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Posts posted by killerskull

  1. 2 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

    The way mission districts work needs to be fundamentally reconsidered, I think. A considerable amount of time in them is spent waiting for action, which - as far as I'm concerned - is the primary reason the game never found great success. The time you need to invest does not justify the amount of entertainment you get out of it.

    Adding new missions doesn't really do much. New objectives? Investigations were a new objective many years ago. That certainly didn't bring anything interesting to the table. Rearranging objectives isn't very interesting either. Furthermore introducing new missions doesn't make the existing ones any more fun.


    Mission districts are an entire chunk of the game that needs to be retooled. Whether that's a more sandbox-y experience or "simply" a more entertaining way to build missions doesn't matter so much, either would be a lot of work.


    I wanted to mention how the missions need to be redone but that wouldve been throwing too many ideas at once in a post.


    For me and I assume for everyone else, the missions are much more frustrating than rewarding. There are so many variables and randomness that contributes to your failure. Whether to win an objective or to kill someone. I know I used to stay in FC because there werent variables going against me. It was simple, myself and my team vs others in a death match or simple missions. In mission /d, u either spawn close to objective, or you die and spawn 400 m, or the enemy has voip and u r with randoms (even if you are more skilled than the other group, u still do crap because they have voip), the position of the objective and maybe the enemy team already got there first which makes it harder on ur team, and so many other things that I cant remember atm. In the end, its just frustrating and stressful. The environment also breeds negativity. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Honestly an expansion on FC sounds like a cool idea.

    Maybe write up a suggestion on how to expand on it.

    Ive always found it a bit bland myself, as well.




    I think the devs mentioned that years ago that they wanted to add missions to it. I dont know if LO has made a statement on FC but honestly, that wouldve made the most sense. Im sure the previous team had plans on what and how everything was to be implemented and LO could improve and go off that. Im not really sold on this BR thing and I feel this will pan out like a normal event. PEople check it out for the first few days and then the pop dies out. I dont know whats going on with the pay this and season pass that. When its implemented, Ill figure it out myself.


    For me, the number one thing for new content is new missions. Our 2 mission districts are big enough to be played around with. But I guess they chose the BR route. I just hope after the engine upgrade, like the previous devs said, adding in content should be much quicker.

  3. 6 hours ago, owzzy said:

    new contacts == new content, new missions, new districts (will need new contacts)


    Up until now whenever weve had new contacts, theyve only brought in shitty titles and mods. So going on that, I dont see new content being added with new contacts. So new missions by far need to come before contacts or anything. I dont want the team to waste time modeling and making back stories for an object that just stands there being useless giving you missions. Just add new missions to existing contacts. Finish up with FC and have new missions there. Perhaps have new contacts there if there is a need. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Farbon Ciber said:

    I believe adding new contacts to get maxed out players, playing again should happen first, then add game modes once the population increases.



    Hell no. I hate new contacts. They add no new content to the game. Some garbage mods and maybe a skin or a kit isnt enough to bring anyone back. New contacts should be the last thing this game needs. What we actually need, to bring vet and other players back, is new frikkin content. New missions, new districts, shit like that. Not some stupid patootie contacts. Do u think I like grinding the same mission for a stupid skin for the next 10 hours?

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  5. 7 hours ago, Frosi said:

    I honestly really like the new looks of the game as it looks far more vibrant then what we currently have on Live as fewer buildings are using the same light grey color template, there is also more foliage in certain areas which just adds to the looks of the game while not getting into the way of firefights. All in all, the visuals are great and the game looks far cleaner and less washed out which is a huge plus in my book.


    Im so hard rn

  6. 13 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

    Macro that shizzle for ultimate spam.

    fo shizzle ma nizzle


    18 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:


    I assume the new report still has the old report system function of varying importance; where someone who reports a lot has their reports become less 'important' and vice versa.


    brb making new accounts to report the guy who hurt my feelings.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    But does it bring players any more than a new item? I don't think so.


    And just because one hole of exclusivity has been reamed wide doesn't mean every hole needs to be.


    tbh I just dont think LO has the time to make new items and stuff. This is just a bandaid event/s to get us happy and engaged. Once they get the engine update out perhaps they can allocate some force towards releasing actual content.

  8. I think it brings more people in when exclusive things become public for a future event. Im assuming 10% of the pop have the exclusive item. Now, after many years and the game being half dead, the pop is low. When u all of a sudden announce that this item is no longer exclusive, that 90% of the pop finally have motivation to log in and play again. Thats my take on it. Maybe 90% of the pop already has the exclusive item, is really exclusive if majority of the player base has it?


    Then theres principle or whatever. Exclusive items should stay exclusive. But g1 already destroyed that once tight hole with the cross faction garbage. This game was unique as each side had their cool things. Now its all mixed and just a mess. I hope in the future something can be done. 

  9. Whoa I had no idea we had another event ready to do. Nice work LO.


    The one prize of skin is lackluster BUT to many its a prized possession. To me its meh. Once again, I wont be logging in for the reward, because like I said, its lack luster. Ill just be logging in because theres something different for a change and Im hoping there will be a higher pop to play with/against.


    Its also another event so +1 to LO.

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