it just called APB, like before. But all these name changes could just confuse people.


    I agree completely. I hate the reloaded name. APB just sounds baws.

    • Like 1

  3. PERMANENT weapons through weapon rolls of for $ from joke tickets. Simple question. LUST, many years ago, made a huge thread about this with very well put suggestions. Got a lot of attention too.


    Also, when will you add explosive and LTL weapons on ARMAS? It does not make any sense, dont you guys want to make $$? Usually bronze, silvers and fake golds will cry that there would be too many people with the OSMAW but that has been the case with every gold or new weapon release. For the first week or two everyone will use that weapon. Then, the usage will go down to normalcy. Plus, rockets cost $100 per so its not like people will be spamming it for years to come. 

    • Like 1

  4. 6 hours ago, Vipertechs said:

    It is fairly simple. Nazi symbols are banned in some countries where APB is accessible. Regardless of where the swastika's origins come from, the fact is that it is illegal to display it in some nations make it legally unacceptable. A wehrmacht uniform or even an SS uniform without swastikas should be perfectly fine (although it may be considered by many to be in bad taste).




    Im just saying for the sake of argument, I really dont care either way, but they can make it legal on NA server and HAN servers. I personally find the design quiet good. But if its the boring cross thing symbol then sure, get rid of them. If its a recreation or a very well done suit on a char, then Id give a thumbs up. 


    In terms of nudity in this game, I dont like it much because the majority of the stuff Ive seen is oversized garbage. Its rare when someone with talent sprays a billboard with a well done nude. It seems almost like if a non thirsty adult made it, they would do a good job.

  5. 4 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    It is literally where you put in your signature?




    3 hours ago, notMateo said:

    For number two, when you go to edit your signature, you get those rules. Pic:




    For number four, the COC says nothing about cursing, however words are still being censored.


    Thank you both, since I havent uploaded a sig I didnt see it. I was going at the top of the page to read the Forum rules and didnt find it there. This works. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi

    5 minutes ago, -Rachel- said:

    I'll send you the PSD if you want.


    I dont know what PSD is but its ok, I need to try on my own 😊


    EDIT: Ok so I went in Paint and picked the colour off the forum and painted beside my Pika tomcat and its the same colour. I guess the white border is throwing me off. So yea, it is the same colour as the forum.

  7. Hi

    2 minutes ago, -Rachel- said:

    You're welcome :)


    Its weird its still coming darker than the forum. Maybe my reply post is lighter in colour? hmm, I might need to do this myself. Maybe when I upload it, it changes the colour. Odd. 

  8. Hi

    3 hours ago, -Rachel- said:


    Is this acceptable?




    I tried to match the background with the color of the forums but something is being lost.





    YAAAS this one!! Thank you!! Upvoted.

  9. 8/10


    Very purple and cant see anything with detail. ITs a city with lights and looks like its raning. Nothing interesting but much better than the oversized sigs Im seeing already.


    kewlin, I have no idea wth is going in in ur sig. Small and weird outline words are very hard to read. And...oh dam its a gif. Still, cant read so no idea whats going on. 5/10


    I dont have a sig so you can just rate the one above mine and/or reply to me in the same post.

  10. Hi

    Hi LUSTooo


    How have you been? Busy with other games? Online or offline games?



    Looking at my avatar, I need to blacken the background. Darn, its been soooo many years since I had that edited version. Could someone do that for me? I feel lazy. Ill upvote you if you are desperate enough.

  11. Hi there team and everyone, so far its going great. Here are my suggestions


    1) Please separate the game and forum suggestions. The game suggestion need their own board.


    2) Please come up with a guideline for signatures. Are gifs allowed? What is the max size a jpg or a gif can be? The previous forum had good rules. Im already seeing oversized signatures that are making the forum look ugly and you just have to scroll more. How many lines of txt allowed? I like to 3 to 5 line rule, size 12 max or whatever.


    3) Please remove downvotes. All it does is bring in trolling and a negative atmosphere. You want to express your opinion but some kid doesnt like it? Downvote. You post a fact, downvote. Where there is only upvote, its better. 


    EDIT: 4) Im not seeing any language rules in the Forum rules. Im assuming this is a child friendly forum? As in, no swearing and what not like before?

  12. On chrome, I basically bookmarked the forum but every time I click the bookmark, it goes to the page saying, "We could not locate the item you are trying to view." So whats the proper link I can bookmark, Id prefer if it brings me straight to social page.



    EDIT: eyyyyyyy my original account is back!!!! My post count has increased x10 which is the original count and I guess my rep got reset. 

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