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Everything posted by Reprimand

  1. Car Surfing should be removed or nerfed.
  2. Reprimand

    buff TG8

    It should be fully automatic
  3. Listen. You can't ignore a player who shoots you on purpose, crashes into you and sabotages the match to get you to lose. I'm talking about in game moderation. Please do more. No we're not and we aren't. We deserve to enjoy the game the same way you do. You don't know what we do or how our time is spent and some of us enjoy the downtime of playing APB without receiving unnecessary abuse. When you allow toxicity it just spreads. Stop putting the onus on the people not creating the problem, ffs. Agreed.
  4. Ignoring the rants. Here is how the bounty system should work (I am always correct): The way bounties are accrued should be adjusted first of all. Notoriety and renown are gained by: Interacting with NPCs and the out of mission environment. Completing objectives Gaining kills Earning medals Stopping enemies from completing objectives. Bounty 5 should only be earned by: Kill streaks Match domination Creative kills Instead of players earning bounty for themselves, they should be allowed to infect other players. APB is about strategy, and players need to use whatever they can to win. Why not have the entire team have the ability to activate it once they complete certain conditions? Use a payphone or travel to a contact? It should at least hamper the person using it. Imagine this. Players earn notoriety meter and then have to go to a payphone to activate it. Both sides can see it on the map and stop one another using it. It takes say a minute or so to get running to stop player abuse.
  5. Takes longer due to all the gibberish and complaining
  6. The bounty system was hilarious. Golds deserve to get stomped for once. Turn it back on.
  7. Tbh is this even a bad thing? A lot of players just ez mode through green gas and epi to run away after taking a few bullets. Kill more, earn more. It's a reasonable cost to stop players spamming it every mission.
  8. No wonder you didn't tag me in the post. I'd feel embarrassed too. Merged. The point of a daily login is to give incremental rewards, not pay for your entire play experience. If you already have all the weapons, cars and vehicles why not just buy consumables?
  9. Aren't your posts are auto translated? r/iamverysmart Merged. Thank you for having the decency to send the post to me.
  10. There was a small update yesterday. Any idea what it contains?
  11. Add a report/complaints section. Most of us film our gameplay and want to be able to show evidence of player abuse. This way, players will know that cheaters and griefers are actioned against.
  12. I think it would be better if the game could tell when you're trying to kill your team or when it's crossfire. Some players will full on just blast you to death and others will tap you a couple times to get you to stop what you're doing.
  13. Reprimand

    Armas Marketplace

    I've bought a good selection of the weapons on the Armas Marketplace and some of them are mediocre. The Raptor 45. has a really weak damage output. Weaker than the STAR and even worse range. Using it close quarters is a nightmare because it has a ridiculous spread, even with HS3. The Joker RFP "Talon" is somehow weaker than its native counterpart? The added recoil on the weapon doesn't seem necessary from the red mod. They have the same one on the PMG Hush and OCA Whisper but those weapons don't suffer the same amount of recoil due to the firing pattern. The Frog Kokoe has a good fire rate but it pales in comparison to most pistols. It bounces around like crazy and the damage output is inconsistent. The ISSR-B Dog Ear is abysmal. At least with most snipers you know that you only have to get a few shots off to win. With this one, it doesn't even work like a sniper. Why make a mobile sniper which works like a Joker Carbine and requires such an awkward tap firing pattern to remain accurate? The ACT 44. Pillager is supposed to be a long range pistol but it has awful range and even worse aim. You crouch and brace to shoot someone who is almost dead and the shot still misses. These guns are supposed to be unique and enhance certain playstyles. I don't expect them to be better than guns but at least give them their intended identity so I don't have to work twice as hard as someone with an NTEC or NHVR.. Also, nerf the Colby 45. firing rate and equip time. It's broken. EDIT: The pistol silencer adds recoil but the smg silencer reduces it. This is broken. https://apbdb.com/items/FnMod_Weapon_Silencer_SMG https://apbdb.com/items/FnMod_Weapon_Silencer_Pistol
  14. There are a lot of abusive and toxic players in this game who will complain at you, teamkill you and mess with you on purpose and you're forced to play with them for the rest of the match. I think improving the matchmaking would help but there definitely needs to be a better incentive to be kind to players, especially newer ones.
  15. Even in victory you are a salty winner. We had no doubts you'd get your account restored. Enjoy your little victory jig.
  16. This is a good idea. My only concern is how using cheats would factor into this. I think it would be a good idea if the tinted windows reduced the distance on the radar up until a point. It is good for blending in but it should not be invincible.
  17. It should be in the Accessory category because when I use it I become an accessory to murder (I am bad at aiming)
  18. Sometimes too much truth is being spread. Let me mash that button
  19. No we didn't. What could we do even if we agreed with the OP? We know. We just don't feel bad it happened. lmao then why mention it?
  20. You know, maybe both things can be true at once. Maybe we can acknowledge that your account being broken after a ban is bad, and that what you did means we won't give you the sympathy you're looking for. You came here to complain, and because all your options were exhausted decided a public forum would be the place. Everyone then told you that because of what you did, it's just karma in effect. And uh, no. You haven't taken responsibility and you are justifying it. Because you: A. Haven't explained what the joke is (a big indicator that you know what you did is fucking rude and contemptible.) B. You have criticised and name called everyone who told you about yourself and your childish behaviour. If you had given a meaningful apology and showed some semblance of remorse, I could understand the upset. But because you choose to fling mud and hide behind this defence of "I've already been punished so now anything afterwards is irrelevant" we don't want to hear it. A big hint: Maybe you are the fragile one if you're more concerned with shutting people down instead of just waiting out the problem. Big whoop.
  21. Reprimand

    New Interface Design

    I actually love it. It looks garish and hideous but it fits the model of APB perfectly. Hell yeah.
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