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Everything posted by Reprimand

  1. I have very much been of the mindset that they should add one slot secondaries. This could all be prevented.
  2. I think they should globalise JT among characters, as well as remove account bound and character bound on the JT store. Some of the prices there I feel do need streamlining.
  3. Thank you for the clarification. Praying for: The long promised bug fix on the RFP Talon A well deserved buff on the ALIG base accuracy and accuracy while walking modifier Some balancing for the STAR (with mods attached) A buff for the percussion grenade A buff for LTL weaponry (particularly the pistol) A buff on the range (and potentially spread) on the Raptor 45 catalogue Bullet tracers.
  4. Great updates, thank you! Can we please have some clarification on the following: Radius at Ten Meters Walk Modifier Ramp Distance Minimum Damage Range Changes are always welcome but it may be beneficial to explain what these terms mean so everyone understands.
  5. This is wishful thinking, but in the future here are some things I would like to see: Weapon knockback/knockdown: It would be interesting to see some weapons push people and objects. Regeneration fields: A visible indicator that a player is healing, like floating green crosses. Wounded animation/state: Holding arms, shoulders etc New door opening animations: Shoulder barge/ pushing with both hands etc Faction specific weaponry: Since some weapons are reskins, having one belong to one faction and one belong to another would be really interesting. For example: NTEC for Criminals and Joker CR-5 for Enforcers, with the option to switch with either. Smoke grenades. Hostage missions. Please let me know your thoughts.
  6. The other thread is closed so I am going to respond to what you said there here. It is abundantly clear that no amount of talking or explaining will get through to you, which is exactly why no SPCT or Moderator has bothered to reach out to you to talk about your ban or any steps you can take to reverse the decision. You've said you made a ticket and it was closed so that really should have been the end of it. Little Orbit clearly has no intention of debating with you or wasting time trying to get you to understand the gravity of your actions even when they gave you multiple chances previously. The EULA and Rules of Conduct state: "9.4 You shall not (and you agree to not) generate any User Generated Content, or use the Game in a way, that: 9.4.1 infringes the rights of any other person or entity (including, without limitation, their Intellectual Property Rights) (and references to "any other person or entity" shall include Little Orbit); 9.4.2 breaches any Applicable Laws; 9.4.3 in Little Orbit's absolute discretion, Little Orbit considers: (a) is defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, harmful, abusive, harassing, hateful, invasive of another's privacy, sexually explicit, or offensive (whether in relation to race, sex, religion or otherwise) or denigrating to anyone's reputation or general standing (whether or not actionable);" The relevant parts here are highlighted in bold. Regardless of what you may feel personally, this is a contract which you have signed and agreed to as a condition of playing the game. If you don't like it, you have the option of withdrawing and not playing. Irrefutable fact. Right above that paragraph it states: "9.1 You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Game is governed by Little Orbit's rules of conduct. You agree that when using the Game you will comply with: 9.1.1 all local and international laws in force from time to time applicable to the Game (including, without limitation, all laws of your country of residence in force from time to time applicable to the Game, and all rights or duties that apply to you as a matter of common law or as a matter of contract law, and all rights or duties that apply to you in connection with any fiduciary relationship (including, without limitation, any rights or duties that apply to you in respect of inside, proprietary and confidential information)) ("Applicable Laws"); and 9.1.2 Little Orbit's rules of conduct. 9.2 You acknowledge that the rules set out in this condition 9 are non-exhaustive and that Little Orbit reserves the right to determine in its absolute discretion what conduct it considers inappropriate in relation to the Game. Little Orbit further reserves its right to exercise any or all of its rights (without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may have) set out in condition 13 below, including the right to permanently remove User Generated Content and/or terminate a GamersFirst Account in respect of your use of the Game. 9.3 You acknowledge that you are responsible for all acts and omissions which occur under your name, any other names that have been created under your GamersFirst Account (for example character names) and/or your GamersFirst Account." This could not be any clearer. Follow the law of your country, follow Little Orbit's rules. Don't be abusive and take responsibility for what comes out of your account. No matter which way you want to cut it, you violated the rules and this is the second time (that we are aware of) that this has happened. The last time we spoke, I said that you have to take responsibility for what you do and say because you may not like the consequences. It is clear you have chosen to misbehave and now you've reached the upper limit. Reading your posts, it sounds like you are angry and if I was in your shoes I would be angry too. However, deflecting the blame onto other people and trying to use other examples of what could be worse (hacks/cheats) or bringing up other websites (4chan, reddit) does not help your case. 4chan and reddit are separate entities with exclusive Terms of Service and User Agreements. Their rules do not apply here. So, if you prefer to behave that way without repercussion, you are more than welcome to migrate there. For me, it is sad because you come off as narcissistic and unwilling to take responsibility for yourself. If something bad happens, you will argue it is because the person who took that decision is sensitive, weak and easily offended and therefore you should absolved of the bulk of the consequence. On the flip side, if players are cheating and ruining the game, they are also being toxic and taking action against them falls just as much in line as you being permanently banned for your behaviour. Nobody will come on the forums to complain about being banned for using cheats because they have the simple choice of not using them to begin with. You have the simple choice of not using language and designing your character in a way which directly breaches the contract you have signed with Little Orbit. Try and see this from a neutral perspective. You clearly want to play here and nobody wants to put up with mistreatment during a game they play for their enjoyment. Take the time learn from this and please do better. If everybody is telling you that the way you are acting is the problem and you refuse to listen, you will keep repeating this same loop. Please have a blessed day.
  7. I'm not arguing the quality of the updates. I'm pointing out that we have had several meaningful updates and what you have said is misleading.
  8. you're such a whiner holy shit
  9. 64 bit update EAC recent weapon balances uhhhh
  10. The only way I see this working if we allow crim vs crim and enforcer vs enforcer matches. Criminals fight each other, vying for control of the city. Enforcers fight corrupt enforcers etc. It makes sense. Having factions split by contact and map control would really take APB forward.
  11. Someone mentioned this but I think a weapon balance is long overdue. Some of the weaker weapons need to be buffed and the max player health needs increasing.
  12. APB is only chaotic in mission. I don't understand why you're saying that it has a chaotic social nature and then are disagreeing with PVE. These are all to prevent griefing. Take GTA 5 for example. How many cars and weapons had to be nerfed due to excessive killing of players across the map. This is also mainly to benefit streamers who are here to promote the game. But disabling P5N5 is a good thing? We still have a ram raid and evidence locker system which largely gets unused. They're aiming to expand the out of mission activity. Stupid take. Cross play always benefits PC. This is purely optional and is an incentive to get people to join premium. Many games have VIP only servers. No it won't. With the new anticheat rolling out the problem won't look anything like it does now. lol You were so pessimistic about the engine upgrade and now 64 bit has come around and we're finally going to get a better looking game. It just seems like you're complaining for the sake of it.
  13. I'm manifesting good things for all of you.
  14. Please lower rank requirements from 195. It is still too high. EDIT: Also slice contact renown in half. The grind is unnecessary and long and it only makes sense to get people to max level faster so they can enjoy the full game.
  15. The legendaries are better versions. The gun balancing of these weapons makes them stronger for the current meta.
  16. No, you don't. Ursus. Whisper. Sitting Duck. Volcano. Euryale. Medusa. Cap40. Huntress. Condor. Hitchhiker. To name a few.
  17. In this case , wouldn't a mod that decreases spread be useful? Does Reflex Sight achieve this? It gotta be brought back. 5/10/15% reduction. I'm confused because everyone knows the Tier 3 Mods are the best but the others get left behind sadly.
  18. I see. But does that matter to weapons like the OBIR and NHVR? Weapons which fire with such specific accuracy? I think for SMGs it is a little different because it speeds up the time to kill. You just have to aim a little better. Personally. I think CJ3 should increase fire rate but decrease range and Heavy Barrel should increase accuracy but decrease fire rate.
  19. Yeah, most builds are geared towards DPS which is ridiculous. Why does Heavy Barrel reduce damage but not CJ3? Thank you for the heads up.
  20. I'm glad you're all working on updates, but I just came back from a long break and decided to start a new enforcer and my god is it painful. Without Clotting Agent 3, your gunfights are short as hell. Enemies take a few shots and run behind something, and if they don't have green gas or epinephrine injector they just nade you until the problem stops. You can have an enemy in your crosshair and be tap firing and you'll still get beaten out because they've got a legendary with mods. Even the secondaries are just busted. The new lease system on the JT store seems good but it won't remedy the fact that you have to grind to 60k each time you need a modification and that the unlock ceiling is still way too high. It needs lowering. If I'm experiencing this as someone who has played for a long time, imagine what someone who hasn't played before is going through. Lower the rank ceiling from 195, lower the unlock requirements for each contact and please balance the weapons. The most basic firearm should at least beat out a secondary (which should always be a last resort after your mag is dumped). OBIR, NTEC, Whisper, NHVR are among the worst offenders of this. If adding recoil was supposed to make a good weapon more difficult, the ALIG wouldn't be so broken.
  21. You could always add an area of effect to ensure that bounty players aren't able to engaged with map wide. And even then you can add conditions to make it so the bounty player can only be hunted by those not in mission.
  22. Why can't they just buff the stabba and LTL in general? At this point using it is harder than using pistol only.
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