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Posts posted by killerskull

  1. Matt, because of this addition to the game I logged in yesterday and today and spent a few hours. Its been many years since Ive actually played for more than a few minutes per session. I bought the 10k rocket launcher and enjoyed so much. I still have 20k jt floating around. Thanks for making this, its been the best addition to the game yet.


    I still have my g1c or whatever theyre called rotting for the past many years. Im just waiting for you guys to add a proper weapon thats not a reskin and that doesnt suck. Ive said it before, if u add the ccg Ill buy it. 

    • Like 1

  2. 19 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    You realize those players also have pretty much every weapon permanent account bound? You need to decide what you're trying to get to. What is your point?

    All you bring to the table is true but it doesn't change the impact of your suggested money sink in a good way. It just punishes the casual/new players that aren't filthy rich.


    OP has no idea it seems. Vets have all the money and weapons and no matter how many money sinks you put, they will still be rich. Vets and rich players are the minority. Majority of the players are newbs/casuals. They dont have a lot of money at all. I remember back in the day checking out streams of different people and 10k to 100k seemed to be the norm. So before you start claiming majority of the players have millions, do some research. 

  3. Being able to purchase perma weapons with ingame currency (earned ingame)? I respect that, I think thats the best implementation done by the team yet. I had a feeling someday perma weapons would come to jt, so I didnt buy anything from the store. I wanted to buy body kits but I dont like the respawn costs on cars so I never bought them.


    Also, no rocket launcher huh?

    • Like 3

  4. When they took out beacon, it was the general conses that beacon sucked. Its spawns and multi lvls made it the worst map. I never had an issue with it but everyone else did. Now, with two fc /d, people are getting bored. Its actually the only reason why I rocked the kev3, cause running around wasnt as important (vs baylon) and surprise stair attacks were often. So kev made perfect sense.

  5. 7 hours ago, Lign said:

    In my view, there are only vets left, so it’s better to keep this population trying to not make going negative until new engine instead of making trash coded boring events on the current build. There’re a lot of simple things they could do to please vets and not make them leaving the game


    What I have suggested at the end of my post caters to both newbs and vets. Its because the new contact wont be a lvl 235+ or whatever the max rank atm is. I havent given it much thought on how they will implement a new contact that is a mid tier without screwing the standing level. But I think thats the best way to implement new missions, weapons, vehicles and so on and making it accessible to everyone. Its a medium amount of grind for new players to get to mid tier and for vets they can directly jump on the new contact. 

  6. On 6/15/2019 at 2:45 PM, Talla said:

    Indeed. New contacts would have been a safe bet.



    No, it would be a terrible bet. Do you know how many hours you need to grind the same missions over and over again to gain contact levels? All for some stupid mods and titles that dont bring anything new to the game. You also realize that new contacts only cater to vets, as they are the only ones who have maxed everyone out. Even I havent maxed out contacts becuse its so boring. It doesnt help majority of the player base.


    Plz dont do contacts, they dont add anything fun or useful to the game. New missions that are fun to play should be the main content the team should be looking at. Perhaps even changing current missions so they arent so annoying and rage inducing. Spawns and time to spawn should also be looked into. And a million other problems everyone keeps mentioning the game has. LO could also put a little bit of effort and perhaps bring a mid lvl contact that offers new, unique missions and new weapon and vehicle rewards. Not mods and title garbage like the previous team did. Id be into that.

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, bentobox said:


    Or not being able to move a vehicle because ya know its on top of the objective.. ya that is "working as intended"



    Years ago there were a few brilliant suggestions given to combat this but the garbage patootie team didnt do anything. I hope once this update gets done with, they can finally fix the several other things that need to be fixed.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Kewlin said:




    Ive used the detonator before and Ill use it again when scrubs take my car and drive off randomly in FC and mission. I 100% agree with you not only because of trolls/bronze/silvers driving off with your vehicle but more because wth is the point of even grinding to get a higher tier vehicle if ur gonna be leeching everyones rides in every mission. This has already been made worse by the previous garbage team that abolished the differences btw the two factions. I recently stated how unique the game was and how cool of an experience was when as a enf u saw a crim with a tricked out bishada. Made u go dam, that guy mustve put hours on his crim and must be hardcore. It made you role the crim and experience the other side and its uniqueness. 



    I might not be too coherent, but I hope yall get the point.

    • Thanks 1

  9. I went with a no because I can see a mess of weapons glowing on the ground everywhere in fc. Also, if I see someone with a sniper Im gonna sneak close to them so I can cqc them. But if there is a cqc weapon right beside them, they can pick that up and use that. Also, itl be such a mess. I look at a person name and see what weapon they are holding. I come around a corner and they are using another weapon. Once again, itl be just a mess. 

    • Like 1

  10. Looking good. Im happy to finally see some perma weapons. I hope to see more with the next updates as Matt mentioned.


    I dont care about the clothing. I suck at fashion and being artistic and believe it or not I didnt join apb for that. It was the plain cops vs robbers in a open city/world environment. Another reason why clothing has no value is because garbage first decided to cross faction everything. So the uniqueness is gone. It still hurts me when I think about it and I wish there was a way to separate the vehicles atleast to back in the day. It felt soo good seeing a sooped up bishada and thinking that that crim must be loaded. 


    8k is reasonable as well. Not to mention Matt saying making it easier to get jt soon. I think I have over 20k or so because Ive never used it on anything and I only stick to fc if I did ever log in in the past few years.


    Matt, I dont know if you are reading this but please do something about the 8+ sec respawn time. Having sub 1 sec ttk and 8+ sec idle time waiting to respawn is no fun. Its a fast paced game with a dreadful wait time on death. Atleast remove the timing in FC.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Genobee said:


    It was removed during the G1 beta. Showed you what weapon you were killed with, by who, and what mods both they and their weapon had. Here's a quick and lazy example pulled off an old RTW era video:




    On a related note I believe there is a sound that used to play on respawning that is no longer present. Lots of small details have been slowly removed over the years. Some I get. Most baffle me to this day. 


    omg looking at that screen brings back too many memories.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    I'm pretty sure that's an almost universal wish. Tracers added a lot to gameplay. Also, I share that as the one thing I would wish return. That being said, tracers existed in the early days of the game's relaunch under GamersFirst. They removed them because "performance issues" or some such nonsense.

    I don't think I'll ever really understand why people care about this. If you mod your gun, its muzzle flash is now blue. However, since modding your gun is mandatory progression, everyone's gun has blue muzzle flashes. There's nothing unique or interesting about the mechanic.


    u kno what would be cool? Customizable muzzle flash colours.

    • Like 1

  13. I was really excited about perma stuff in joke store until I read its cosmetics only. Which still makes it meh for me, no point waiting time still. I hope I read it wrong.


    "new permanent Primary, Secondary and Cosmetic items for purchase."


    Not a fan of gambling box still.


    I am however looking positive at the new changes. Im also on fence about RIOT. The BR mode to me is just stupid and very boring. I really hope you guy can make it unboring. 

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